NLC News April 12 2023
Over 50 children participated in the "CREATED NEW" Experience VBS during the week of Easter! And many adults and teens participated as leaders and helpers. What a great experience!
See lots more photos on NLC Kids' Facebook page.
See lots more photos on NLC Kids' Facebook page.
In the weeks leading up to Easter, Josh & Jessica Aquino led 5 students in learning about and preparing for baptism. They were also blessed to help a Mom take the step of baptism alongside her daughter on Easter Sunday morning! More conversations have been happening, so be praying as children, youth, and adults put their faith in Jesus and follow him in baptism.
Baptism candidates sharing their testimonies (left to right): Pastor Mark, Olusoji Brooks, Skye Mason, Claribel Gonzalez, Serenity Catacan (Salazar), NLC Kids' Leader Jessica Aquino,
Aria Suniga and Sophia Suniga. NLC Elder Josh "Chinoh" Aquino is on the far right.
Around 200 people attended Easter worship to celebrate new life in Jesus!
Aria Suniga and Sophia Suniga. NLC Elder Josh "Chinoh" Aquino is on the far right.
Around 200 people attended Easter worship to celebrate new life in Jesus!
8:00 a.m. Start in the NLC Kitchen - Lunch and pie provided - Feel free to come even for an hour or two throughout the day - Clean-up helpers are also appreciated around 1-3 p.m.
8:00 a.m. Start in the NLC Kitchen - Lunch and pie provided - Feel free to come even for an hour or two throughout the day - Clean-up helpers are also appreciated around 1-3 p.m.
5:30 p.m. Dinner - Dining Room
6:30 p.m. Worship / Lesson by Nacho Garcia: MORAL
7:30 p.m. Small Groups / Rock Solid Cafe
Our pies will be on sale as well as all kinds of crafts, quilts, and auction items - Fresno Pacific University main campus, 1717 S. Chestnut Ave., Fresno
5:30 p.m. Dinner - Dining Room
6:30 p.m. Worship / Lesson by Nacho Garcia: MORAL
7:30 p.m. Small Groups / Rock Solid Cafe
Our pies will be on sale as well as all kinds of crafts, quilts, and auction items - Fresno Pacific University main campus, 1717 S. Chestnut Ave., Fresno
8:30 a.m. ADULT GROWTH CLASSES - NLC KIDS ministry for parents in growth classes ONLY
8:30 a.m. ADULT GROWTH CLASSES - NLC KIDS ministry for parents in growth classes ONLY
- NEW adult class: LIFE'S HEALING CHOICES - Rooms 114/115
- Video Class: Romans, Part II - Room 111
- Pastor Mark speaking on Baptism
- The Bible Out Loud - Spiritual growth class for parents - Room 111 (with kids activities)
New Adult Class Starting This Sunday
6:00 a.m. NEW Men's Bible Study: Book of Job - Dining Room
9:00 a.m. LIFT Women's Bible Study - end of session party - Rooms 114/115
6:00 p.m. CELEBRATE RECOVERY Women's Step Study - Room 114/115 (the group is full)
6:30 p.m. Healing Rooms of Dinuba offers healing prayers - Church patio/library
6:00 p.m. Worship Rehearsal - Gym
6:30 p.m. Prayer Gathering - Room 113
5:30 p.m. Dinner - Dining Room
6:30 p.m. Worship / TESTIMONY NIGHT: Nacho
7:30 p.m. Small Groups / Rock Solid Cafe
6:00 a.m. NEW Men's Bible Study: Book of Job - Dining Room
9:00 a.m. LIFT Women's Bible Study - end of session party - Rooms 114/115
6:00 p.m. CELEBRATE RECOVERY Women's Step Study - Room 114/115 (the group is full)
6:30 p.m. Healing Rooms of Dinuba offers healing prayers - Church patio/library
6:00 p.m. Worship Rehearsal - Gym
6:30 p.m. Prayer Gathering - Room 113
5:30 p.m. Dinner - Dining Room
6:30 p.m. Worship / TESTIMONY NIGHT: Nacho
7:30 p.m. Small Groups / Rock Solid Cafe
Upcoming Events and Community Ministry
FRIDAY, APRIL 21 - YOUTH FOR CHRIST Auction and Dinner - Tulare Community Church
SATURDAY, APRIL 22 - COMMUNITY OUTREACH - Rose Ann Vuich Park - NLC Celebrate Recovery Team will be hosting a booth, so come on down and support them. We'll be joined by Healing Rooms of Dinuba, Open Gate Ministries, and You B's Pizza.
