NLC Connect September 27, 2023

connect with God's Word

This last Sunday was a great reminder about being people of compassion here at New Life Community. Johnny Esposito brought the message from the book of Matthew, pointing out four passages that highlighted the compassion of Jesus:
Matthew 9:6 - Jesus has compassion on the paralyzed man
Matthew14:13-14 - Jesus has compassion on the sick in the crowd
Matthew 15:32 - Jesus has compassion on the hunger of the crowd
Matt 20:29-34 - Jesus has compassion on the two blind men
We as family at NLC sincerely desire for God to use us to heal those who are paralyzed, sick, hungry and blinded by the things of this world…yet studies show we as the human race are 40% less compassionate than in the 1980's...wait...less compassionate? Johnny defined compassion as "seeing a need, feeling their pain, and doing something about it so as to open some of their eyes so they can follow Jesus."
So let's continue to break the trend and be known in Dinuba as a fellowship of people who live with compassion and care for the people we see every day.

connect with ministries

7:00 a.m. - See You At the Pole, In Front of Dinuba High School
6:30 p.m. - Worship Practice - Gym
6:30 p.m. Prayer Gathering at church in Room 113 will resume on Wednesday, Sept. 27th

5:30 p.m. - Celebrate Recovery meal and ministry.   Solid Rock Cafe.
Sunday, October 1
8:30 a.m. - Life's Healing Choices - Room 114-115
- Study on Haggai - Building God's Church  - Room 111
9:30 a.m. - Connecting Point
10:00 a.m. - Morning Worship Service
           - Brian Willems is speaking on "Where is God When It Hurts?"   
   - Communion Sunday
6:00 a.m. Men's Bible Study on 1 Thessalonians - Dining Room
6:30 p.m. Healing Rooms of Dinuba - West porch of Worship Center building

LIFT Women's Bible Study meets at 9:00 am in Rooms 114-115
Our GriefShare ministry is offering a one-night workshop called “SURVIVING THE HOLIDAYS” on October 10th. Then, over the next 13 weeks there will be weekly GriefShare group sessions in our Community Room, Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. Want to know more? Contact Martha Sawatzky.

connect with ways to serve

Volunteers are needed to serve and lead!
Please let Pastor Mark or Laurie know you can help.


Received Last Week:  ......….. $4,268
Received this year: ……………...... $29,408

The proposed budget for the new Financial Year will be voted on at the
Member's Meeting on Sunday, October 15th at 11:30 am.  
Copies were mailed this week and will also be posted along with other Agenda items. 
  • JR Southard's  family. JR passed away and went to be with Jesus last Friday. Please pray for Janet and her family as they grieve the loss of their husband, dad, and grandfather.
  • Continue to pray for those who have accepted Jesus as their Savior and Lord! Pray for them and so many who are coming to experience the love of God for them through Jesus Christ. And pray for workers to help grow this harvest!
  • Good News Clubs which have started at Monson-Sultana and Jefferson Schools. Pray for the individuals and teams ready to share the Gospel, and for many children to come and receive new life in Jesus.
  • Mike Naylor's radiation seeds will be implanted on October 11th. Please pray that God strengthens and heals him as he waits.
  • Nori Naylor's aunt Kathy is deteriorating from cancer much more quickly than expected. Please pray for her and the family, and uphold the Naylors in prayer as they provide care.
  • Remember others dealing with cancer: Carolina Coralles, Lanisha Washington, Kristel Salazar who continues to wait for tests and results,  Glen Zimmerman, Pastor Bill Nicolay, Bea De La Cerda, and Manuel Madrid's mother, Mary.
  • Ron Froese's hearing is slowly returning!
  • Pray for healing for Johnny Esposito's back.
  • Pray for Stan & Ann Isaac's daughter, Stephanie Cabrera, as she undergoes dental work.
  • Remember Chinoh in Qatar, and other servicemen and women around the world.
  • Praise the Lord for Louis & Michelle Perez, and Steve Bryan, who will be ministering to our high school students on Sunday mornings! Pray for more people willing to connect to our teens, especially as we seek the Lord's provision to run The Landing, a Celebrate Recovery program for students ages 13-17 on Thursday evenings.
  • Our Home Resource Center continues to provide furnishings and household items to people in need. We are helping a family whose house burned down in Dinuba in June. They found an apartment in Orosi and will be receiving much-needed items this week.
  • Pray for Otto & Marjorie Ekk who flew to Portugal this past week in advance of the leaders' trip at the end of the month. Pastor Mark & Laurie will be joining them in Portugal, September 23rd through October 3rd.
  • There are many people hurting in the world. Remember thousands in Libya who have suffered from a flood, thousands in Morocco who are sleeping outside after an earthquake killed nearly 3,000 people, and those in Hawaii, Canada, and Mexico recovering from fires and the recent hurricane.

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