NLC News December 7 2022

6:00 p.m. Private event: YFC Staff Dinner - Dining Room
8:00-11:00 a.m. "Pancake Breakfast with the Grinch" presented by the Dinuba Chamber of Commerce; tickets are $5/person in advance at the Chamber - Dining Room

  • Final video series on "ROMANS" for the month - Room 111
  • New video series on 1st Peter begins January 8th 
9:30 a.m. CONNECTING POINT (Dining Room) and Connecting Point for Kids (Rm 101)
  • Traditional Mexican Christmas tamales, bunuelos, champurrado...COME HUNGRY!
10:00 a.m.  WORSHIP/COMMUNION, NLC Kids, & The Crew (Jr/Sr High) 
  • 3nd Sunday of Advent - Please bring an ornament that reflects your family for the NLC Family Christmas Tree in the Dining Room
  • Pastor Mark will be preaching on Christmas in a New Light from Matthew 1:18-25
  • Appreciation for John Regier as Elder, now moving to inactive status
  • Dedication prayer over new Deacons: Mike & Nori Naylor
11:15 a.m. GROWTH CLASS
  • "The Bible Story Out Loud" - For adults and parents upstairs in the NLC Kids building, with Bible videos and snacks for the kids downstairs.

6:00 a.m. Final MEN'S BIBLE STUDY for 2022 - 10 Commandments - Dining Room
  • New Men's Bible Study beginning January 3rd!

6:30 p.m. Prayer Gathering - Room 113

6:30 p.m. CELEBRATE RECOVERY - Worship / Teaching / Small Groups

NLC Staff Christmas Party at Pastor Mark's house

9:30 a.m. CONNECTING POINT (Dining Room) and Connecting Point for Kids (Rm 101)
  • COME HUNGRY for special Christmas treats!
  • Megan Barnes is providing cake for Alex's 1st birthday! (BTW, he loves Mickey Mouse)
10:00 a.m.  WORSHIP - NLC Kids & The Crew (Jr/Sr High)
  • Pastor Mark will be preaching on Christmas in a New Light from 
11:00 a.m.
  • Grab & Go Meals served inside and drive-thru

Please bring unwrapped gifts to the red barrel at church. We're blessing students at our adopted school (Jefferson) and to others in our community, too.

And remember to bring an ornament with you
for the NLC Family Christmas Tree in the Dining Room!

Open Gate Christmas Tree Auction
Bless a local family!

Please see Carolyn Ehoff if you'd like to contribute cash to NLC's bid on a decorated Christmas tree with gifts and a full Christmas meal for a family selected by Dinuba/Orosi/Cutler Schools. You may also contribute through NLC's Home Resource Center with the memo: Tree Auction

COMING NEXT WEEK for the kids!

Open to children ages 4-12.
Younger children are welcome with a parent who stays with them.

This week our Home Resource Center assisted a wonderful local family referred to us by Dinuba Parenting Network.

Generous Giving

Received Last Week (12/04).......$5,210
Benevolence ......................................$55
Received this year ...….....…….$115,823
Budget to Date ……..……........ $113,495
Budget Goal  ………..................$421,553
Needed Weekly….............…..…....$8,107
The Celebrate Recovery fundraising lunch last Sunday 
received about $500 for the ministry!
  • Mike Naylor received good news from his PET scan this week, and will be starting radiation to make sure that this good news stays good news.
  • Remember grieving families: The Sandovals, Carl Wohlgemuth, and Ron Thiessen.
  • Continue praying for JR Southard, Glen & Peggy Zimmerman, Marilyn Chappell, Chris Holmen (hospice), Steve Bryan's adult cousin Melinda, and several who are sick including some children.
  • During a phone call with Erick Parra's grandfather, Felix, in Mexico, this week, he prayed to accept Jesus as his Savior!
  • Lift up our missionaries: Johnny & Denise Esposito in SE Asia, the Anchetas in San Francisco with YWAM, Cecil & Tracy Ramos in Thailand, and John & Geri making their last church visits this month before retiring from Multiply.
  • Pray for Peru and our missionary family there, Pablo & Maricela Chavez and boys. Though a coup by their president was averted there remains much uncertainty in the country.
  • Pray that people will find Jesus among the wrappings and trappings of Christmas, including the various events NLC will be hosting and the ways we'll be serving others.
  • Thank the Lord for our Celebrate Recovery ministry. Pray we continue to be a safe place where hurting people can come to grow in their trust and walk with God.
  • Pray for growing unity in our church as we work together in serving our Lord by loving and serving each other and our community.

An inside look at two Bible studies...

The alarm goes off at 5:15 a.m. almost every morning, but on Tuesdays I can't hit the snooze button. I need to get out of bed, shower, shave, and get dressed to head out to the Men's Bible Study at church. When I arrive at 6:00 a.m., I'm not the first one there. Nor am I the last. I won't say who's typically last, but I know who gets there first: Ken Sawatzky and John Regier. Ken's there early making coffee and setting up the video, and John's been to the donut shop for a fresh box of our favorites and then sets out the study guides he's printed at home.

There are always about 10-12 men each week, and it doesn't take more than a week or two before newcomers feel like they've always been part of the group. We talk, drink coffee and eat donuts, and then Ken gets the ball rolling by setting the stage for the video and discussion. As he says each week closing off discussion to move to prayer, "Good thoughts, men. Good thoughts." And it's true. We regularly challenge and learn from each other as well as from the videos such as "The Ten Commandments" featuring Pastor Albert Tate from Pasadena.
Thanks, Ken and John!

Last week I followed up on a suggestion to drop in on the L.I.F.T Women's Bible Study that meets at church on Tuesday mornings at 9:00 a.m. (I'd been at church since 6 that morning, anyway, right?!) The dozen ladies there welcomed me and let me sit in on the last session of their video series on Elijah. Unlike the men, the women have workbooks they study at home during the week and come prepared with really good thoughts! And really healthy snacks along the some pretty delicious desserts.

Loralee Kliewer has led L.I.F.T. for several years and has earned a wonderful reputation for delivering quality teaching and creating a place of caring for each woman. Judy Brown and Janet Warkentin help create that atmosphere, too, and set the tables and brew the coffee. I saw photos online from the L.I.F.T. Christmas party this week and read a comment from a woman who no longer lives in the area: "LIFT was a lifeline for me!!! Blessings to each of you who remember me and to the new ones I didn’t get to meet!!!" I counted 12 exclamation marks in the full comment, revealing in a funny little way the real depth of relationship and growth forged in this weekly ladies' Bible study. Thank you, Loralee, Judy, and Janet! 

The New Year is coming... Maybe now's a good time to set your alarm early on Tuesdays, men, or shift your schedule, ladies, to get in on the growing going on in these Bible studies. You know you're welcome. Come and grow!
  • The men's Bible study starts back up January 3rd.
  • L.I.F.T. women's Bible study starts back up January 17th.
Also beginning in the New Year, the 8:30 a.m. Sunday morning video class will begin a new series on the letter of 1 Peter, featuring Pastor Kyle Idelman. All adults are welcome!

1 Comment

Mark Isaac - December 8th, 2022 at 9:13am

Oops! Celebrate Recovery gives thanks at every Thursday night dinner, but it's not Thanksgiving Dinner.




