NLC Connect May 29 2024
connect with God's Word
New Verse for June
We don't actually know much about Joshua's household.
It's probably not that important since we're only responsible for our households.
But still, Joshua was using himself and his household as an example for every other household among the people of Israel. I'd kind of like to know about Joshua's family.
The Bible only gives us the shortest of genealogies for Joshua:
that he was the son of Nun of the tribe of Ephraim (Numbers 13:8).
Though Jewish tradition has some additional things to say, the Bible itself
says nothing about Joshua's wife or children, if he had any at all.
Reading through the Book of Joshua leaves the impression
that Joshua related to the entire nation as his household!
Sadly, after Joshua's death, the people of Israel turn away from the Lord.
The people of Joshua's generation stayed faithful,
but not their descendants (Judges 2:10-11).
That must have meant Joshua's children, too, if he had any.
The faith Joshua expressed and the faithfulness he exhibited as Israel's leader,
doesn't seem to have passed to the next generation(s).
God doesn't have grandchildren.
Every generation must seek the Lord for themselves, and serve him.
We can live as examples and encourage our children and their children
to know and serve the Lord, but it will be up to them to commit their lives to God.
We can live faithfully before our children, teach them thoroughly, and pray earnestly,
but they will need to decide for themselves if and how they will love and serve God.
Here is one thing the Bible does say about the generations after Joshua...and after us.
"Know therefore that the LORD your God is God;
he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations
of those who love him and keep his commandments." Deuteronomy 7:9
Thank you, God!
Let's give the next generation a clear and honest picture of what it means
to love and serve God. And let's pray diligently for them
as we pass the "torch of faith" to the next generations.
"He who began a good work in [them] will bring that work to completion
for the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6
It's probably not that important since we're only responsible for our households.
But still, Joshua was using himself and his household as an example for every other household among the people of Israel. I'd kind of like to know about Joshua's family.
The Bible only gives us the shortest of genealogies for Joshua:
that he was the son of Nun of the tribe of Ephraim (Numbers 13:8).
Though Jewish tradition has some additional things to say, the Bible itself
says nothing about Joshua's wife or children, if he had any at all.
Reading through the Book of Joshua leaves the impression
that Joshua related to the entire nation as his household!
Sadly, after Joshua's death, the people of Israel turn away from the Lord.
The people of Joshua's generation stayed faithful,
but not their descendants (Judges 2:10-11).
That must have meant Joshua's children, too, if he had any.
The faith Joshua expressed and the faithfulness he exhibited as Israel's leader,
doesn't seem to have passed to the next generation(s).
God doesn't have grandchildren.
Every generation must seek the Lord for themselves, and serve him.
We can live as examples and encourage our children and their children
to know and serve the Lord, but it will be up to them to commit their lives to God.
We can live faithfully before our children, teach them thoroughly, and pray earnestly,
but they will need to decide for themselves if and how they will love and serve God.
Here is one thing the Bible does say about the generations after Joshua...and after us.
"Know therefore that the LORD your God is God;
he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations
of those who love him and keep his commandments." Deuteronomy 7:9
Thank you, God!
Let's give the next generation a clear and honest picture of what it means
to love and serve God. And let's pray diligently for them
as we pass the "torch of faith" to the next generations.
"He who began a good work in [them] will bring that work to completion
for the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6
connect your calendar
6:30 pm - Prayer Gathering, Room 113
6:30 pm- Worship Team rehearsal
5:30 pm - CELEBRATE RECOVERY meal, worship, groups
6:30 pm - Prayer Gathering, Room 113
6:30 pm- Worship Team rehearsal
5:30 pm - CELEBRATE RECOVERY meal, worship, groups
- Foundations in Finance begins NEXT SUNDAY, June 9th - Room 111 (all are welcome!)
