News & Views March 3 2022

March 3, 2022
What shall I return to the Lord for all his goodness to me?
I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord.
I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people.
Psalm 116:12-14
Life Lesson Classes for Adults

8:30 - PSALM 119 video series with Matt Chandler - Ron & Judy Brown leading - Room 111
(April 3) 8:30 - Clase de Estudio Bíblico en Español - Docente: Ruth Serrato - Room 113
8:45 - WELCOME Class: James - Leroy Bumbaca teaching - Rooms 114-115
Connecting Point
9:30 A.M. - Dining Room
Suggestion: Save waste and water by bringing your own coffee cup/travel mug to church!
Worship & Communion
10:00 A.M. -  Family Center Gym/Online - Pastor Mark preaching
NLC Vision - Read ahead: Galatians 3, Philippians 1
Communion is open to anyone who professes Jesus Christ as God's Son and their Savior.
NLC Kids
10:00 A.M. - Rooms 101,103

Next Sunday - March 13

NLC Ministry Faire will begin after worship next Sunday, March 13
Plan to stay, check out all the ministry tables, sign up to serve, and stay to enjoy a BBQ lunch!
There will be a crafts area for children at the NLC Kids' table at the north side of the gym.
Please bring: 
SIDE DISH - if your last name begins with a letter A-N
DESSERT - if your last name begins with a letter O-Z
Learn about upcoming Sunday growth opportunities at the Ministry Faire!
Starting April 3rd NEW Sunday morning and evening classes will begin, including Bible study, skills training, and personal growth classes like: Griefshare, Faith & Finances, Prayer training with active Pray & Go prayerwalking days, and classes focused on specific books of the Bible.

Praying for Ukraine

Europe has experienced a relatively peaceful period of 75 years since the end of World War II. That has come to end with the Russian invasion of the nation of Ukraine, one of the former republics of the Soviet Union, which collapsed 30 years ago this past Christmas. For most of us, watching war start again in Europe is almost too terrifying to consider. We don't want to believe it and yet the news keeps pouring in of greater and greater violence, killing, and humanitarian crises since February 20th. Over 1 million people have fled Ukraine into neighboring countries.

For some at NLC, Ukraine has been "home". Mennonite Brethren families lived there for more than 100 years, meaning that some of us at NLC had parents and grandparents who were born there. There are families at NLC who still have family members living in Ukraine and in Russia. There are also 25 Mennonite Brethren churches and church plants in Ukraine, with pastors and missionaries serving there in the middle of this war.

Maxym and Anya Oliferovski live in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, where they provide leadership to Multiply’s (NLC's global mission agency) holistic church-planting initiatives in communities that are experiencing war, displacement and poverty. They themselves are church planters, leading a small congregation in their city. The couple also directs New Hope Center, a non-profit organization that ministers to youth at risk and to families in crisis. He spoke to the Christian Leader (our denomination's magazine):
"It’s the fifth day today of the war, and everything is different. People are different; streets are different. News is different. Stores are different. Everything is different.
"There was no shelling in Zaporizhzhia for several days. Shelling began yesterday (Feb. 27, 2022). The first few days, people were quite nervous and worried. Then we heard sirens, that means you need to go to a shelter. We live in a city, [and like others} live in apartment buildings [where there] are bomb shelter shelters in basements. There’s no panic but still lots of stress. You can feel it in the air.
"Many friends evacuated, but we decided ahead of time that we would stay here as long as we can to help others, to help the church, to help the families we are serving. And that’s what we’re doing now.
"We relocated to a safer place on the outskirts of our city. Last night was the first time we really heard and felt physically the explosions. They were very close. The heart begins to pound—that’s just how the body reacts. And we thought that’s how we would spend the night. But the night was calm. We were able to sleep. Praise God.

