NLC News October 20 2022


  • Video series on "ROMANS" in Room 111
9:30 a.m. CONNECTING POINT (Dining Room) and Connecting Point for Kids (Rm 101)
10 a.m.  WORSHIP - NLC Kids & The Crew (Jr/Sr High)
  • Pastor Mark preaching - You Belong Here! series on Ephesians - (Ephesians 3:1-13) - "Serve Through Suffering"
5:30 p.m.  LIFELINE Young Adult Growth Group

6:30 p.m. UNITY MEETING (Trustees and Elders)

6:00 a.m. MEN'S BIBLE STUDY - 10 Commandments - Dining Room

2:10 p.m. GOOD NEWS CLUB - Jefferson Elementary
6:30 p.m. PRAYER GATHERING - Room 113

After school GOOD NEWS CLUB - Monson-Sultana School
5:30 p.m. CELEBRATE RECOVERY - Join us for DINNER - Dining room
6:30 p.m. CELEBRATE RECOVERY - Worship / Teaching / Small Groups

43029 Rd 104, Dinuba (north of Sultana)

  • Video series on "ROMANS" in Room 111
9:30 a.m. CONNECTING POINT (Dining Room) and Connecting Point for Kids (Rm 101)
10 a.m.  WORSHIP - NLC Kids & The Crew (Jr/Sr High)
  • Pastor Mark preaching - You Belong Here! series on Ephesians - (Ephesians 3:14-21)
5:00-7:00 p.m.  FAMILY FUN NIGHT & TRUNK OR TREAT (Grab & Go Meals will be replaced by free hot dogs, chips, and snacks in the evening)
There are still ways to get involved and serve at Family Fun Night & Trunk or Treat!
  • Decorate your trunk and hand out candy - contact Laurie Isaac
  • Help children at the Kids Activity Area - contact Jessica Aquino
  • Make and serve free hot dogs - contact Brian Willems or Laurel Smith
  • Make and serve snow cones - contact Henry or Ruth Serrato
  • Make and serve cotton candy and popcorn - contact Steve Sandoval
  • Assist families at the selfie booth - contact Kim Enns
  • Welcome people at the welcome booth (need Spanish speakers) - contact Ron Froese
  • Help set up and clean up - contact Pastor Mark
Come on out! Meet the community! Bless families and kids! Be an encouragement!

Grab & Go Meals will be replaced on October 30th by the Family Fun Night free hot dogs, chips, and snacks.

  • JR was hospitalized this past week with cellulitis. It's painful! Pray it continues to recede and is gone completely. Pray also for his sister, Cheryl, who is awaiting results from a scan for cancer.
  • Pray for Ron Thiessen, grieving the loss of his wife, Edith. 
  • Pray for Mike Naylor, recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. Awaiting additional results.
  • Pray for Carolina Corrales. After a broken femur, cancer was discovered. Pray for her healing!
  • Continue praying for others needing healing: Eugene Enns (facial paralysis), Glen & Peggy Zimmerman, Marilyn Chappell, Chris Holmen, and Kathy Dougherty. 
  • Praise the Lord that Cheryl Jackson, Executive Director of Open Gate Ministries, is better after a recent hospitalization. Pray for Rev. Bill Nicolay who had heart surgery this week.
  • Erick Parra's kidney stones are gone, praise the Lord! Tests show him to be in good health, so pray he can continue his program at Teen Challenge without further medical concern.
  • John & Geri continue travelling to supporting churches as they near retirement from Multiply. Pray for safety and for good connections with others in Germany and Turkey.
  • Remember to pray for the Good News Clubs at Jefferson Elementary on Wednesdays and the one at Monson-Sultana on Thursdays.
  • A group of 7-8 pre-teens are meeting to prepare for baptism at NLC! Pray as they write and share their testimonies, and as they grow into maturity in Christ. 


Received Last Week (10/16)……........$5,088
Benevolence Fund... ................................$50
Received year to date ………............$55,003
Budget to Date: ………..…..................$56,748
Budget Goal: ……….........................$421,553
Needed Weekly: …...............….....……$8,146
I had some interesting conversations while in the emergency room with a friend this week. He so naturally moves toward people and engages them about Jesus that it's difficult to avoid having interesting conversations! And I thought I was outgoing!

I watched my friend approach a man in a wheelchair. He was wearing a "Men of Valor" t-shirt which caused my friend to immediately recognize him as a believer. Their conversation could be heard around the waiting room, as well as his prayer. That sparked more conversations over time: "I noticed you praying. I'm a Christian, too." My friend also introduced me to everyone he met as "my pastor" and invited them to New Life Community in Dinuba. Since we were there from 9:00 a.m. through 7:30 p.m. I lost track of the number of people who may, indeed, come to church this Sunday!

After telling me he was also a believer, one man told me that he was a gun-lover and would do whatever he had to do to keep his guns from anyone who wanted to take them. I smiled and told him I knew people who felt the same way about their pets, but that I encouraged our church to stay focused on Jesus. I encouraged him to do the same. We can live for Jesus with or without guns...or pets.

Another man and I talked through all the churches he'd attended over the years, and about the church he's in now, in Visalia, which is anticipating the retirement of their long-serving pastor. I appreciated the love he expressed for his pastor and how he was praying for a godly man to replace him. Then he told me he was a "first and second amendment Christian," and started to tell me how important it was for us to fight for our rights and freedoms as Christians. Again, I smiled and said how grateful I was for our freedoms, but that my faith in Jesus wasn't affected by such things. We could live for Jesus in any country, under any rule, under any leader, though maybe it would cost us more in some situations than it does in America today.

Though we had several heart-warming conversations and prayers that day, you can tell I was struck by the way these two men in particular had compromised their faith in Jesus. It was Jesus-plus guns, or Jesus-plus freedom. I understand. I sometimes feel like it should be Jesus-plus a lot of things I care about. But it isn't. Our salvation is in Jesus alone. And if we could stick with doing the things Jesus called us to do: loving one another, forgiving, and serving, we'd have much less time or interest in adding to the life of faith Jesus has called us to.

What I'll remember most of the day is the way my friend unashamedly and with care, spoke to others about faith in Jesus, about his pastor, and about his church. And how he prayed with a couple over their son, with the man in the wheelchair, with a mother with her grown son, and  with others. God, help me to live less concerned for myself and more freely for Jesus!


Nori Naylor - October 20th, 2022 at 9:43am

Praise God for His healing power! Our Women's Bible Study is encouraging us to ask God for "unreasonable" answers to prayer. What circumstance, relationship, health concern, financial need, ______________ will you trust God for this week?

Eugene Enns - October 20th, 2022 at 10:11am

Thank You Church Family for your Prayers during these past 6 weeks of recovery from Brain Surgery.

I still have lots of healing that needs to take place but am so thankful for the progress I've made.

Not sure how We (including Phyllis) would have made it without a host of prayer partners and Family Helpers.

God is Good.


Mary Fenske - October 20th, 2022 at 8:53pm

I would like to server for Halloween however I believe that God said you can't serve two masters you will serve him or the evil one. however I know it's your church tradition have fun.




