NLC Connect August 30 2023

connecting with
God's Word

Brian Willems and I are meeting weekly this semester in part to complete his capstone internship course for his bachelor's degree program. I'm enjoying the opportunity to walk alongside Brian and refresh my own learning as he learns.

Among his course assignments last semester he had to write on the topic of epistemology, the study or theory of how humans gain knowledge. As our new monthly memory verse shows, one way we gain knowledge is through revelation. God gave us his Word in the form of the Bible so we might come to know and believe him. We wouldn't have been able to know or be assured of our eternal life if God hadn't made it clear to us in his Word.

God also sent his Son, Jesus, to live among us as a human being. Because you've seen me, Jesus told his disciples, you've seen the Father. Astounding, isn't it?! And yet it's all so very that God will do what it takes for us to know him. That's why he reveals himself to us in his Word and through the Living Word, Jesus.

The Bible also tells us that we can know God by his works. All of creation points to him and reveals to us his eternal attributes, the Psalms and Romans say. I have witnessed Christians try and pit the Word of God against scientific study, and it saddens me. Science is just a way to see the works of God, which go hand in glove with his Word. It can be a challenge to hold these two together, but if we stop seeing these in conflict and start seeing them in harmony we might be better able to engage in conversation with each other that helps keep our eyes open to knowing more of our great God and Savior. We can enter studies and conversations with confidence that God will reveal himself. He already has, and continues to every day, to each generation.

Want to read more on the subject of science and faith, or knowing and belief? Here are two books I have enjoyed, both written by former atheists who came to faith in Jesus through scientific study and reading the Word of God: The Language of God, by Francis S. Collins, and Believing Is Seeing: A Physicist Explains How Science Shattered His Atheism and Revealed the Necessity of Faith, by Michael Guillen. BioLogos is a great online resource for considering how the Word and works of God go hand in hand to reveal his glory:

connecting with
God and Others at NLC

6:30 p.m. - Worship rehearsal - Gym
6:30 p.m. - Prayer Gathering - Room 113

5:30 p.m. - Celebrate Recovery meal and ministry. LESSON: God's Grace. Small Groups. Solid Rock Cafe.

8:30 a.m. - Adult Growth Class: FOUNDATIONS IN FINANCE - Rooms 114/115
9:30 a.m. - CONNECTING POINT (Dining Room)
  • Communion Service
  • Pastor Mark preaches a short message on Giving God's Grace
  • Dedication of MCC School Kits

Sermons in September

Church office closed

6:00 a.m. Men's Bible Study on 1 Thessalonians - Dining Room
9:00 a.m. NEW Women's LIFT Bible Study - Book of Ruth - Rooms 114/115
6:30 p.m. Healing Rooms of Dinuba - West Porch of Worship Center
6:30 p.m. - Worship Practice - Gym
6:30 p.m. - Prayer Gathering - Room 113

Regular Sunday morning Connecting Point and Worship
  • Pastor Mark preaching on Giving God's Grace
NLC Kids and CREW will be having THE BIG MESS - Parents, be sure and check kids in by 9:45 a.m.
Women's Retreat at Hartland Christian Camp

8:30 a.m. New Video class begins - Book of Haggai 
Regular Sunday morning Connecting Point and Worship, NLC Kids and Crew
  • Pastor Mark will finish preaching on Giving God's Grace

connecting with God through
Giving and Prayer

Offerings Received Last Week (8/27): .........................$1,376
Offerings Received this Fiscal Year to date:...........$386,767
 Additional Income received (Ministries, Facility Rental, Interest & Misc.)
this Fiscal Year to date:.... $62,126
Total Income this year to date: …………..................... $448,893

Estimated Expenses to Fiscal Year End (Aug. 31):… $389,000
Income greater than expenses: ……………...............…..$58,893
  • Pray for the following people dealing with cancer, testing, waiting, or treatments: Lanisha Washington is receiving treatments out of town while her mom, Tanisha, cares for her two children along with Tanisha's children at Open Gate; Kristel Salazar is undergoing tests on a lump; Mike Naylor is awaiting radiation "seeds"; remember Eugene Enns, Glen Zimmerman, Carolina Corrales, Pastor Bill Nicolay, and Bea De La Cerda.
  • Manuel Madrid's mother, Mary, was moved and is receiving treatments again.
  • Keep JR and Janet Southard in your prayers for his healing and their strength.
  • Pray that Ron Froese will regain his hearing.
  • Pray for Lorry Felland, scheduled for hip surgery this month.
  • Keep R & G in your prayers as they make caregiving decisions with an aging family member.
  • Remember Chinoh with the Air Force in Qatar.
  • Pray for Stephanie Morales' health and strength as she leads worship during her pregnancy. 
  • Give thanks to God for supplying financial resources for the ministries to which he has called us as a church!
  • Pray for a team of volunteers to work with youth on Sunday mornings, and with children and youth on Thursday evenings. 
  • What a  joy and surprise it was to have Gleanings for the Hungry show up with their ice cream truck last Sunday. They had been at another church and had more ice cream to serve. They arrived just as we were finishing our Family Meal! Pray for them as they begin their Discipleship Training School this month.

from our foundation

Our denomination's foundation is offering individuals and Mennonite Brethren churches like NLC the opportunity to invest in church construction and church planting funding through a short-term certificate of deposit program. Minimum deposit of $1000 to open a cd.  
I am passing along their offer for your consideration.

1 Comment

Luann - August 30th, 2023 at 7:32pm

Thank you for singing, "Great is Thy Faithfulness", a couple Sundays ago. I thoroughly enjoyed it and was blessed by it. Keep it up!!! Thank you