- Come meet and encourage others over coffee and snacks - Dining Room
- Pastor Mark preaching
- Recognition of Graduates and Conferral of Diploma (Megan Barnes)
- Homemade tamales ($10 for 6; $20 for 12) available after the morning service
6:00 pm - CR Worship Team rehearsal
6:00 a.m. - Men’s Bible Study - Zach Clemmer speaking - Dining Room
4:00 p.m. - NLC GROUP CAMPSITE OPEN! - Morro Bay State Park
6:30 p.m. - The Healing Rooms of Dinuba - West patio of Worship Center
7:00 p.m. - GRIEFSHARE group - Rooms 114/115
6:00 pm - CR Worship Team rehearsal
6:00 a.m. - Men’s Bible Study - Zach Clemmer speaking - Dining Room
4:00 p.m. - NLC GROUP CAMPSITE OPEN! - Morro Bay State Park
6:30 p.m. - The Healing Rooms of Dinuba - West patio of Worship Center
7:00 p.m. - GRIEFSHARE group - Rooms 114/115
6:30 pm - Prayer Gathering, Room 113
NO Worship Team rehearsal
5:30 pm - CELEBRATE RECOVERY meal, worship, groups
9:00 a.m. - Viewing of Paulie Romero - NLC Gym
10:00 a.m. - Celebration of Life Service for Paulie Romero - NLC Gym; Graveside to follow at Smith Mountain Cemetery with a lunch at NLC Dining Room
6:30 pm - Prayer Gathering, Room 113
NO Worship Team rehearsal
5:30 pm - CELEBRATE RECOVERY meal, worship, groups
9:00 a.m. - Viewing of Paulie Romero - NLC Gym
10:00 a.m. - Celebration of Life Service for Paulie Romero - NLC Gym; Graveside to follow at Smith Mountain Cemetery with a lunch at NLC Dining Room
(2 services to choose from!)
9:00 a.m. - Worship and Communion at the CAMPOUT - Morro Bay State Park
(2 services to choose from!)
9:00 a.m. - Worship and Communion at the CAMPOUT - Morro Bay State Park
- Address: 60 State Park Rd, Morro Bay - Come to the group campsites at the back
- Bring lawn chairs and/or blankets
- Foundations in Finance - Room 111 (all are welcome!)
- Come meet and encourage others over coffee and snacks - Dining Room
- Otto Ekk preaching
- Communion Service
40th Anniversary and Retirement Celebration
for Pastor Mark & Laurie
Sunday, June 16, 10a.m. - noon
connect through giving
Received Last Week (5/26):……....... $4,806
Received this year to date: ......……..$261,987
Budget to Date: ………....................... $300,257
Budget Goal: …………...…...…...............$400,342
Needed Weekly: …………….….............…$10,643
Received this year to date: ......……..$261,987
Budget to Date: ………....................... $300,257
Budget Goal: …………...…...…...............$400,342
Needed Weekly: …………….….............…$10,643
From NLC Treasurer, Ken Sawatzky and Trustees
The Trustees invite your participation in a love gift for Pastor Mark & Laurie in honor of their years of pastoral ministry as they retire.
Please mark your donation as a "Love Gift" in your check memo,
in the comment box online, or on a cash envelope. Thank you.
- Please pray for Evelyn Romero and her family. Her husband, Paulie, passed away at the end of last week. Services will be held at NLC on June 7th, 10:00 a.m.
- Congratulations go to Mikayla Smith and Thomas Requejo on the birth of a healthy baby girl this week! Pray for mom and baby. (Mikayla is Justin & Amanda Dover/Griggs' sister, and Alyza, Aydien, and Austin are the new baby's cousins).
- Praise the Lord that Lafayette Brooks and Glen Zimmerman were both in church last Sunday after recent hospitalizations.
- Pray for health and strength for Emma (Karen Madrid's mother), Connie (Elva Cardona's sister), Eugene Enns, Carolina Coralles, Lanisha Washington, and Glen Zimmerman.
- Also remember: Doris Siebert and Marilyn Chappell in Palm Village Healthcare, Louie and Michelle Perez, Mary Salazar, and Zach Clemmer.
- Pray for families and students who are going through some difficult challenges, and now will be home as some parents are at work. Please pray for wisdom, rest, and peace in these hearts, minds, and homes.
- The SEARCH TEAM is preparing a survey of the church to assist them in their search for a new pastor. Keep them in prayer and participate gladly. (If you haven't already, please update your email and mobile phone with the church office to ensure you get your survey. Paper copies will be available.)
- Pray for our three (3) interns serving at NLC this summer, and for Jessica Aquino, who will be supervising them: Bella Celaya, Dulce Gonzalez, Amelia Villareal. NLC will be hosting the first day of SOAR Fresno on June 10th. Pray it is a great launch!
