Celebrate Recovery Weekly Encouragement 10-11-23

Conquering Relapse - A Step Towards Lasting Recovery

1 Corinthians 10:13, "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it."

A lot of us face different kinds of temptations that put our faith to the test. If we don't take steps to protect ourselves, these temptations can make it easy to slip back into old habits.

This verse from 1 Corinthians 10:13 reminds us of how faithful and kind God is to us. We can handle any fight against desire. It's even better that we never fight that battle alone. With all of His infinite love and knowledge, God makes sure that every temptation we face has a way out.

This powerful verse holds the key to keeping people from relapsing. We first recognize that we are not the only ones going through hard times; all people go through similar things. This acknowledgement breaks down the feeling of being alone that many people have when they are dealing with temptation.

The second thing it does is remind us of how loyal God is. His words keep us reminded of the help we can get from God. God is not a distant observer; he is involved in our lives and gives us the power to keep going.

Lastly, the Bible stresses that God has made a way out. In other words, this shows that return is not a given. Even though we may fall and hurt ourselves, God is merciful and has given us the strength to get back up, leave our past behind, and start a new, better life.

To avoid relapse, it's important to stay rooted in God's word and pray for strength and knowledge. Stay in touch with friends, family, and accountability partners, and don't be afraid to ask for help when pressures get too strong. Remember that God has already given you a way out. It could be a prayer, a phone call, a verse, or a helping hand.

Ask God to give you the strength to resist the things that want to pull you down. I know that no desire is too strong for me, and that you have given me a way to escape. Help me see that way when the time comes. Your word in 1 Corinthians 10:13 is still true. Give me the strength to hold on to this truth even when I feel weak. "Amen, in the name of Jesus."

Today, let's enjoy our recovery by living with the knowledge that God is in charge and that with His help and support, we can resist any temptation and avoid relapse. Start or continue to reach out to others for accountability. We can chose to break the cycle.

Brian Willems CADC 1
Ministry Leader
Celebrate Recovery
New Life Community Dinuba 

This Week at Celebrate Recovery

Relapse Prevention!

Here is a short excerpt from this weeks lesson:
Holidays can be tough, especially if you are alone, or if you are still hoping your family will live up to your expectations. This is a key time of the year to guard against slipping back to your old hurts, hang-ups, or habits. A key time to guard against relapse!
The first step in preventing a relapse is to admit that you will be tempted, that you are not above temptation. Jesus wasn’t, why should you be?

Want To Share How God and the Program of Celebrate Recovery has Changed Your Life?

Save The Date
November 4th Sanger

Celebrate Recovery NLC and Broken Chains will be handing out Narcan at this event!
We will have a tent set up and would like as many volunteers that we can get to come out and share the love, grace and mercy of Jesus!  

Here are some of the pictures from this past weekend.

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