News & Views Jan 28
Galatians 2:20
"My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.
So the life I live in this earthly body I live faith in the Son of God
who loved and gave himself for me."
ONLINE - premieres 9:00 a.m. on Facebook
OUTDOORS - 10:00 a.m. on the church patio
Pastor Mark
Colossians Series: "Raised with Christ to Action"
Read ahead: Colossians 3:1-4
Pick up your lunch after the service. Take lunch to a shut-in or neighbor!
Galatians 2:20
"My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.
So the life I live in this earthly body I live faith in the Son of God
who loved and gave himself for me."
ONLINE - premieres 9:00 a.m. on Facebook
OUTDOORS - 10:00 a.m. on the church patio
Pastor Mark
Colossians Series: "Raised with Christ to Action"
Read ahead: Colossians 3:1-4
Pick up your lunch after the service. Take lunch to a shut-in or neighbor!

Expressions of thanks have been pouring in from NLC staff and missionaries for the love gifts recently received from New Life Community. So I'm going to delay my promised second round of FAQs to pass these along.
First, on behalf of the church staff--Aaron Bryan (worship), Brian Hixson (worship/choir), Cece Olea (community strategies), Elaine Isaak (business administration), Jane Jantzen (office assistance), Joe Ehoff (facilities), and myself, "Thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity to us all! The love gifts are just another reminder of the blessing it is to serve the Lord with you at NLC. As with your gifts, our ministries flow from our hearts in gratitude to God for all he's done for us. Thanks for sharing with us from your heart, and for your willingness to follow our lead, to pray for us, and to encourage us week after week!"
It was a special joy to share a love gift with Dwight & Carol Heier this year. Dwight's work producing the KRDU programs throughout the pandemic have been a great blessing to us and to many. His was a labor of love and it was fitting for the church to share a love gift with them along with the staff this year. Dwight & Carol received a travel certificate with Golden Valley Travel. Dwight and Carol, we thank the Lord for you and the impact of your ministry! Watch for the story of our radio program in the next issue of The Christian Leader!
NLC has always included our missionaries in our special Christmas Eve offering. These gifts are above and beyond the regular support we send them. Here are their expressions of thanks:
First, on behalf of the church staff--Aaron Bryan (worship), Brian Hixson (worship/choir), Cece Olea (community strategies), Elaine Isaak (business administration), Jane Jantzen (office assistance), Joe Ehoff (facilities), and myself, "Thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity to us all! The love gifts are just another reminder of the blessing it is to serve the Lord with you at NLC. As with your gifts, our ministries flow from our hearts in gratitude to God for all he's done for us. Thanks for sharing with us from your heart, and for your willingness to follow our lead, to pray for us, and to encourage us week after week!"
It was a special joy to share a love gift with Dwight & Carol Heier this year. Dwight's work producing the KRDU programs throughout the pandemic have been a great blessing to us and to many. His was a labor of love and it was fitting for the church to share a love gift with them along with the staff this year. Dwight & Carol received a travel certificate with Golden Valley Travel. Dwight and Carol, we thank the Lord for you and the impact of your ministry! Watch for the story of our radio program in the next issue of The Christian Leader!
NLC has always included our missionaries in our special Christmas Eve offering. These gifts are above and beyond the regular support we send them. Here are their expressions of thanks:
- Otto & Marjorie Ekk (Multiply, Portugal): "It truly is a joy to have NLC as our “home sending church” while we are in ministry here in Portugal. Over these last 3 decades, we have learned so much. Above all, we have learned that we can trust the Lord and that He loves us, . . . and that He loves the individual that hasn’t even recognized Him as Lord and Savior yet. God IS love, and this we experience each day. Our prayer is that each and everyone that is connected or comes in contact with NLC will experience this eternal truth. Marjorie and I are so thankful for allowing us to participate in the ministry at NLC recently, and you shared with us a gift; for that we are so very grateful. Over these weeks you may have seen Marjorie in Dinuba, that is because she is there to help with various family matters including being with her mother, Agatha Enns. If all goes well, I should be arriving soon, if planes still fly, and COVID test is negative. Blessings to all, Otto."
- John & Geri (Multiply, Local/Global): "We are so thankful to our church family for the love gift that you shared with us this Christmas/New year. We cherish the NLC family and appreciate your love and support. You are our home church, our sending church and we have felt this over the years. May God continue to bless our local church. May we continue to love others and see God build his church even here in Dinuba. Love, John + Geri"
- Bruce & Laurel Smith (YFC, Kings/Tulare Counties): "Laurel and I would like to thank all of you for your faithful generosity. You are amazing! Your continued support of YFC and our family over these past 30 years is a true gift. We appreciate your love and support and friendship. May God continue to bless you and give you favor and grace. THANK YOU!"
