News & Views February 10 2022
February 10, 2022
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him,
rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught,
and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:6-7
Life Lesson Classes for Adults
8:30 - PSALM 119 video series with Matt Chandler - Ron & Judy Brown leading - Room 111
8:30 - Clase de Estudio Bíblico en Español - Docente: Ruth Serrato - Room 113
8:45 - WELCOME Class: James - Leroy Bumbaca & Laurie Isaac teaching - Rooms 114-115
Connecting Point
9:30 A.M. - Dining Room
10:00 A.M. - Family Center Gym/Online - Pastor Mark preaching
Step it Up! 4 - Caleb - Read ahead: Numbers 13-14, Joshua 14
Our Souperbowl offering will be gathered during the service for Open Gate Ministries.
Look for the soup pot!
NLC Kids
10:00 A.M. - Rooms 101,103
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him,
rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught,
and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:6-7
Life Lesson Classes for Adults
8:30 - PSALM 119 video series with Matt Chandler - Ron & Judy Brown leading - Room 111
8:30 - Clase de Estudio Bíblico en Español - Docente: Ruth Serrato - Room 113
8:45 - WELCOME Class: James - Leroy Bumbaca & Laurie Isaac teaching - Rooms 114-115
Connecting Point
9:30 A.M. - Dining Room
10:00 A.M. - Family Center Gym/Online - Pastor Mark preaching
Step it Up! 4 - Caleb - Read ahead: Numbers 13-14, Joshua 14
Our Souperbowl offering will be gathered during the service for Open Gate Ministries.
Look for the soup pot!
NLC Kids
10:00 A.M. - Rooms 101,103
Next Sunday, February 20
Pray & Go & Pizza
I've been looking forward to Sunday, February 20th for a long time! I hope you feel the same as you prepare to participate on this special Sunday of prayerwalking the neighborhoods of Dinuba. I'll give you a rundown of what you can prepare for, but first let me share again the story of New Life Community's Pray & Go ministry.
During the pandemic, with many people isolating in their homes and not experiencing the joy and peace of gathering with others for worship, NLC went to them. Because our vision calls us to transform lives through Jesus Christ, we began to pray, neighborhood by neighborhood, street by street, house by house for the people of our community. Our goal was to encourage
and support the people in our neighborhood. To let them know someone cares. To pray they might know the love and life transformation Jesus Christ has for them.
Pray & Go is a ministry that Thom Rainer of Church Answers organized to assist churches like NLC to pray for their cities effectively. We organized a team last year with Nori Naylor as leader, received training, ordered door hangers, prepared a map to mark our progress, and began to go and pray. You can see the map being filled in with green marker in the Family Center where we worship.
On Sunday morning, February 20th, we are all going to have the opportunity to pray & go, reaching more people in one Sunday than we have been able to do in months! Our desire is to pray over the entire city. So far, since we started in March 2021, we've covered 900 of the 6,174 households in Dinuba. If you join us on Sunday morning we may be able add another 300 households to that number, expanding the reach of our prayers further into the city.
One of the benefits of Pray & Go is how it grows our own hearts for others in our community. You see homes and people differently when you walk their street instead of driving by. You may have an opportunity to greet someone you wouldn't otherwise meet, and possibly even share with them your desire for them to know the love of Jesus.
Here's how we'll do that on Sunday, February 20th. Life Lesson classes and Connecting Point will run as usual. At 10:00 a.m we'll gather to sing and receive instructions for prayerwalking. I'll share the vision and goal and Nori will give instructions and even have a demonstration. We'll dismiss in groups of 2-5 to our assigned neighborhoods before returning for pizza. For those unable to prayerwalk or guests who may feel unprepared and uncomfortable, Nori and Bruce Smith will remain in the Family Center to lead a time of prayer over Dinuba. NLC Kids will join in by walking around the block with their leaders, praying for the houses right around the church.
Please come prepared. Bring walking shoes and a fully-charged smartphone (for GPS). You'll be given a card with a street to walk (about 10-15 homes) and instructions. Simply walk the neighborhood and pray for the homes and people along your route. At each home you'll place a doorhanger that lets people know you prayed for them. That's it. When you're done, return to church and give your completed card to Nori and enjoy a pizza lunch with the others as they return from their neighborhoods. I think we may have some great stories to share with each other! Whether we're planting seeds or bringing in a harvest it will be for God's glory.
During the pandemic, with many people isolating in their homes and not experiencing the joy and peace of gathering with others for worship, NLC went to them. Because our vision calls us to transform lives through Jesus Christ, we began to pray, neighborhood by neighborhood, street by street, house by house for the people of our community. Our goal was to encourage
and support the people in our neighborhood. To let them know someone cares. To pray they might know the love and life transformation Jesus Christ has for them.
Pray & Go is a ministry that Thom Rainer of Church Answers organized to assist churches like NLC to pray for their cities effectively. We organized a team last year with Nori Naylor as leader, received training, ordered door hangers, prepared a map to mark our progress, and began to go and pray. You can see the map being filled in with green marker in the Family Center where we worship.
On Sunday morning, February 20th, we are all going to have the opportunity to pray & go, reaching more people in one Sunday than we have been able to do in months! Our desire is to pray over the entire city. So far, since we started in March 2021, we've covered 900 of the 6,174 households in Dinuba. If you join us on Sunday morning we may be able add another 300 households to that number, expanding the reach of our prayers further into the city.
One of the benefits of Pray & Go is how it grows our own hearts for others in our community. You see homes and people differently when you walk their street instead of driving by. You may have an opportunity to greet someone you wouldn't otherwise meet, and possibly even share with them your desire for them to know the love of Jesus.
