NLC News April 20 2023


What an amazing experience last Sunday, April 16th! Seven more people came prepared to speak and show their faith in Jesus through baptism. (Here they are in order, left to right)
  • Glen Zimmerman started off the testimonies by sharing his desire to be rebaptized before his friends and family (that's us!), including his children and grandchildren. What a testimony!
  • Zach Clemmer also chose to be rebaptized, sharing his journey of faith in Jesus and his renewed commitment to live for the Lord.
  • Emma Aquino told how her older brother and sisters have influenced her faith through their baptisms.  She, too, wants to let people know she trusts Jesus.
  • Zephaniah "Zeph" Solorzano has been watching his mom, Candace, grow in her faith. He accepted Christ for himself and joined her in being baptized.
  • Hailee Yrigollen, Candace's second daughter, has been growing in her faith in Jesus through NLC Kids and by watching her mom's growing faith, too.
  • Candace Godfrey shared her testimony of God's grace to save and deliver her through many challenges. Praise the Lord for her strong and growing faith, and for leading her kids.
  • Matthew Muehlhauser made up his mind on Sunday morning that he wanted to be rebaptized! Matt's been taking important steps forward in living his faith. Praise the Lord!

As always, there are more photos and videos on:
5:30 p.m. - Dinner; 6:30 p.m. Worship/Testimony; 7:30 p.m. Small Groups and Rock Solid Cafe
FRIDAY, APRIL 21 - YOUTH FOR CHRIST Auction and Dinner - Tulare Community Church
6:00 p.m. - Dinner and Auction; OR go online by clicking the image below.
11:00 a.m. - Booths (including NLC Celebrate Recovery, The Healing Rooms of Dinuba, and Open Gate Ministries); two cars will be given away; free lunch; and more!
8:30 a.m. ADULT GROWTH CLASSES - NLC KIDS ministry for parents in growth classes ONLY
  • NEW adult class: LIFE'S HEALING CHOICES - Rooms 114/115
  • Video Class: Romans, Part II - Room 111
9:30 a.m. CONNECTING POINT (Dining Room) and Connecting Point for Kids (Rm 101)
  • Pastor Mark speaking on "WHO GOD IS"
11:15 a.m. AFTER CHURCH
  • NLC Kids' volunteer lunch and training (by invitation) - Dining Room
Remember to order and purchase your Mother's Day plant!
6:00 a.m. NEW Men's Bible Study: Book of Job - Dining Room
6:00 p.m. CELEBRATE RECOVERY Women's Step Study - Room 114/115 (the group is full)
6:30 p.m. Healing Rooms of Dinuba offers healing prayers - Church patio/library

6:00 p.m. Worship Rehearsal - Gym
6:30 p.m. Prayer Gathering - Room 113

5:30 p.m. Dinner; 6:30 p.m. Worship; 7:30 p.m. Small Groups / Rock Solid Cafe

Last Sunday to reserve and purchase a Mother's Day plant
AFTER CHURCH - Family Meal (main dish, drinks and tableware provided)
Last names A-M: Please bring a side dish or salad to share
Last names N-Z: Please bring a sweet/dessert to share

Chicken Alfredo and Drinks provided by the Kitchen Team
Last names A-M: Please bring a side or salad
Last names N-Z: Please bring a sweet (dessert)


Why do I need to give to NLC?

Each one of us will have our own reasons for giving our time, money, and talents to the church. 
  • For some people, their WHY is to get something back, whether that's a good feeling, some kind of recognition, or maybe donating for a meal or one of those delicious pies! Yum!
  • Others may give out of a sense of duty, out of obligation, or out of obedience to the Lord. Maybe those sound boring to others, but God says our obedience shows our love for him. It also recognizes that the church has it's own duty to pay its electric bill, insurance, and staff.
  • I know some people who are motivated to give out of gratitude, whether that's being grateful to God for what he's done and provided, or grateful for ministries or ministers who have blessed them. Gratitude is an attitude that usually produces cheerful givers.
  • Relationship motivates some people to give. Maybe it's giving to support a missionary or maybe that relationship is just knowing you belong in the family of faith at NLC. This kind of giving comes from a heart of love for others, like the early Christians who simply shared what they had with each other. Whatever is mine, is yours.
  • One more kind of motivation for giving is partnership. When Barnabas sold a piece of property in the book of Acts, he gave the money to the apostles for their missionary travel. And then he joined them! He felt a partnership in the Gospel and so gave all of himself to it.

You will have your own reasons for giving. I encourage you to consider where you are and what kind of motivations God might want to grow in you. In the end, we give for God's glory!

Last Sunday's Giving

Received Last Week (4/09)  …....  $2,521
Received this year: .……..........  $225,699
Budget to Date: …………........... $267,524
Budget Goal: ………..................  $421,553
Needed Weekly: …….................  $10,308
  • Chris Holmen's memorial service will be at the Reedley Cemetery Pavillion on May 10th. Continue to lift his family to the Lord along with the family of Mark & Laurie's friend, Vanessa Leite.
  • Pray with thanksgiving for those baptized last week: Glen, Zach, Matt, Candace,  Hailee, and Zeph, and Emma. 
  • Remember those who are hurting or dealing with illness: JR Southard, Stephanie Morales injured her neck, Mike Naylor awaiting treatments, Ana and Manuel dealing with vertigo, Sonya Morgan's cousin Jason dealing with a terminal liver cancer diagnosis, and others.
  • Pray for the family who lost everything in a fire, recently. We can replace furniture and other household items, but ask God to calm their fears and give them peace. Thank the Lord for the ministry of YFC/Campus Life at Washington Intermediate School, and how they are caring for this family with kids and teens. Pray that the YFC auction brings in needed donations to support this vital ministry.
  • Turn your prayers globally to remember our missionaries: the Anchettas in San Francisco, Bruce & Laurel and the YFC staff locally, the Chavez family in Peru, the Ramos family and the Espositos in Thailand and Southeast Asia, and John & Geri continuing ministry through Global Partners. Otto & Marjorie will be hosting Pastor Marques from Portugal in our area in May. Pray for ways to continue supporting the work of the church there.
  • Remember also our Good News Club at Jefferson School and the one at Monson-Sultana.
  • And don't forget the people in Siberia that Tom Regier has touched with the Gospel through through Kingdom Air ministries. 
  • Ok, the final pie tally was 685! These were made and baked in our kitchen and delivered to the MCC Sale last weekend. Give thanks to God for those who served and delivered these pies, for Phyllis Enns and Jane Jantzen who led the team, and for all those who contributed to world relief by buying one of them. May those we serve recognize the name of Jesus as Savior and Lord!
  • And picking up with local churches, thank the Lord for Living Word Fellowship and Pastor Mark Wallace and Jason Protzman (and others). They share resources so freely (like the baptism tub)! Praise the Lord for nearly 500 people who came to see their Easter drama.

Got Time to Help with a House?

Juan & Josephine Frausto are in the process of building a self-help home in Orosi. They could use our help.  And you don't have to be skilled. Training comes with the volunteering!
Each week Juan & Josie must log 40 hours of work on their home and their neighbors' homes. Any hours you can give them are SO very important. Several people have already been helping, but there's a need for more each week (Tues-Saturday). Josie usually arrives after her work at school around 1:30 p.m.
Call Stan Isaac or Pastor Mark for details and directions. They're working inside now on wiring, and will soon get to drywall, then mudding and painting, flooring, lighting, cabinets, etc.

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