Celebrate Recovery Weekly Encouragement 3-16-23

Pick a Place and Start
Our daughter and her family live in another state. Her husband is going to school, and she has her hands full with three active toddlers underfoot. So when we arrived for a visit, we found the sink full of dishes. We helped our daughter put the kids down for a nap and then suggested she catch one also. While they were resting, we tackled some of the chores.
As I stood in front of the sink, I thought, Wow, this is going to take forever, but it won’t get done unless I get started. I surveyed the mess closely and chose a big pot that was taking up a lot of room. I washed it, dried it, and put it away. When I got back to the sink, things looked more manageable. I took care of another item, and then another, and before I realized it, the sink was empty and the kitchen was clean.
Starting our relationship with Jesus is a lot like that, especially for those of us in recovery. Our lives are such a mess that we often feel overwhelmed. But with the help of God and our sponsors, we pick the most glaring problem and tackle that first. Then we move on to the next and the next. As long as we remain diligent, relief is certain.
Celebrate Recovery Devotional.
Our daughter and her family live in another state. Her husband is going to school, and she has her hands full with three active toddlers underfoot. So when we arrived for a visit, we found the sink full of dishes. We helped our daughter put the kids down for a nap and then suggested she catch one also. While they were resting, we tackled some of the chores.
As I stood in front of the sink, I thought, Wow, this is going to take forever, but it won’t get done unless I get started. I surveyed the mess closely and chose a big pot that was taking up a lot of room. I washed it, dried it, and put it away. When I got back to the sink, things looked more manageable. I took care of another item, and then another, and before I realized it, the sink was empty and the kitchen was clean.
Starting our relationship with Jesus is a lot like that, especially for those of us in recovery. Our lives are such a mess that we often feel overwhelmed. But with the help of God and our sponsors, we pick the most glaring problem and tackle that first. Then we move on to the next and the next. As long as we remain diligent, relief is certain.
Celebrate Recovery Devotional.
This Week!
Do you know that some people think that deciding whether or not to discard their old toothbrush is a major decision? Others are so indecisive that their favorite color is plaid!
But seriously, do you know that not to decide is to decide?
Do you know putting off the decision to accept Jesus Christ as your Higher Power, Lord, and Savior really is making the decision not to accept Him?
This week we are talking about ACTION!
But seriously, do you know that not to decide is to decide?
Do you know putting off the decision to accept Jesus Christ as your Higher Power, Lord, and Savior really is making the decision not to accept Him?
This week we are talking about ACTION!
Angry? Let’s Look at Why!

Life’s Healing Choices

We’ve all been hurt by other people, we’ve hurt ourselves, and we’ve hurt others. And as a result, every single one of us ends up with some sort of hurt, hang-up, or habit. But the question we all face is, Where do we go from here?
This is an 8 week course designed to help you heal from lifes hurts, habits and hang ups!
Sunday April 16th 8:30 am. At New Life Community in Dinuba.
This is an 8 week course designed to help you heal from lifes hurts, habits and hang ups!
Sunday April 16th 8:30 am. At New Life Community in Dinuba.
Oh What a Year!
Tickets Available Soon

How time fly’s when your in recovery! Please join us June 24th Celebrate Recovery at New Life Dinuba will be having a celebration of hope and recovery. The evening will include a special bbq chicken dinner with all the fixings, worship time, a special testimony and a silent auction!
Brian Willems CADC 1
Ministry Leader
Celebrate Recovery
New Life Community Dinuba
110 N. Nichols
Dinuba CA 93618
Office 559-591-1176
Cell 949-294-8852
Ministry Leader
Celebrate Recovery
New Life Community Dinuba
110 N. Nichols
Dinuba CA 93618
Office 559-591-1176
Cell 949-294-8852
NLC News March 2 2023Celebrate Recovery Weekly Encouragement 3-2-23NLC News March 9 2023Celebrate Recovery Weekly Encouragement 3-9-23NLC News March 16 2023Celebrate Recovery Weekly Encouragement 3-16-23Celebrate Recovery Weekly Encouragement 3-23-23NLC News March 23 2023NLC News March 30 2023Celebrate Recovery Weekly Encouragement 3-30-23
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