Here's how we'll do that on Sunday, February 20th. Life Lesson classes and Connecting Point will run as usual. At 10:00 a.m we'll gather to sing and receive instructions for prayerwalking. I'll share the vision and goal and Nori will give instructions and even have a demonstration. We'll dismiss in groups of 2-5 to our assigned neighborhoods before returning for pizza. For those unable to prayerwalk or guests who may feel unprepared and uncomfortable, Nori and Bruce Smith will remain in the Family Center to lead a time of prayer over Dinuba. NLC Kids will join in by walking around the block with their leaders, praying for the houses right around the church.
Please come prepared. Bring walking shoes and a fully-charged smartphone (for GPS). You'll be given a card with a street to walk (about 10-15 homes) and instructions. Simply walk the neighborhood and pray for the homes and people along your route. At each home you'll place a doorhanger that lets people know you prayed for them. That's it. When you're done, return to church and give your completed card to Nori and enjoy a pizza lunch with the others as they return from their neighborhoods. I think we may have some great stories to share with each other! Whether we're planting seeds or bringing in a harvest it will be for God's glory.
New Members' Lunch
Last Sunday (Feb. 6th) we held a new member lunch with these wonderful newcomers to NLC: Left to right: Veronica Stalis, Orilia "Lily" Alvarado, Jackie Elkins, Brian Willems, Ana Tovar, Thannia Chavana, (Cece), Mary Fenske, Beth Applegate, (Mark), Grace Castillo, Eric Parra, Monica Garcia, James Velandria, Anatalia and Steve Sandoval.
It was an amazing time of hearing God's grace poured out person by person! The BBQ'd ribs were pretty amazing, too! These people will be sharing their testimonies and some will be baptized as we receive them into membership over the coming weeks.
Another lunch is being planned soon for others who were unable to attend this time.
It was an amazing time of hearing God's grace poured out person by person! The BBQ'd ribs were pretty amazing, too! These people will be sharing their testimonies and some will be baptized as we receive them into membership over the coming weeks.
Another lunch is being planned soon for others who were unable to attend this time.
- Thank the Lord for the 15 people able to participate in the A.C.E. Overcomers workshop last weekend, Feb. 4-5. There were many stories shared and progress made in receiving God's grace over years and generations of hurt and adverse childhood experiences.
- Praise the Lord for 6 children who received Jesus as Savior at Good News Clubs at Jefferson last week. About 35 children have attended the last two weeks.
- Bruce Smith reports that 15 youth received Jesus as Savior at the Youth For Christ ski weekend earlier this month!
- Peggy Zimmerman has returned home and is healing from the fractures from her fall! Glen is receiving two new chemo treatments. Pray for complete healing.
- Pray for Carol Enns, recovering from back surgery this week. Thank the Lord that JR Southard is reporting a reduction in pain after many weeks following his back surgery.
- NLC continues to have new COVID-19 cases. Pray with thanksgiving as many who have had it are recovering well and back to work and worship. Ruth Serrato, Kathy Dougherty, and Annie Enns need our prayers as they are fighting subsequent pneumonia infections. Pray also for Pete Dougherty whose father, Don, is on comfort care.
- Ron Brown's sister Bonnie received challenging news about her leg cancer this week. Just when news seemed good, doctors have agreed that amputation will likely be needed. Pray for wisdom, peace, and healing.
- Pray for those currently in skilled nursing: Olga Brandt, Chris Holmen (on hospice), Marilyn Chappell (back from St. Agnes this week), Annie Enns, and Vicky Barkman.
- Lois Brittell is recovering at Sierra View.
- Pray for others dealing with cancer treatment including Kelly Friesen's sister-in-law Dana Friesen, Galen Wiest, and Brian Smith.
- Palm Village Retirement Communities has requested prayer from our church (we are an owner church). They are dealing with the effects of COVID-19 and though they rejoice that they have not lost even one person to COVID-19 during these last two years, morale is low with staff shortages and ongoing uncertainty.
- Joyce Penner continues to face challenges restarting her daycare following a fall and illness.
- Remember Chinoh Aquino in USAF training in Texas, and wife Jessica and the family here.
- Tom Regier's plans to go to Uganda to repair a badly damaged plane for Missionary Aviation Fellowship are coming together in May. Pray the many details come together and that God provides all that is needed to accomplish this daunting challenge.
- Pray for Maria and her family whom we will be serving through our Home Resource Center this coming week. Pray that Jesus Christ will redeem and restore this family.
- Pray for peace in Europe and for Mennonite Brethren churches and missionaries in the Ukraine.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
The Home Resource Center gives thanks for the many gifts received recently, including a brand new toilet from Dinuba Lumber! Your donations are going right back out the door to bless individuals and families with furniture and other essential needs, all in the name of Jesus.
Our hearts are growing for the people of our community. Praise the Lord!
Our hearts are growing for the people of our community. Praise the Lord!
Our Giving
Received Last Week (2/6): …....... $7,711
Received this year to date: .….$198,283
Benevolence Fund:…………….....…. $290
Budget to Date: …………...….....$195,946
Budget Goal: …………..…...........$443,008
Needed Weekly: ……….…..….....…$8,519
Received this year to date: .….$198,283
Benevolence Fund:…………….....…. $290
Budget to Date: …………...….....$195,946
Budget Goal: …………..…...........$443,008
Needed Weekly: ……….…..….....…$8,519
Per CA Department of Health mandate, "masks are to be worn in all indoor public settings, irrespective of vaccination status" through February 15, 2022.
If you are sick, please join the livestream service until you are well and able to return.
Thank you.
If you are sick, please join the livestream service until you are well and able to return.
Thank you.
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