Celebrate Recovery Weekly Encouragement 8-30-23

"The Power of a Prayerful Heart"

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭6‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Greetings forever family,

Prayer is the most important part of how we talk to God. It is our spiritual lifeline, a way to talk to our Savior in a personal way, and a tool we use to seek His knowledge and grow closer in love. It can change hearts, minds and even our entire lives.

The Bible says that we shouldn't worry about anything. This is easy to say, but hard to do, especially when we are going through hard times. But the second half of the verse tells us how to stop worrying: "But in every situation, pray and ask God for what you need with thanksgiving."

This verse tells us that we should pray to God no matter what is going on in our lives. In every situation, whether it's a crisis, a choice we need to make, a healing we're waiting for, or a miracle we want to see, we are told to pray.

Notice that it doesn't say in some cases or in big cases, but in ALL cases. God cares about both the big and small things in our lives. So, let's start doing this: let's pray all the time, never stop, and give all our worries and joys to God.

As we do this, let's also remember to be thankful. For a grateful heart changes our point of view, making it easier to see God's hand in everything and making our faith and trust in Him stronger.

Let's appreciate the gift of prayer and the incredible honor of being able to talk to God directly anytime, anywhere.

Father, teach us to pray without ceasing and with a grateful heart. Help us understand and believe that you care about every part of our lives. When we are worried, lead us to prayer and a strong faith in you. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Brian Willems CADC 1
Ministry Leader
Celebrate Recovery
New Life Community

This Week at Celebrate Recovery

This week we will be looking at God's grace! This is one of my personal favorites! Here is a brief excerpt from this weeks lesson.
If my relationship with God was dependent on my being perfect, I would have trouble relating to God most of the time. Thank God that my relationship with Him is built on His grace and love for me. He gives the strength to make the amends and offer the forgiveness that Principle 6 requires.

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