NLC Connect - November 13, 2024

connect with God's Word

Hey there, NLC families with kids! You may have noticed that our check-out looked a little different this past Sunday. In an effort to keep all of our kids safe, we are only allowing vetted adults and youth volunteers in the Kids building during the Sunday morning service time. Parents of children ages 3 and under can drop their children off in the nursery but all other children will be dropped off and picked up at our check-in stand. Thank you for your patience while we work out all the hiccups. Thank you for supporting us in keeping all of our kids safe! If you have any questions, please reach out to Jessica Aquino.

connect your calendar

Note from the office:  If you haven't already opted in to receive text messages from NLC, please text YES to 87447, or respond to the text message you may have received on Oct. 23 or 24.  This is a new wireless carrier regulation.  Thank you to everyone who responded so far!

6:30 p.m. - Prayer Gathering - Room 113

5:30 p.m. - CELEBRATE RECOVERY meal, worship, groups

9:00-11:00 a.m. - Extra hands are welcome for "Bake Day" for Sunday's bake sale - NLC Kitchen
11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. - "Surviving the Holidays" GriefShare Seminar (call 591-1176 to sign up--a light lunch is included) - Room 114/115

8:30 a.m. - "Salt & Light" Growth Class - Room 114/115
  • Come meet and encourage others over coffee and snacks - Dining Room
  • Galen Wiest is the guest speaker 
  • Women's Ministries will hold a Bake Sale after the service--stock up on holiday goodies!
5:00 p.m. - CREW youth group - Room 207

6:00 p.m. - CR Worship Team - Gym

6:00 a.m. - Men's Bible Study - Dining Room
9:00 a.m. - LIFT Women's Bible Study - Room 114/115
6:00 p.m. - Healing Room Ministry - Library

Open Gate begins weekly food distribution in the NLC parking lot
6:30 p.m. - Prayer Gathering - Room 113

5:30 p.m. - CELEBRATE RECOVERY meal, worship, groups

No "Salt & Light" Class this week
  • Come meet and encourage others over coffee and snacks - Dining Room
  • Otto Ekk is the guest speaker
  • Missions Offering
11:15 a.m. - Church Family Thanksgiving Meal (please bring a dessert to share)
5:00 p.m. - NLC CREW (youth group) - Room 207

6:00 p.m. - CR Worship Team - Gym

6:00 a.m. - Men's Bible Study - Dining Room
No Healing Room Ministry this week

connect through giving

Received Last Week (11/10): ….... $1,646
Received this year: ................... $73,393
Budget to Date: ........................... $81,164
Budget Goal: …….…....…...….....$383,686
Needed Weekly: ………….............. $7,568

connect to God through prayer

  • Pray for health and strength for Bob Martin, George Sawatzky, Emma (Karen Madrid's mother), Carolina Coralles, and Glen Zimmerman.  
  • Pray for Sophia Salazar, recovering from surgery.
  • Pray for healing for Evelyn Romero's son Mark, who is at Kaweah Delta with a blood clot and other issues.
  • Pray for Miguel-Angel (Hezekiah) Parker. His surgery has been rescheduled for November 15th.
  • Pray for Amanda Dover. Her surgery is scheduled for November 22nd.
  • Pray for Abe & Holly Isaak's 6-year-old granddaughter Tessa Fiscus, who is being treated for cancer but is back at school.
  • Pray for Ibeth (Maria Gonzalez's niece) and her newborn daughter Estrella. Estrella had an unexpected early arrival into this world. Pray for Ibeth to have a speedy recovery and for Estrella to continue to grow in strength and health.
  • Pray for Laura Miller (step-grandma of Amanda Dover) who is in need of funds to move back down to California so she can be with family. Amanda's family will be hosting a fundraiser to gather funds for this need.
  • Also remember: Doris Siebert, Marilyn Chappell and other residents in Palm Village Healthcare, Harold Kruger and others in Sierra View, Louie and Michelle Perez, Mary Salazar
  • Pray for those who have lost loved ones, and the GriefShare seminar being planned for November 16.
  • Pray for safety and peace of mind for the students who attend schools in our surrounding communities. There has been an increase in violent threats recently.
  • Pray for the students attending Good News Club on Tuesday afternoons at Jefferson School, and the volunteers.
  • Pray for those who are seeking employment.
  • Keep the pastoral search in your prayers as applications are being received and reviewed. 
  • Pray for our missionaries: Pablo & Maricela Chavez who are celebrating 2 years in Peru (click here for their newsletter!), Cecil & Tracy Ramos in Thailand, Jonathan & Joanna Gutierrez in Portugal, and Johnny & Denise Esposito, who are home before returning to SE Asia.
  • Pray for peace as violence and war affect so many families and children in Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, in the Middle East, and in parts of Africa.

Connect to Gratefulness for our Freedoms

1 Timothy 2:2-4 "I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth."
The beginning of this week, our nation celebrated our veterans who served and are serving through our country's armed forces. We are humbled by the sacrifices both they and their families have experienced in the ugliness of war. Some veterans had laid down their lives, while others have suffered the pains and heartaches of physical, mental and emotional scars that come with serving as a soldier. We are ever so grateful to God that He has blessed us with men and women who serve to protect our freedoms that we enjoy.
Although peace is what we strive for, we as humans still have our fallen nature and God has given us our government institutions and the armed forces to protect us from those who seek to do evil things to others (Romans 13). Because of this divine provision, our country experiences the wonderful freedoms that we enjoy, especially the liberty to worship God freely. There are many countries and people groups who do not have the joy of experiencing this and cannot even comprehend what it is like to be able to worship Jesus in the many public ways we are able to do so. We have been so blessed. When you have the opportunity to meet a veteran who has served or may still be serving, please take the opportunity to personally thank them, pray for them and their families, and show them the love of Jesus.
--Joshua Aquino

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