- Pray for our missionaries: Pablo & Maricela Chavez in Peru, Cecil & Tracy Ramos in Thailand, Jonathan & Joanna Gutierrez in Portugal, and Ruddy & Cristina Ancheta in San Francisco.
- Johnny & Denise Esposito sent a new newsletter. CLICK HERE to read it and keep them in prayer.
- Pray for peace as violence and war affect so many families and children in Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, in the Middle East, and in parts of Africa.
40 Years of Ministry Highlights - #7: "Wisdom"
The Bible has been my primary source for faith and life. I spent most of my early life reading and memorizing the Bible. In AWANA (a children's Bible and activity program) I received a trophy for memorizing 600 Bible verses. We read the Bible at home, and I read it through on my own from cover to cover by the time I was 13. In college, I added a Biblical/Religious Studies co-major to my Pre-Med degree. Later, a seminary degree added to my understanding and enjoyment of the Bible, too.
There has been no substitute in my life for the Word of God, the Bible, for knowing how to live for the glory of God, especially recognizing the role of the Holy Spirit in enlivening the Word of God within us and among the community of faith. Every sermon I've preached over these 40 years has had its source in the Bible. When I've preached on topics along the way, I've rooted my words in the Word of God because He is the source of true wisdom in all things.
Along with the Bible, I have also benefited over the years from other people's experience and application of God's Word. We use the term "theology" to describe humans' words about God and his Word and work in the world. If I had to choose a theological "school" to belong to, I would say I have been most comfortable with "relational theology", understanding God through the way He has chosen to relate to us, through Jesus, and in His desire and plan to reconcile all things to Himself in Jesus. Relational theology has also kept me open to the way God has worked in the lives of others. I love to hear others' stories of their relationship with God and learn from them, particularly from those who have led in the faith and the church before me.
As the founder of my Mennonite Brethren faith tradition, Menno Simons was the first theologian I learned from. In particular was his quote that “True evangelical faith is of such a nature it cannot lie dormant, but spreads itself out in all kinds of righteousness and fruits of love..." He continued by saying " clothes the naked; it feeds the hungry; it comforts the sorrowful; it shelters the destitute; does good to those who do it harm; prays for those who persecute it; seeks those who are lost; it binds up what is wounded; it heals the sick; becomes all things to all people..." As some in the American church have reduced themselves to demanding rights and privileges while abandoning compassion and care for aliens and outcasts, I have found comfort in knowing the founder of my faith tradition got the Gospel right. His words have compelled me to carry God's grace to others in tangible ways, knowing His grace is always there for me in Christ Jesus.
I learned to know the writings of John Wesley during my 17 years either on staff or attending Visalia United Methodist Church. Where the early followers of Menno Simons gathered into small communities that kept mostly to themselves, Wesley and his followers spread revival everywhere. At one point in time there were more Methodist churches in America than post offices! Though not every Methodist church in the US shares that same spirit of revival today, I have been blessed by it through these three particular words of wisdom from John Wesley:
"The world is my parish." Early in ministry I was instructed and encouraged to conduct my ministry outside the walls of the church (in addition to programs inside the church). I was on one or more school campuses daily, ministering equally to kids who came to church and to their friends and peers who did not. I was simply an ambassador for Jesus to everyone I met, and I have maintained that pattern of ministry ever since, and encouraged it in others.
"If your heart is with Christ, then give me your hand." My heritage taught me not to trust others outside my faith tradition. Wesley's words moved me toward the unity of the body that Jesus prayed for in John 17. Before coming to the Methodist church as youth pastor, I wasn't even sure Methodists were Christians! Little did I know the breadth of the body of Christ! Ever since, I have gladly joined with anyone who acknowledges that Jesus Christ is God's Son and humanity's Savior, and to do my best not to let smaller matters keep me from working with them for the glory of God in Christ Jesus.
