NLC News November 16 2020


SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20 (Made for Mission Sunday #3) - Thanksgiving Dinner and Offering
  • Video series on "ROMANS" in Room 111
9:30 a.m. CONNECTING POINT (Dining Room) and Connecting Point for Kids (Rm 101)
10:00 a.m.  WORSHIP, NLC Kids, & The Crew (Jr/Sr High) 
  • John & Geri will be sharing from 45 years of global missionary and church planting ministry
11:15 a.m.  THANKSGIVING DINNER and Mission Offering - Gym/Dining Room
**CLICK HERE to pre-purchase your December 4 lunches from Celebrate Recovery today.**

6:00 a.m. MEN'S BIBLE STUDY - 10 Commandments - Dining Room


6:30 p.m. CELEBRATE RECOVERY - Worship / Teaching / Small Groups

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27 (Made for Mission Sunday #4) 
  • Video series on "ROMANS" in Room 111
9:30 a.m. CONNECTING POINT (Dining Room) and Connecting Point for Kids (Rm 101)
10:00 a.m.  WORSHIP - NLC Kids & The Crew (Jr/Sr High)
  • Cheryl Jackson from Open Gate Ministries will be spotlighting this partner ministry, and will be joined by Carolyn Ehoff sharing about the work of NLC's Home Resource Center. 
11:15 a.m. "The Bible Story Out Loud" - For adults and parents upstairs in the NLC Kids building, with Bible videos and snacks for the kids downstairs. 

John & Geri - Sharing 45 Years on Mission this Sunday!

Please pre-purchase your December 4th lunches!
Feel free to stay and eat next Sunday.

Next Sunday, Nov 27th - Cheryl Jackson from Open Gate Ministries will be speaking. Carolyn Ehoff will also share about our church's Home Resource Center.

Received Last Week (11/13)…..$4,809
Received this year ..........……..$73,916
Budget to Date: ………..…...... $89,175
Budget Goal….......................$421,553
Needed Weekly…….......…..……$8,479

A special offering will be gathered to fully fund our annual commitment to Missions at NLC!
What might God want to give through you toward sharing the Gospel?
You can give in person on the 20th, by mail, or online (choosing the Missions fund).  
Please be aware that online giving will have a 1-2 week lag time from the date of the donation to when we actually receive the funds.  For that reason, we will be reporting
the total Missions giving for the next 2-3 weeks.

Next week we'll roll out all the ways to support gift-giving through NLC: Jefferson School, homeless, and more!

  • Praise God for our new members from last Sunday: Maria Gonzalez, Dulce, and Victor, Jr., and the six young people baptized! Keep praying for Alyza and her brother Aydien, and the four older Aquino children: Hannah, Sam, Lydia, and Naomi. 
  • Pray for Ana (and Pastor Steve) Sandoval and the family. Her brother, Alex, passed away from a heart attack last Sunday in Texas after leading worship in his church. This was unexpected, and Ana has an important role in leading her family as they gather. 
  • Continue to pray God's comfort over Carl Wohlgemuth and Ron Thiessen, who both lost their wives recently, and for Juan Frausto, who lost his grandfather.
  • Pray for Dinuba pastor JR Arnold, who lost his wife Pauline last week. We were able to bless his family and friends with a reception on Wednesday.
  • Continue praying for JR, Eugene Enns, Glen & Peggy Zimmerman, Marilyn Chappell, Chris Holmen (hospice), and Steve Bryan's adult cousin, Melinda.
  • JR Southard was in church Sunday, but struggling with water retention. Pray for him as they work on that issue this week, and for his sister Cheryl. Remember also Mike Naylor, and Carolina Corrales.
  • Pablo & Maricela Chavez and their sons (and dogs) are in Peru!
  • Johnny & Denise Esposito are leaving soon for SE Asia.
  • Praise the Lord for several "households" of furniture recently donated to the Home Resource Center, and for two families in Parlier we were able help.
  • Remember Pastor Mark and Laurie in Kansas this weekend with their daughter's family. Their grandson, Cal, accepted Jesus in his heart on Wednesday morning!
  • We were recently challenged at the weekly Celebrate Recovery service to give thanks daily for five things, and to do that for a month. Take time in your daily prayers this month to give thanks for at least 5 things. 

Prepare for Christmas in a New Light!

The story of Christmas in the Bible always strikes me as so non-traditional. In fact, the whole story of Jesus' birth in the Bible is a complete disruption to life (and religion) as people knew it. There's a simple reason for that: God became flesh! God sent his Son Jesus to become a human baby. Even though prophets had foretold such a thing, nobody seemed ready for it.

The holidays can be stressful and create a lot of anxiety for people for many reasons. It's like our culture gets on the "holiday conveyor belt" just before Halloween and rides it through the New Year's Day. Things don't get back to "normal" until January. And often our celebration of Jesus' birth rides that same conveyor belt. We get out the same decorations, pull out the same recipes, plan for the same parties and get -togethers, and go through the same routines of gift buying and giving. And yes, we also go to church, light Advent candles, and sing familiar carols. These are traditions that we've wrapped around the reality of God coming to Earth.

I think it's time to reclaim the surprises of Christmas by embracing the diversity, disruption, and displacement that are inherent in the Bible story. Here's how we'll experience Christmas in a new light this year:
  • DIVERSITY - Dec. 4 - On December 4th we'll look at the diversity in Jesus' genealogy, especially two foreign women, Rahab and Ruth, who are reflected in Jesus' family tree. This Sunday we'll fill a Christmas tree with ornaments YOU BRING (see above) to reflect the diverse family of faith God is gathering at NLC.
  • DISRUPTION - Dec. 11 - Have you ever had a Christmas get disrupted? The Bible story of Christmas is one disruption after another. Disruptions can ruin Christmas, but they can also reveal what is most important about Christmas--that God is with us.
  • DISPLACEMENT - Dec. 18 - Last, we'll look for Jesus in times of displacement. There's a lot of moving around (from Nazareth to Bethlehem to Egypt to Galilee) in the Christmas story. Maybe you've experienced that, too. 

I'd like your help! To help us understand the meaning of God with us in each of these times, I'd like to include your stories. Please send me an email with your story (or stories) related to these questions. I'll contact you about using your story for one or more of those Sundays. Thanks for participating!
  1. Describe how Christmas in your experience reflects your family's culture/heritage. What are your special traditions, foods, decorations, activities, etc? How have you incorporated aspects of other traditions into your Christmas experience? How have these traditions helped you to understand more about Jesus?
  2. Describe a Christmas that was disrupted. What was the disruption and how did it happen? In what ways did the disruption "ruin" Christmas, and in what ways did it "reveal" something new or deeper about Jesus?
  3. Describe a Christmas when you were displaced and not able to be at home. Where did you celebrate Christmas and why were you there? What was Christmas like there? What was different, and what was especially meaningful?

Please send your response(s) to

Christmas Eve Service, Saturday, December 24th, 4-5 p.m., featuring NLC Kids and a candlelit night of carols and Christmas "toot" bags of goodies.

NLC Family Christmas, Sunday, December 25th, 10-11 a.m. will be a casual/comfortable experience for the whole family. Come as you are (pajamas are fine!) - we'll have  hot cocoa and costumes to wear for the reading of the Christmas story. 

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