Celebrate Recovery Weekly Encouragement 4-20-23

“For the Lord is always good. He is always loving and kind, and his faithfulness goes on and on to each succeeding generation.”
Psalm 100:5 (TLB)
If you grew up in a Christian home, you may have learned this childhood prayer: “God is great. God is good. Let us thank him for our food. Amen.” While simplistic, that prayer covers one key characteristic of God: his goodness.
Is it really true that God is good all the time? Absolutely!
Unfortunately, we often don’t live like we believe it—particularly when we’ve hit a dead end in a dream God has given us. Maybe God called you to start a church, but you can’t seem to raise the funds to get going. Maybe God has given you a vision for a new ministry, but you can’t seem to get anyone else on board.
In those cases, it’s hard to remember that God is good, but it’s so important!
So how can you trust in God’s goodness when you don’t feel it? The Bible reminds us of his goodness over and over. Psalm 100:5 says, “For the Lord is always good. He is always loving and kind, and his faithfulness goes on and on to each succeeding generation” (TLB).
Focusing on God’s goodness is so important for the future of God’s dream for you. It gives you perspective on your darkest days when you need it the most. When you forget God’s goodness, you lose perspective and can only see the difficulty you’re facing.
God wants to give you a life of confidence, even on your most difficult days. He wants to give you assurance that he will finish what he started in your life and ministry. He wants to give you a life of influence and opportunities so that you can make a difference for him in the world. Who doesn’t want that?
So how can you experience God’s goodness? You can start by learning about God’s goodness as you read the Bible. But you actually experience God’s goodness when you worship him. Nothing helps you focus like worship!
The Bible says in Psalm 34:9, “Worship God if you want the best; worship opens doors to all his goodness” (MSG). The way you experience God’s goodness is through worship—when you praise God and thank him for who he is and what he has promised you.
When you believe and understand the goodness of God, it will revolutionize your life and your perspective on God’s dream for your life. Your future won’t be the same!
Celebrate Recovery Devotional.
Psalm 100:5 (TLB)
If you grew up in a Christian home, you may have learned this childhood prayer: “God is great. God is good. Let us thank him for our food. Amen.” While simplistic, that prayer covers one key characteristic of God: his goodness.
Is it really true that God is good all the time? Absolutely!
Unfortunately, we often don’t live like we believe it—particularly when we’ve hit a dead end in a dream God has given us. Maybe God called you to start a church, but you can’t seem to raise the funds to get going. Maybe God has given you a vision for a new ministry, but you can’t seem to get anyone else on board.
In those cases, it’s hard to remember that God is good, but it’s so important!
So how can you trust in God’s goodness when you don’t feel it? The Bible reminds us of his goodness over and over. Psalm 100:5 says, “For the Lord is always good. He is always loving and kind, and his faithfulness goes on and on to each succeeding generation” (TLB).
Focusing on God’s goodness is so important for the future of God’s dream for you. It gives you perspective on your darkest days when you need it the most. When you forget God’s goodness, you lose perspective and can only see the difficulty you’re facing.
God wants to give you a life of confidence, even on your most difficult days. He wants to give you assurance that he will finish what he started in your life and ministry. He wants to give you a life of influence and opportunities so that you can make a difference for him in the world. Who doesn’t want that?
So how can you experience God’s goodness? You can start by learning about God’s goodness as you read the Bible. But you actually experience God’s goodness when you worship him. Nothing helps you focus like worship!
The Bible says in Psalm 34:9, “Worship God if you want the best; worship opens doors to all his goodness” (MSG). The way you experience God’s goodness is through worship—when you praise God and thank him for who he is and what he has promised you.
When you believe and understand the goodness of God, it will revolutionize your life and your perspective on God’s dream for your life. Your future won’t be the same!
Celebrate Recovery Devotional.
This Week at Celebrate Recovery

Nacho will be sharing his testimony with us this Thursday night! Nacho is the Central California liaison for Broken Chains. Nacho is the assimilation coach right here at NLC Celebrate Recovery! Your not going to want to miss how God has worked in his life thru the program of Celebrate Recovery!
This Saturday Join Us!

We will have a booth set up and will be sharing about Celebrate Recovery with the community of Dinuba. Please meet us at the park 9:30 AM this Saturday.
Life‘s Healing Choices Has

If you would like to join this class, this Sunday will be the last chance for this series.
We had a great turnout this past Sunday and I want to personally encourage you to attend if you can. God is working in men’s and women’s lives!
We had a great turnout this past Sunday and I want to personally encourage you to attend if you can. God is working in men’s and women’s lives!

How time fly’s when your in recovery! Please join us June 24th Celebrate Recovery at New Life Community Dinuba will be having a celebration of hope and recovery. The evening will include a special bbq chicken dinner with all the fixings, worship time, a special testimony and a silent auction!

This is a once a year rally where men and women that have found hope and healing thru Celebrate Recovery or any other Christ Centered recovery program can attend.
For more information contact Nacho or Dalia. They are our local liaisons for Broken Chains.
For more information contact Nacho or Dalia. They are our local liaisons for Broken Chains.

We’ve had an incredible response over the past three weeks for this ministry. We are still looking for a few more men and women that would like to help with our children’s ministry team!
See one of our leaders and we will connect you!
See one of our leaders and we will connect you!
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