NLC Connect Aug 16 2023

connecting with...
God's Word

Good morning, Dinuba! Jesus loves you!

I was present at the Dinuba Chamber of Commerce's "Good Morning, Dinuba!" event this morning at a local insurance company. Thirty people or so were there representing local businesses, the school district, and non-profits, including two representatives from Teen Challenge. We're familiar with this ministry, which accepts men locally at their residential facility near Immanuel's sports complex and guides their recovery from addictions and other issues.

As each one did around the room, so Jordan and Rick, the two representatives from Teen Challenge, greeted the local community members and shared a bit about their business. As they finished they made this remarkable statement: we're seeing lives transformed as men accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Praise the Lord for their boldness! Our monthly memory verse immediately came to my mind. These two men were entirely unashamed to publicly declare the power of Jesus Christ to redeem and restore lives. Hallelujah!

Sometimes I overhear Christians talking about how bad things are becoming in this world. I recently received a letter from a sister church that decried: "the world’s influence [is] now at our doorstep in our once protected corner of the world of the Central Valley". Please. We are not called to hide away and protect ourselves from whatever ills the devil wants to throw at us. And our weapons to fight such battles are neither political nor cultural. God has given us the Gospel, which is his power to bring salvation to everyone who believes. So step out your door, greet the day the Lord has made, and carry the Good News with you to everyone without shame or fear! 

connecting with...
Opportunities to serve

6:30 p.m. - Worship Practice - Gym
6:30 p.m. - Prayer Gathering - Room 113

5:30 p.m. - Celebrate Recovery meal and ministry. TOPIC: Forgiveness. Small Groups. Solid Rock Cafe.

9:30 a.m - Noon - Celebrate Recovery offers OPIOID AWARENESS TRAINING and NARCAN KITS - Dining Room - CLICK TO REGISTER BELOW

Be Prepared to Love Your Neighbor

I have to put this event in light of Scripture. When Jesus told the parable we know as "The Good Samaritan" in Luke 10, he described religious people who were either not equipped or not interested or maybe even afraid to help someone lying on the side of the road. When Jesus described the one person who stopped to provide aid, using what he had with him to bandage the hurting person and then using his resources to pay for the injured person's lodging and care until he was recovered and strengthened, everyone immediately recognized Jesus' point. It was this person--ready to care--who represented best God's command to love our neighbor.

Laurie and I will be coming to be trained on how to recognize and respond to opioid overdoses, something that is on the increase in our region and nation. We will accept the NARCAN kits and be ready wherever we are to stop and give aid in the hope of saving a life so someone might come to experience the love of God for them in the name of Jesus. Please join us.
8:30 a.m. - Adult Growth Class: FOUNDATIONS IN FINANCE - Rooms 114/115
9:30 a.m. - CONNECTING POINT (Dining Room)
  • Pastor Mark preaches the second in the series on money called: "IN GOD WE TRUST" - What it Means to be a Good Steward
  • Terry Chappell will be sharing his story of lifelong stewardship as part of the sermon.

6:00 a.m. NEW Men's Bible Study on 1 Thessalonians - Dining Room - CLICK BELOW TO WATCH THE TRAILER
6:30 p.m. Healing Rooms of Dinuba - West Porch of Worship Center
SATURDAY-SUNDAY, AUGUST 25-27 - Hartland Christian Camp's FALL FESTIVAL
8:30 a.m. - Adult Growth Class: FOUNDATIONS IN FINANCE - Rooms 114/115
9:30 a.m. - CONNECTING POINT (Dining Room)
  • Pastor Mark preaches the last of the series on money called: "IN GOD WE TRUST" - Overcoming Financial Obstacles
  • Otilia "Tillie" Avila will be sharing her story of overcoming financial obstacles as part of the sermon.
  • Last names A-K: Please bring Sides/Salads
  • Last names L-Z: Please bring Sweets/Desserts
LIFT Women's Bible Study starts September 5th
HAGGAI Sunday morning video growth class starts September 17th

click photos below to view trailers

connecting with...
God through Giving and Prayer

Offerings Received Last Week (8/13): ............................$4,107
Offerings Received this year to date:.........................$379,567
Other Income (Ministries, Facility Rental, Interest, Misc.) this year to date:.... $61,806
Total Income this year to date: …………….............$441,373
Estimated Expenses to Fiscal Year End  (Aug. 31):...$385,000
Fiscal Year Income greater than Expenses:.............…..$56,373
  • Let's keep our students, teachers, staff, administrators, and YFC/Campus Life mentors in our prayers as school has begun.
  • The local police have reported more than one shooting recently in Dinuba. Pray that those responsible will be apprehended and that our city would enjoy peace and safety.
  • Pray for those dealing with cancer diagnoses and treatments: Kristel Salazar, Lanisha Washington, Mike Naylor who will be receiving radiation "seeds" on the 24th, Eugene Enns, and Glen Zimmerman. 
  • Pray along with Karen & Manuel Madrid for his mother who they are praying will be returned to Stanford for further specialized treatment for cancer. 
  • Carolina Carroles was recently hospitalized for complications with the cancer in her leg. Pray for healing and strength for her.
  • Pray also for Pastor Bill Nicolay and Pastor Roland De La Cerda's wife Bea as they deal with recent cancer diagnoses. 
  • Keep JR and Janet Southard in your prayers for his healing and their strength.
  • Remember Chinoh with the Air Force in Qatar. He was recently named Airman of the Month and his service group was also recognized. Pray for Jessica who will be having her wisdom teeth pulled this week. She has a lot on her plate with her teaching job, her staff role at NLC, her master's program, and caring for her family while Chinoh is deployed. Pray she has no complications and recovers quickly.
  • Pray for Stephanie, our worship leader, during her pregnancy. Pray for health and strength.
  • Pray for our CR Team and partners, Broken Chains JC, as they prepare for the Opioid Awareness training event. Pray that people will come so lives will be saved.
  • Pray for wisdom as leaders prepare a new budget for NLC starting in September. We thank the Lord for the abundant provisions God has given us for serving our community.
  • Pray for R & G, going through some intense challenges. There have been some changes, so please pray for ongoing protection, peace, and rest. 
  • Pray for peace in this world as wars rage and division grows. Ask God to give you his love that covers a multitude of sin. 

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