Meet the NLC Staff/Elders!

Meet our new Lead Pastor!
Brad (& Delilah) Isaak
Click here for more information about Brad and his family! An official Installation Service will be held on March 30, 2025, at 10 AM.

Care Elder
Otto and Marjorie recently retired from church planting ministry in Portugal, but maintain close ties with the churches there. They have three adult children, with grandchildren close enough to visit.

Youth Elder
Josh started out as a prison evangelist at 19 years of age through a local Baptist church in the LA county area and also served in the youth and children outreach/discipleship programs. He was ordained in the Baptist denomination in 2009 and in 2010 pastored a local Baptist church in the Fresno County area for 8 years. The church eventually became non-denominational. Josh took a sabbatical for 2 years but still served in ministry at a local Presbyterian church. The Lord called their family to join NLC during the COVID outbreak in 2020, and this church family has now become their church home and a thriving community that they have grown to love and faithfully serve. In January 2023, Josh was affirmed as an elder and is grateful to God to be a servant leader to his church family. His life verse is Ephesians 3:19 " know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God."

Worship and Fellowship Elder
Bruce currently serves as Assistant Director of Tulare-Kings County Youth For Christ, and has a background in Christian camping. They have three married children and a new puppy.

Business Administrator
Elaine is originally from Washington State, where she earned her Bachelor's Degree in English. She wears several hats in the office while supporting the staff and congregation. She and husband Steve live in Reedley and have two married children and two grandchildren.

Joe Ehoff
Facilities Manager
Joe, and his wife, Carolyn, have been part of New Life Community for decades. They have a grown son and his family in Southern California, and three grown daughters and their families in and around Dinuba.

NLC Kids Ministry Director
Summer Internship Supervisor
Summer Internship Supervisor
Jessica loves kids, especially the little ones! She is a Preschool Teacher for Kings Canyon USD. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education from Fresno Pacific University and is working to complete her Master's Degree in Social and Emotional Learning at National University. Jessica desires to provide a safe place for children to learn about God's amazing love for them. She and her husband Joshua live in Orange Cove with their six amazing children.

Joanna Espinoza Brooks
Nursery & Childcare Coordinator
Joanna and Lafayette, Sr. first brought their five kids to New Life Community in July 2021 for VBS. She loves kids and caring for the little ones in the nursery. The Brooks family lives in Dinuba.