"Pray for health, that our bodies can function under the stress. It is not easy. Pray that we can keep calm and just stay healthy. We have food and water here. But it’s hard to learn how to deal with this new circumstances and stress level.
"Definitely pray for safety. As we were going from downtown today, we saw one of the missiles flying over us. First time in my life. You can’t really prepare for that. When you hear all these explosions and shootings, even if you’re in a safe location, it is still hard.
"Pray for wise decisions. As I said, we decided to stay here to keep helping families, the church. How long shall we stay here? Things can change tomorrow. Pray that as we stay here, we will be helpful, give leadership to our church, help families, help the community—whatever is needed. Pray for strength that we can continue the ministry in the circumstances."

You can support our brothers and sisters in Ukraine by sending gifts to support relief efforts, and also to support pastors and church planters like Maxym & Anya through Multiply.
  • Please see the article above for prayer requests for Ukraine, and two ways to send support.
  • Al Salazar injured his knee and will not be playing drums or working his new lawncare business for the next couple of weeks or more. Pray for a quick recovery!
  • Several people at NLC are looking for work. Pray they can get interviews and be hired.
  • Continue to lift those with ongoing health issues to the Lord: Glen & Peggy Zimmerman, Carol Enns, Ruth Serrato, Kathy Dougherty, JR Southard, Lois Brittel, Brian Smith, Galen Wiest, and two family members–Ron Brown’s sister Bonnie and Kelly Friesen’s sister-in-law, Dana.
  • Pray for those experiencing recent loss: Cece Olea and family, Dennis Enns and family, and most recently Pete Dougherty and family. His father, Don's funeral service will be at 10 a.m. on March 11th, at Dinuba's First Baptist Church.
  • Jackie Elkin's father, Charlie, suffered a massive stroke in Missouri last week. She is responsible for decisions about his care and for the care of his two grandchildren (10 and 12) who have been living with him. Pray for wisdom for her, comfort, and God's provision.
  • Pray for those currently in skilled nursing: Olga Brandt, Chris Holmen (on hospice), Annie Enns, Vicky Barkman, and Rosella Isaak. Marilyn Chappell is facing some very serious medical issues. Pray for her and husband Terry.
  • Remember Chinoh Aquino in USAF training in Texas, and wife Jessica and the family here. 
  • Otto Ekk is on a short visit to Portugal providing ministry support.
  • Several people from NLC are planning trips to Africa this spring and summer. 
    • Tom Regier is preparing to go to Uganda to repair a badly damaged plane for Missionary Aviation Fellowship. Pray that the many details come together and that God provides all that is needed to accomplish this daunting challenge.
    • John Ervin will be in Uganda to record video for our mission agency, Multiply.
    • Pastor Mark & Laurie will be in Tanzania in July, visiting a missionary family, and also in Turkey/Greece visiting the sites of the seven churches of Revelation.
  • Pray with Nelly Lopez for a pastor to be called to the remote village in Chihuahua, Mexico, where her family members have recently come to faith in Jesus. Pray their faith will grow.
  • Here are some of the prayer requests we prayed over during Grab & Go last Sunday: (1) Woman asked for prayer for her friend Manuel who is going to prison; (2)  Young woman looking for a job and has an interview coming up; (3) Mother was waiting for 7 weeks backpay from EDD causing a financial burden; (4) Mother whose son Eric is stationed in Germany is concerned about the Ukraine war. Her husband is there taking care of Eric's 3 children because Eric's wife is in the military in San Antonio. 

Our Giving

Received Last Week (2/27):......... $7,188
Received this year to date: .….$216,846
Budget to Date: …………...….....$221,504
Budget Goal: …………..…...........$443,008
Needed Weekly: ……….…..….....…$8,699

Additional gifts are regularly received for ministries outside of our church budget.
You can contribute to such ministries above your regular gifts to the church by noting it in the memo of your check or selecting a designated fund online:
  • Deacon Benevolence Fund (assists NLC families with immediate needs; a special offering is collected by the Deacons on the first Sunday of each month along with Communion)
  • Home Resource Center (supports families in transition with furniture and home supplies)
  • Celebrate Recovery (helping people overcome hurts, habits and hang-ups)
  • Grab & Go Meals (monthly meals for our church, community, and the homeless)
  • Remodel Fund (facility upgrades including new Welcome Office)

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