NLC Connect November 8 2023

connect with God's Word

connect your Calendar

Sundays from November 5th through December 3rd will focus on LIFE ON MISSION. Each one of the Elders will lead a Sunday on this topic, giving us encouragement to live our lives on mission wherever we are. 
  • Nov. 12 - Joshua "Chinoh" Aquino - Air Force
  • Nov. 19 - Otto Ekk and Pedro "Pete" Martinez - CarePortal - MISSION MEAL & OFFERING
  • Nov. 26 - Bruce Smith - Youth For Christ 
  • Dec. 3 - Cecil & Tracy Ramos - NLC's Multiply missionaries to Thailand
  • Pray for Eugene Enns and Mike Naylor undergoing procedures today.
6:30 p.m. - Prayer Gathering - Room 113
6:30 p.m. - Worship Team Rehearsal - Gym

5:30 p.m. - Celebrate Recovery - LESSON: "Give" - Small Groups - Cafe

Church office closed for Veterans Day
  • Congratulations to Josh "Chinoh" Aquino, who was celebrated recently as Outstanding Airman of the Year for his shop at the 144th Fighter Wing in Fresno!
8:30 a.m. - GROWTH CLASSES 
  • Salt & Light Class: The Book of Judges, Rooms 114-115
  • WOMEN: Life's Healing Choices, Room 111
9:30 a.m. - CONNECTING POINT (Dining Room)
  • NLC Elder, Josh Aquino, preaches on LIFE ON MISSION: "People Will Always Be the Mission" from 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 (CEV)
  • I am not anyone's slave. But I have become a slave to everyone, so I can win as many people as possible. When I am with the Jews, I live like a Jew to win Jews. They are ruled by the Law of Moses, and I am not. But I live by the Law to win them. And when I am with people who are not ruled by the Law, I forget about the Law to win them. Of course, I never really forget about the law of God. In fact, I am ruled by the law of Christ. When I am with people whose faith is weak, I live as they do to win them. I do everything I can to win everyone I possibly can. I do all this for the good news, because I want to share in its blessings.
6:00 p.m. - CR Worship Team Rehearsal - Gym

6:00 a.m. - Men's Bible Study on Malachi - Dining Room
9:00 a.m. - LIFT Women's Bible Study on Ruth - Rooms 114/115
6:30 p.m. - Healing Rooms of Dinuba - West porch of Worship Center building
6:30 p.m. - Griefshare - Community Room

connect with Upcoming Events

Life on Mission event for Jr High through College students. Contact Josh & Jessica or Dulce.

giving report

Received Last Week (11/05):….......$6,653
Received this year to date:……….$57,263
Deacon Care Fund.............................$189
Budget to Date: ………………......... $76,989
Budget Goal: ………....……...….....$400,342
Needed Weekly: ………….......…….…$8,169

a gift to you and your family!

connect with God in Prayer

  • Please continue to pray for Manuel & Karen Madrid. He lost his mother Mary recently. Remember also: Janet Southard, Nora Reimche, and Lyubov Heinrichs. 
  • Ann Isaac was back in church after being hospitalized for A-fib and is doing well.
  • Ron Froese had successful ear surgery yesterday (Nov. 7th). He can hear again!
  • Mike Naylor is having radiation seeds implanted today (Nov. 8th)
  • Eugene Enns is having a kidney stone procedure today (Nov. 8th)
  • Jessica Aquino will be having surgery on Nov. 27th and taking a 3-week leave to recover. Pray for the NLC Kids' team as they continue providing important ministry in her absence.
  • Continue praying for others who are fighting cancer, awaiting diagnosis or treatment, or resting in remission: Mike Naylor, Kristel Salazar, Eugene Enns, Carolina Coralles, Glen Zimmerman, Pastor Bill Nicolay, Bea De La Cerda, Lanisha Washington, Nori Naylor's aunt Kathy, and Alyza Dover's grandma, Lori. 
  • Kristel Salazar is asking for prayer for her coworker, Ricardo, who has cancer.
  • Cynthia Avendano is not responding as quickly to treatments to resolve her Valley Fever, pneumonia, and nosocomial infection as hoped for. Pray she recovers soon.
  • Residents of Everwell who have been attending NLC have been given approval to be picked up and dropped off by car/van rather than walking. Pray for willing driver(s) and a vehicle to transport the 4-6 individuals.
  • Chris R has returned to Everwell. Pray he can join us again soon.
  • Bob Martin has been approved for cataract replacement. Praise the Lord!
  • Pray for an end to violence in Israel and Gaza and the region, as well as in Ukraine.
  • Ask God what he wants to give through you toward missions on Sunday, Nov. 19th. And remember our missionaries: the Ruddy & Cristina Anchetta, Pablo & Maricella Chavez and boys, Cecil & Tracy Ramos and family, Bruce & Laurel Smith, and Johnny & Denise Esposito

Christmas toy drive

New Life Community is hosting the community toy drive this Christmas as we have in the past in partnership with the Dinuba Chamber of Commerce, local businesses, and the Dinuba Unified School District (including our adopted school, Jefferson Elementary).

Here are the events and ways to participate in the toy drive:
  • It starts with the Breakfast with the Grinch on Saturday, November 25th in our Dining Room. Come support this effort and bring unwrapped toys. There is a small cost to attend, or come and serve for free! Volunteers are needed to serve pancakes and sausage, wipe down tables, and contribute to the festive mood. Come at 7 a.m. to help set up. The event is 8-11 a.m. 
  • Bring unwrapped toys to place in the barrel in the Dining Room by Saturday, December 2nd. 
  • Come support the Toy Emporium, Saturday, December 2nd, in the Dining Room. Parents selected by Dinuba Unified will be shopping the gifts we've brought for their children at no cost to them. 
  • The Salt & Light Sunday Growth Class will be contributing extra gifts of clothing and food for the selected families from Jefferson School. Contact Martha Sawatzky to participate or come to class on Sundays in Rooms 114/115!
  • Also, Louis & Michelle Perez are leading a special toy drive for the families of Open Gate. Ask them at church or look for their toy collection event on social media.

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