Celebrate Recovery Weekly Encouragement 5-18-23

Addressing Fear
One of the things I struggle with on a daily basis is fear. It might be the fear of disappointing someone, the fear of failure, or the fear of making a costly mistake. I’ve found that when I give in to fear, it can cripple me and keep me from moving forward in my recovery as well as in my life.
The tricky thing is that we can’t trust fear. Think about how fear is like the darkness. When we go into a dark room, we can’t see a thing. Even though we might know the room well, once the lights are out, everything seems different. We imagine that things are jumping out to trip us as we shuffle around trying not to run into something and hurt ourselves. In reality, nothing has changed except our perception. The furniture is right where it was; the doors haven’t moved. It’s the same room it was with the light on. It’s just that the darkness distorts things.
Fear does the same thing. It distorts our perceptions, making us lose our sense of reality and focus on “what ifs.” Most of the things we fear aren’t real at all; just figments of our imagination. When the truth comes in, it illuminates our minds, just like turning on the light in a dark room. Truth comes from God’s Word. So why live in fear when we can open our Bibles and turn on the light?
Celebrate Recovery Devotional
One of the things I struggle with on a daily basis is fear. It might be the fear of disappointing someone, the fear of failure, or the fear of making a costly mistake. I’ve found that when I give in to fear, it can cripple me and keep me from moving forward in my recovery as well as in my life.
The tricky thing is that we can’t trust fear. Think about how fear is like the darkness. When we go into a dark room, we can’t see a thing. Even though we might know the room well, once the lights are out, everything seems different. We imagine that things are jumping out to trip us as we shuffle around trying not to run into something and hurt ourselves. In reality, nothing has changed except our perception. The furniture is right where it was; the doors haven’t moved. It’s the same room it was with the light on. It’s just that the darkness distorts things.
Fear does the same thing. It distorts our perceptions, making us lose our sense of reality and focus on “what ifs.” Most of the things we fear aren’t real at all; just figments of our imagination. When the truth comes in, it illuminates our minds, just like turning on the light in a dark room. Truth comes from God’s Word. So why live in fear when we can open our Bibles and turn on the light?
Celebrate Recovery Devotional
This Week at Celebrate Recovery

This week we have the privilage to hear Will’s journey!
Will is the Ministry Leader for Celebrate Recovery at Northpointe in Fresno. He will be sharing what God has done in his life thru Celebrate Recovery.
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
Ephesians 2:10 NLT
Will is the Ministry Leader for Celebrate Recovery at Northpointe in Fresno. He will be sharing what God has done in his life thru Celebrate Recovery.
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
Ephesians 2:10 NLT
Our One Year Celebration of Hope and Recovery is coming up!

Hello forever family! We are getting ready for an evening filled with hope! Come and enjoy a BBQ chicken dinner with all the fixings.
When you purchase your tickets you will automatically receive a raffle ticket. We will be raffling off some great gifts. We are also having TWO silent auctions that will be running at the same time! One will be for special desserts and the other will be all sorts of stuff donated by our local businesses.
Bret and Pauline Gordon will be sharing what God has done in their lives thru the Celebrate Recovery program. Bret is the West Coast Regional Director for Celebrate Recover on the Inside. He and Pauline are also the ministry leaders at New hope Celebrate Recovery in Clovis.
It is very simple to get your tickets for this event, just scan the QR code located beneath this post! We hope to see you there!
When you purchase your tickets you will automatically receive a raffle ticket. We will be raffling off some great gifts. We are also having TWO silent auctions that will be running at the same time! One will be for special desserts and the other will be all sorts of stuff donated by our local businesses.
Bret and Pauline Gordon will be sharing what God has done in their lives thru the Celebrate Recovery program. Bret is the West Coast Regional Director for Celebrate Recover on the Inside. He and Pauline are also the ministry leaders at New hope Celebrate Recovery in Clovis.
It is very simple to get your tickets for this event, just scan the QR code located beneath this post! We hope to see you there!

Brian Willems CADC 1
Ministry Leader
Celebrate Recovery
New Life Community Dinuba
110 N. Nichols
Dinuba CA 93618
Office 559-591-1176
Cell 949-294-8852
Ministry Leader
Celebrate Recovery
New Life Community Dinuba
110 N. Nichols
Dinuba CA 93618
Office 559-591-1176
Cell 949-294-8852
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