TUESDAY-SUNDAY, MAY 3-7 - NLC FAMILY CAMPOUT - Morro Bay State Park, Morro Bay
- There's still time to sign-up. Remember, it's only $40 per family for the entire time. When you click below to submit payment, keep the "counter" at 1.
- Will there be a service at church in Dinuba? YES! Pastor Jordan & Tristan Ringhofer will be leading a worship/communion service at NLC that day in Dinuba, so if you're not able to camp, there's still an opportunity to join others in worship!
Your Giving Matters
"Give as you are able, according as the Lord has blessed you." Deuteronomy 16:17
Received ..................................… $8,035
Received this year: ............… $216,269
Budget to Date: …………......... $251,310
Budget Goal: ………............... $421,553
Needed Weekly: …................…. $9,775
Received ...............................… $6,908
Received this year: …..… $223,177
Budget to Date: …………..... $259,417
Budget Goal: ……….............. $421,553
Needed Weekly: ……...........…. $9,919
Received ..................................… $8,035
Received this year: ............… $216,269
Budget to Date: …………......... $251,310
Budget Goal: ………............... $421,553
Needed Weekly: …................…. $9,775
Received ...............................… $6,908
Received this year: …..… $223,177
Budget to Date: …………..... $259,417
Budget Goal: ……….............. $421,553
Needed Weekly: ……...........…. $9,919
- Pray for families experiencing loss and grief recently: NLC member Chris Holmen passed away Saturday after a long battle with Parkinson's. Services have not been announced yet. Mark & Laurie's friend, Vanessa Leite, passed away after a very short battle with cancer.
- Thank the Lord for NLC's new elder, Otto Ekk! He joins Bruce Smith, Josh "Chinoh" Aquino, and Pastor Mark on the Elder Team. Pray for them as they form into a new team and lead together. Thank the Lord and pray also for their spouses: Marjorie Ekk, Laurel Smith, Jessica Aquino, and Laurie Isaac.
- Pray with thanksgiving for those recently baptized: Olusoji, Serenity, Claribel, Skye, Aria, and Sophia. Look for opportunities to encourage them in their faith.
- Thank the Lord for our Deacons: Stan & Ann Isaac, Manuela Lopez, Mike & Nori Naylor, Ken & Martha Sawatzky, and Don & Janet Warkentin. They've been making visits to retirement homes, sharing resources, supporting baptisms and communion, praying, and helping people who need assistance get to church services. Praise the Lord!
- Pray for people who are hurting or dealing with illness: JR Southard, Stephanie Morales injured her neck, Eugene Enns back from cancer treatments, Mike Naylor, Ana and Manuel dealing with vertigo, Sonya Morgan's cousin Jason dealing with a terminal liver cancer diagnosis, and others.
- Thank the Lord for those transitioning through Open Gate Ministries, and pray that they might find employment and housing. Pray also for those we are serving through our Home Resource Center, and ask God how you might support this amazing ministry.
New Elder Team
The four elders at NLC met for the first time as a new team this week! What a blessing it was to have Otto Ekk join the team alongside me and Bruce, and Chinoh who came aboard earlier this year.
When we meet we start with time in God's Word and prayer. That prayer is for God's guidance and wisdom, for the New Life Community family and our vision and mission, and for you. We check in with each other about our contacts with people in church, especially those who are taking new steps in their walk with God and those who are struggling in some way. Then we turn our attention to what's important for building up the body.
It's so wonderful to see the gifts that God has brought to the elder team in each person, as well as their spouse. Our church has turned outward with a mission to transform lives through Jesus. That mission is reshaping our church, and we're already seeing that come to reality as NLC reflects our church vision as a diverse family of faith, continuously being transformed ourselves through Jesus, and authentically loving God, each other and our community.