"Earn all you can, save all you can, give all you can." The only way to do these seemingly mutually exclusive things is not to spend all you can! So Laurie and I put a cap on our living expenses years ago in order to save and give all we could. That discipline has paid off over the years. A wise woman once told me something I have yet to find attributed to an original source. She said, "You can't outgive God." Laurie and I have found that to be true, too. And when someone asked me at another church how I could possibly think the people of that church could give more to a new church fundraising campaign than they were already giving, I told him what I'd learned from a wise church consultant: "It's not how much more WE can give, but how much more GOD can give through us." Trust me, it's more than you can ask for or imagine!
These are just a few of the words of wisdom that have shaped my ministry over 40 years alongside the Word of God. I'm grateful to have learned from others, and glad for the way God used them to transform my mind and heart to be more like Jesus.
There has been no substitute in my life for the Word of God, the Bible, for knowing how to live for the glory of God, especially recognizing the role of the Holy Spirit in enlivening the Word of God within us and among the community of faith. Every sermon I've preached over these 40 years has had its source in the Bible. When I've preached on topics along the way, I've rooted my words in the Word of God because He is the source of true wisdom in all things.
Along with the Bible, I have also benefited over the years from other people's experience and application of God's Word. We use the term "theology" to describe humans' words about God and his Word and work in the world. If I had to choose a theological "school" to belong to, I would say I have been most comfortable with "relational theology", understanding God through the way He has chosen to relate to us, through Jesus, and in His desire and plan to reconcile all things to Himself in Jesus. Relational theology has also kept me open to the way God has worked in the lives of others. I love to hear others' stories of their relationship with God and learn from them, particularly from those who have led in the faith and the church before me.
As the founder of my Mennonite Brethren faith tradition, Menno Simons was the first theologian I learned from. In particular was his quote that “True evangelical faith is of such a nature it cannot lie dormant, but spreads itself out in all kinds of righteousness and fruits of love..." He continued by saying " clothes the naked; it feeds the hungry; it comforts the sorrowful; it shelters the destitute; does good to those who do it harm; prays for those who persecute it; seeks those who are lost; it binds up what is wounded; it heals the sick; becomes all things to all people..." As some in the American church have reduced themselves to demanding rights and privileges while abandoning compassion and care for aliens and outcasts, I have found comfort in knowing the founder of my faith tradition got the Gospel right. His words have compelled me to carry God's grace to others in tangible ways, knowing His grace is always there for me in Christ Jesus.
I learned to know the writings of John Wesley during my 17 years either on staff or attending Visalia United Methodist Church. Where the early followers of Menno Simons gathered into small communities that kept mostly to themselves, Wesley and his followers spread revival everywhere. At one point in time there were more Methodist churches in America than post offices! Though not every Methodist church in the US shares that same spirit of revival today, I have been blessed by it through these three particular words of wisdom from John Wesley:
"The world is my parish." Early in ministry I was instructed and encouraged to conduct my ministry outside the walls of the church (in addition to programs inside the church). I was on one or more school campuses daily, ministering equally to kids who came to church and to their friends and peers who did not. I was simply an ambassador for Jesus to everyone I met, and I have maintained that pattern of ministry ever since, and encouraged it in others.
"If your heart is with Christ, then give me your hand." My heritage taught me not to trust others outside my faith tradition. Wesley's words moved me toward the unity of the body that Jesus prayed for in John 17. Before coming to the Methodist church as youth pastor, I wasn't even sure Methodists were Christians! Little did I know the breadth of the body of Christ! Ever since, I have gladly joined with anyone who acknowledges that Jesus Christ is God's Son and humanity's Savior, and to do my best not to let smaller matters keep me from working with them for the glory of God in Christ Jesus.
"Earn all you can, save all you can, give all you can." The only way to do these seemingly mutually exclusive things is not to spend all you can! So Laurie and I put a cap on our living expenses years ago in order to save and give all we could. That discipline has paid off over the years. A wise woman once told me something I have yet to find attributed to an original source. She said, "You can't outgive God." Laurie and I have found that to be true, too. And when someone asked me at another church how I could possibly think the people of that church could give more to a new church fundraising campaign than they were already giving, I told him what I'd learned from a wise church consultant: "It's not how much more WE can give, but how much more GOD can give through us." Trust me, it's more than you can ask for or imagine!
These are just a few of the words of wisdom that have shaped my ministry over 40 years alongside the Word of God. I'm grateful to have learned from others, and glad for the way God used them to transform my mind and heart to be more like Jesus.
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