News & Views May 27

No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you:
to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8 NLT

Connecting Point - 9:30 A.M. - Dining Hall
Worship  - 10:00 A.M. -  Family Center Gym and Online

Pastor Mark preaching - What Will You Be Remembered For?
NLC Kids - 10:00 A.M. - Rooms 101,103

Grab & Go Meals following the service

NLC Entrepreneur Featured

The latest Pacific Magazine (the alumni journal from Fresno Pacific University, one of two of our denomination's 4-year colleges), recently featured Maria Mejia-Ng's entrepreneurism! Maria and husband Joe have been attending New Life Community for 3 years and she currently volunteers her services translating sermons into Spanish. She earned both her undergraduate and masters degrees from Fresno Pacific.
The article highlights two of the businesses Maria currently owns and operates. Her most recent business, Radiant Valley Interpreting, was established during the pandemic to provide interpreting services in English and Spanish in medical, legal and religious settings.  "We have a lot of first-generation parents and grandparents who work and don't have time to study English in school," Maria was quoted. "It's a blessing to be a bridge that connects cultures." What a privilege to have Maria making those connections at NLC! You may have seen or heard her on Sundays. She provides those interested in Spanish translation with electronic earpieces that pick up the signal from her microphone. We're working with Maria to find the least disruptive place for her to both hear the sermon and translate it live. It's a remarkable talent she has developed, and one she teaches at Reedley College.  One of her students, Christian, has been training with her in our worship services.
College Minions is the second business Maria operates. She started it while she was a student at Fresno Pacific University. The business employs 15-20 people (primarily college and high school students} as servers at catered events. "It's a great way to empower and teach young people the responsibility of adulthood," she says.
I first met Maria while I was serving as vice president at the university. She was employed in the Office of Spiritual Formation, where she lived her faith in Jesus in front of the students. It was in her role there that she sensed a significant need. A young woman had come to her and Maria felt there was something she wasn't sharing. As she gave the girl her listening ear and compassion, Maria discovered the student was simply hungry. The girl had not eaten and didn't have regular access to food either at her home or at school.
Investing further, Maria soon began to help the university see that the problem wasn't isolated. In fact, a significant number of students did not have adequate food or access to food. I remember my own surprise hearing this report at a meeting of the President's cabinet. With the blessing of FPU campus pastor Angulus Wilson and the university administration, Maria launched the Sunbird Pantry. It was a ministry that quickly grew to provide food not only to students in need, but to the members of the community living around the university's location in southeast Fresno. Maria's efforts were recognized by The Fresno Bee, and featured on and ABC30.
New Life Community has been encouraged to consider and launch entrepreneurial ministries in Dinuba. Some ideas have been floated already. I'm grateful for the examples Maria has given us. Congratulations, Maria, we're happy to celebrate your entrepreneurial spirit and to know it comes pre-mixed with a huge heart for the Gospel and compassion for those around you!
Dedication of the Sunbird Pantry, 2018.
Maria Mejia-Ng is in the red blouse to the right of FPU President Joseph and First Lady Yvette Jones
Class of 2021
8th Grade Promotions
Aaliyah Costa (Olea)  -  Monson-Sultana School  -  Going to Dinuba HS
Adrian Davila  -  Washington Intermediate  -  Going to Dinuba HS
Martin Davila  -  Washington Intermediate  -  Going to Dinuba HS
Priscilla Mendez  -  Washington Intermediate  -  Going to Dinuba HS
Mia Renteria  -  Washington Intermediate  -  Going to Dinuba HS

High School Graduates
Marissa Burkhard  -  Kingsburg HS
Plans to go to CSU Northridge for an advanced 4-yr teaching certificate
Joaquin Davila  -  Dinuba HS
Plans to go to Reedley College and then CSU Fresno to study Business & Marketing
Emma Kubar  -  Fowler HS 
Plans to go to Reedley College and then CSU Fresno to get her teaching degree

College Graduates
Joshua "Chino" Aquino  -  AA-Communications Studies  -  Reedley College
Makenna Witherall  -  AA-History  -  Reedley College
Plans to go to CSU Fresno for a dual major in history and recreation administration/tourism
Adrian Jump  -  BA-History  -  Azusa Pacific University
Jessica Aquino  -  BA-Early Childhood Development  -  Fresno Pacific University
(summa cum laude)  Shifting to a new role teaching special education preschool in KCUSD
  • Praise the Lord for our graduates (above)! Lift each one of them and their plans to the Lord.
  • Our Pray & Go outreach continues to spread through neighborhoods around the church. This Sunday the young adult Lifeline small group will be going out. Pray that people will respond to this outreach and that we will see the power of the Gospel at work in their lives.
  • Pray for our opportunity to meet and pray with people from the community during the Grab & Go Meal outreach. Thank the Lord for those who are serving!
  • Joe DeLuna is on hospice care. Pray for God's glory to be lifted high in his life, for his comfort and peace, and for strength for Sandra, his family, Unity Crew Familia, the CWC church family, and his many friends.
  • Glen Zimmerman remains in the hospital fighting pneumonia and several other conditions related to the treatment of his myeloma. Pray for healing and for daily joy as he lives for Jesus. Pray also for Peggy and their family as they support him.
  • Remember those recovering from surgery or dealing with ongoing health concerns: Harmony Parker , JR Southard, Marilyn Chappell, Bob Heinrichs, Norma Froese, and Bruce's brother Brian Smith. Mike Naylor is now scheduled for shoulder surgery.
  • Thank the Lord for Elaine Isaak, who just celebrated 34 years serving on the church staff!
  • Griefshare is reaching hurting people. Pray for Martha Sawatzky and and John Regier as they lead the group.
  • This weekend is celebrated as Memorial Day, a national holiday for honoring and mourning military personnel who died serving our country. Thank the Lord for such people willing to give their lives for the sake of others. Take some time to reflect on and give thanks for the lives and examples of loved ones and others in your life who have passed away. 
  • Next Sunday is Communion. Ask the Lord to reveal to you any relationships that need his reconciliation. Pray for courage and compassion to reach out and apologize or forgive.

Our Giving

Received Last Week (5/23):.......$9,930
Received this year to date: ..$345,055
Budget to Date: …….…..…......$381,163
Budget Goal: ………....…….......$521,591
Needed Weekly: ……...……....…$12,610
Reminder about COVID-19 accommodations: Though capacity limits have been eliminated for indoor worship, mask mandates remain in effect in the state of California.  Many in our congregation have already received their vaccinations and we anticipate that the state will eliminate the mask mandate on June 15th. In the meantime, please continue to wear a mask for your safety and that of others.
Exceptions have been granted in some situations by request of NLC Trustees.

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