NLC Connect November 15 2023

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Come and Celebrate God's Work in the World!
This Sunday - Missions Sunday

Sundays from November 5th through December 3rd will focus on LIFE ON MISSION. Each one of the Elders will lead a Sunday on this topic, giving us encouragement to live our lives on mission wherever we are. 
  • Nov. 19 - Otto Ekk and Pedro "Pete" Martinez - CarePortal - MISSION MEAL & OFFERING
  • Nov. 26 - Bruce Smith - Youth For Christ 
  • Dec. 3 - Cecil & Tracy Ramos - NLC's Multiply missionaries to Thailand

This week

6:30 p.m. - Prayer Gathering - Room 113
6:30 p.m. - Worship Team Rehearsal - Gym

5:30 p.m. - Celebrate Recovery - TESTIMONY: Brian Willems - Small Groups - Cafe
  • Brian began and has been leading NLC's Celebrate Recovery ministry for 2 years. Please take the opportunity to hear his recovery testimony!
8:30 a.m. - GROWTH CLASSES
  • Salt & Light Class: The Book of Judges, Rooms 114-115
  • WOMEN: Life's Healing Choices, Room 111
9:30 a.m. - CONNECTING POINT (Dining Room)
  • NLC Elder, Otto Ekk, will be introducing us to Pedro "Pete" Martinez, the RFA Lead Social Worker for Tulare County Child Welfare Services. He is a man whose life is lived on mission through that agency, connecting with CarePortal churches like NLC, and in his hometown of Woodville, CA.
  • Pete is a member of our daughter church, Neighborhood Church, in Visalia.
  • A special MISSION OFFERING will be collected at the end of the service with a goal of $20,000 to cover the entire mission giving for our church this year.
11:15 a.m. - MISSION MEAL - A Thanksgiving Lunch is provided. Please bring a dessert to share. (If you'd like to help in the kitchen, please let Laurel Smith know).

Next Week

6:00 p.m. - CR Worship Team Rehearsal - Gym

6:00 a.m. - Men's Bible Study on Malachi - Dining Room
6:30 p.m. - Healing Rooms of Dinuba - West porch of Worship Center building
  • Griefshare will not be meeting

6:30 p.m. - Worship Team Rehearsal - Gym
  • Prayer Gathering will not be meeting

5:30 p.m. - Celebrate Recovery - LESSON: "Give" - Small Groups - Cafe


connect with Upcoming Events

NLC Kids Advent Activity & Devotional Bags will be available November 26th

Sunday, December 3rd

NLC Kids & Crew are hosting a big
Christmas Tree Jubilee

Similar to the Big Mess Sunday earlier this year, The Christmas Tree Jubilee
will be a Sunday filled with fun and crazy activities that help children and teens
connect to the story of Jesus' family tree.

Sunday Advent/Christmas Sermons 
starting December 10th

giving report

Received Last Week (11/12): ….........$6,844
Received this year to date: …….…..$64,107
 Budget to Date: ………………............. $84,688
Budget Goal: ……….......……...…......$400,342
Needed Weekly: …………..........…….…$8,201

Mission Offering Goal (Nov. 19) = $20,000
You can give anytime during November - Mark your check or online gift as "Missions"

a gift to you and your family!

connect with God in Prayer

  • Praise the Lord for Helen Harvin turning 101 on November 25!
  • Manuel Madrid's mother's (Mary) funeral services will be held after Thanksgiving. The funeral service is on Dec. 1st at 9:00 a.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church, 2441 Dockery, Selma, with burial afterward. The reception will be at Selma Portuguese Hall, 1245 Nebraska Ave.
  • Pray for those who have lost loved ones recently: Janet Southard, Nora Reimche, and Lyubov Heinrichs. And remember others who have suffered loss during the holidays. 
  • Mary Salazar is having serious kidney issues. Pray for her, and Al & Kristel who care for her.
  • Ron Brown's sister Bonnie, who was declared cancer-free, has taken a sudden turn. She has been hospitalized this week and is not doing well. Her faith remains strong, praise the Lord.
  • Jessica Aquino will be having surgery on Nov. 27th and taking a 3-week leave to recover. Pray for the NLC Kids' team as they continue providing important ministry in her absence.
  • Continue praying for those who are fighting cancer, awaiting diagnosis or treatment, or resting in remission: Mike Naylor (radiation seeds implanted Nov. 7), Kristel Salazar, Eugene Enns (successful procedure Nov. 7), Carolina Coralles, Glen Zimmerman, Pastor Bill Nicolay, Bea De La Cerda, Lanisha Washington, Nori Naylor's aunt Kathy on hospice, and Alyza Dover's grandma, Lori.
  • Kristel Salazar is asking for prayer for her coworker, Ricardo, who has cancer.
  • Cynthia Avendano may be brought out of her induced coma soon. Pray her health is restored and she does not become anxious as she awakens and realizes her condition.
  • A vehicle has been made available to pick up residents of Everwell assisted living facility on Sundays! Pray for willing driver(s). The weather is turning and drivers are needed now.
  • Bob Martin's cataract replacement procedure has been postponed.
  • Pray for an end to violence in Israel and Gaza and the region, as well as in Ukraine.
  • Ask God what he wants to give through you toward missions this Sunday, Nov. 19th. And remember our missionaries: the Ruddy & Cristina Anchetta, Pablo & Maricella Chavez and boys, Cecil & Tracy Ramos and family, Bruce & Laurel Smith, and Johnny & Denise Esposito. The Espositos will be returning to SE Asia next week. Pray for safe travels and especially for his back pain to be healed.

1 Comment

Nori Naylor - November 15th, 2023 at 5:11pm

There is no Healing Rooms next week.