Otto brings gifts of church planting, evangelism, discipleship, and entrepreneurial experience--combining business with ministry among other gifts. Chinoh brings church planting and evangelism, too, alongside prison ministry experience, music, and discipleship. You can see how vitally important these gifts are for our church at this time.
The elder team is seeing the importance of developing community at NLC. People in our community have experienced loss over the last 3 years, and many have not returned to church. At the same time we have had first-time guests arriving every week during these last 3 years, and new members joining. We have been praying for unity, and also for fellowship between the people of NLC, from the moment a person encounters someone from this church.
Bruce's gifts seem fitted for this time, too, in camping ministry, youth, administration, music, evangelism, and discipleship. My gifts of leadership and vision-casting, preaching, pastoral care, administration, and faith are also part of the mix. As elders we know we set an example in our own ministry involvement, serving in all parts of church ministry, in our community, and for the world. We give financially, we pray faithfully, we study the Word of God as we teach and also learn from each other, and we move forward in consensus, listening to each other and waiting on the Lord to unite our hearts and minds.
The Elder Team is planning its first "retreat" as elders and spouses. We recognize God's gifts through our wives and the impact of God's work through them in so many ways (kitchen, worship, children's ministry, women's ministry, missions, our church facility, prayer, organizing, leading, mentoring, caring, and more). Pray for us as we put these plans together.
We need your prayer and support. Thank you for your strong affirmations of Otto and Chinoh. Bruce and I feel it as well. Is God calling another elder or more for us, yet? We continue to pray about that. Our church is growing in many ways, and we know that God is providing the people and the gifts needed to accomplish his plans for us. Praise the Lord!
When we meet we start with time in God's Word and prayer. That prayer is for God's guidance and wisdom, for the New Life Community family and our vision and mission, and for you. We check in with each other about our contacts with people in church, especially those who are taking new steps in their walk with God and those who are struggling in some way. Then we turn our attention to what's important for building up the body.
It's so wonderful to see the gifts that God has brought to the elder team in each person, as well as their spouse. Our church has turned outward with a mission to transform lives through Jesus. That mission is reshaping our church, and we're already seeing that come to reality as NLC reflects our church vision as a diverse family of faith, continuously being transformed ourselves through Jesus, and authentically loving God, each other and our community.
Otto brings gifts of church planting, evangelism, discipleship, and entrepreneurial experience--combining business with ministry among other gifts. Chinoh brings church planting and evangelism, too, alongside prison ministry experience, music, and discipleship. You can see how vitally important these gifts are for our church at this time.
The elder team is seeing the importance of developing community at NLC. People in our community have experienced loss over the last 3 years, and many have not returned to church. At the same time we have had first-time guests arriving every week during these last 3 years, and new members joining. We have been praying for unity, and also for fellowship between the people of NLC, from the moment a person encounters someone from this church.
Bruce's gifts seem fitted for this time, too, in camping ministry, youth, administration, music, evangelism, and discipleship. My gifts of leadership and vision-casting, preaching, pastoral care, administration, and faith are also part of the mix. As elders we know we set an example in our own ministry involvement, serving in all parts of church ministry, in our community, and for the world. We give financially, we pray faithfully, we study the Word of God as we teach and also learn from each other, and we move forward in consensus, listening to each other and waiting on the Lord to unite our hearts and minds.
The Elder Team is planning its first "retreat" as elders and spouses. We recognize God's gifts through our wives and the impact of God's work through them in so many ways (kitchen, worship, children's ministry, women's ministry, missions, our church facility, prayer, organizing, leading, mentoring, caring, and more). Pray for us as we put these plans together.
We need your prayer and support. Thank you for your strong affirmations of Otto and Chinoh. Bruce and I feel it as well. Is God calling another elder or more for us, yet? We continue to pray about that. Our church is growing in many ways, and we know that God is providing the people and the gifts needed to accomplish his plans for us. Praise the Lord!
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