- Ruddy & Cristina Ancheta (YWAM, San Francisco, CA): "Thank you for your generous Christmas gift. Please extend to our dear NLC family our gratitude--it meant a lot to us as I know it's a hard time for us all. May your generosity towards us bear fruits in the lives of the unhoused, marginalized and the poor for His glory and praise. Thank you so much, and we continue to pray for you all. Only by His grace, Ruddy and Cristina Ancheta"
So much is available right on your smartphone! Read News & Views, watch a worship service, give a contribution, or check for upcoming events. It's all accessible right on your phone or tablet! Need help? Call the church office and we'll come by and get you connected.
Pray Isaiah 45:18-19 with praise and thanksgiving!
“For the Lord is God, and he created the heavens and earth and put everything in place.
He made the world to be lived in, not to be a place of empty chaos. ‘
I am the Lord,’ he says, ‘and there is no other.'
'I publicly proclaim bold promises. I do not whisper obscurities in some dark corner.
I would not have told the people of Israel to seek me if I could not be found.
I, the Lord, speak only what is true and declare only what is right.’”
Pray with confidence!
“For the Lord is God, and he created the heavens and earth and put everything in place.
He made the world to be lived in, not to be a place of empty chaos. ‘
I am the Lord,’ he says, ‘and there is no other.'
'I publicly proclaim bold promises. I do not whisper obscurities in some dark corner.
I would not have told the people of Israel to seek me if I could not be found.
I, the Lord, speak only what is true and declare only what is right.’”
Pray with confidence!
- Praise the Lord for the rain and snow!
- For our national, state, and local leaders. 1 Timothy 2:1-2
- For the residents of Palm Village, Sierra View, and others who are isolated. Make a phone call to encourage someone and let them know you prayed for them
- For Mary Kay and Gary Elrich
- For Life Skill Classes being taught online. Cece says 15 people from town signed up!
- For the Faith and Finance ministry, and Ron & Norma who lead it
- For the Grab & Go Meal ministry for our community this Sunday. Remember the Kitchen team, Women’s ministry, Bruce & Laurel, Armando & Mati, and others who are leading
- For Elders, Trustees and staff as they seek the Lord’s direction and give leadership
- For neighbors, family members, and those in your circle that need the Lord. Acts 1:8
- For Agatha Enns, who is back home with family and gone on Hospice care.
- For Bob Heinrichs, Marilyn Chappell, JR Southard, Jean Wohlgemuth, Mary Salazar and others who are dealing with health issues. Pray for their caregivers.
- For students, teachers, staff, and parents who are navigating the present education system: in-person, or on Zoom. Remember college students, too.
- For Open Gate Ministries, their staff, volunteers, and guests. Pray for the families who have recently moved into new housing with assistance from NLC Home Resource Center.
- For God’s mercy and healing concerning COVID-19. Give thanks and pray for our health care workers and their families.
- As the Holy Spirit Directs.
Stewardship Report
Received Last Week (1/24/21): ............. $5,602.06
Received this year to date:................ $202,434.51
Budget Goal: ....................................... $521,591.00
Budget to Date: .................................. $206,668.13
Needed Weekly to Meet Budget: ........ $9,973.64
Received this year to date:................ $202,434.51
Budget Goal: ....................................... $521,591.00
Budget to Date: .................................. $206,668.13
Needed Weekly to Meet Budget: ........ $9,973.64
The NLC Home Resource Center is in need of the following items:
Pots & Pans
Tables & Chairs
New bath towels
You may also donate money online on the NLC Dinuba app or website (select Home Resource Center Fund), or bring/mail a check to the church with Home Resource Center Fund in the memo.
The NLC Home Resource Center is in need of the following items:
Pots & Pans
Tables & Chairs
New bath towels
You may also donate money online on the NLC Dinuba app or website (select Home Resource Center Fund), or bring/mail a check to the church with Home Resource Center Fund in the memo.
*COVID-19 precautions: For on-campus activities and for your safety and others' please
maintain 6' of distance and wear a face covering when not seated as households apart from others. Indoor gatherings are not permitted at this time...BUT STAY TUNED!
Questions? Call 559-591-1176 or
maintain 6' of distance and wear a face covering when not seated as households apart from others. Indoor gatherings are not permitted at this time...BUT STAY TUNED!
Questions? Call 559-591-1176 or
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