News & Views June 10

"For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him [Jesus],
and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross."
Colossians 1:19-20

Connecting Point - 9:30 A.M. - Dining Hall
Worship  - 10:00 A.M. -  Family Center Gym and Online

The service will feature testimonies, prayer, and songs of worship.
NLC Kids - 10:00 A.M. - Rooms 101,103
New members joining NLC this Sunday morning (left to right): Josh & Jessica Aquino, Johnny & Erica Vasquez, Mike & Nori Naylor, Nayeli Mendez, Kelly Friesen, Leroy Bumbaca, Matilde Ochoa & Armando Zamora, and Manuela Lopez

Sundays in June

School's out and summer is upon us! Summer begins officially on Sunday, June 20th, but we've already felt the summer heat here in the Valley and are seeing the fruit harvest in full swing. As you make your plans I want you to know what's being planned for Sundays in June--with a sneak peek at July.
This Sunday, June 13th, we'll receive the class of new members. They've attended the new member class, submitted their testimonies for review by the Elders, and have chosen a prayer partner to pray over them during the service. We're organizing the service around their testimonies of faith in Jesus Christ. I know you'll be encouraged and even touched as you hear the work of God in their lives. Erica and the worship team will be interspersing songs of worship that glorify God and express our devotion and commitment to his leadership in our lives.
Sunday, June 20th, is Father's Day. For us at NLC it will be our graduate recognition Sunday. We've already highlighted the names of our 8th grade, high school, and college graduates (see the May 27 News & Views), but we have yet to offer our congratulations as a congregation and to bless them and pray for them. We'll do that during the service as well as meet the new president of Tabor College. Tabor is one of two colleges our denomination operates in the United States, and is in Hillsboro, Kansas. Dr. David Janzen and his wife Karen (my sister) have accepted the call of Tabor to lead the school. They begin in July and will be moving from their home in Morro Bay to Hillsboro. Ours will be their West Coast send-off.
Stan R. Isaac will be preaching on Sunday, June 27th, while Laurie and I are on vacation out of state. Stan was a high school counselor at Dinuba High School for years. It never fails that Stan and I are having lunch or coffee in town that one or more (usually more!) former DHS students will stop and say "Hi, Mr. Isaac". They're not saying it to me! They're reflecting the relationship they have with Stan and the blessing they felt through his care and his wise counsel. Stan also led our church's vision process, Imagine2024 which became Implement2024, and still informs our decisions as a church in reaching the young community of Dinuba. Over the last three years Stan lost his wife, Cyndi, after her long battle with cancer. He and his new wife, Rachel, live in Kingsburg now, still close enough to bless NLC.
Laurie and I will be back for Sunday, July 4th, but have asked Johnny Esposito to bring the message that Sunday. Johnny and Denise have been part of NLC since last summer, and are parents and grandparents to Jessica & Josh Aquino and their children. They actually have 28 grandchildren in various cities and states! Johnny and Denise are missionaries to the Lao, and have been discipling people through their computer screens throughout the pandemic. You may remember Johnny's message last November during Missions Month. I am encouraged every time I talk with Johnny! He exhibits the life of Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the knowledge of the Word of God in ways that inspire and bless me. His life was not always like that, however, and I hope you'll get to hear his story of coming to faith during his service as an Army Ranger and infantryman after a tumultuous early life in gangs.
Thankfully if you aren't able to be present you can catch all of these services livestreamed or on-demand on our website, Facebook page, our YouTube channel, or on the NLC smartphone app, which you can download and access all kinds of content. But come if you can! Your presence is a blessing to others when we gather, and there are so many opportunities to use your spiritual gifts in service through NLC. You are needed. Even more importantly, your presence matters to the Lord. It's Him we worship and He is the one who calls us together in His name. Come. Worship. Grow. Serve.
LIFT will meet on Tuesday, June 15th, 10-11:30 a.m.
More than a dozen people from NLC have walked and prayed for nearly 300 homes in Dinuba in the first month of Pray & Go! Yes, you can easily join this effort to pray for every home in Dinuba.
Click to contact Nori Naylor for a simple training, get your street assignment, and go!
And thank you, Terry Chappell, for mapping the progress of our prayers!
As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" (Rom. 10:15)
  • Bruce & Laurel Smith will be hosting Lifeline's campout this weekend at Bass Lake. Praise God for the 8-12 young adults who have been meeting on Sunday nights, and ask God to speak to their hearts and guide their plans as they devote this time to Him and each other.
  • Pray over plans for VBS this summer. NLC Kids' Ministries Leader, Jessica Aquino, will be forming a team to present "Courageous Faith" to children in our community, July 19-23, from 5-7 p.m. nightly. Ask God for a heart for children and how you might be involved.
  • Glen Zimmerman has regained some strength. Pray this continues, that his appetite increases, that a new blood infection is defeated, and that he'll be cleared to leave the hospital soon...and healed! He's encouraged by your calls coming through Peggy's phone.
  • Continue to pray for those dealing with health issues, or recovering from surgery: Harmony Parker,  JR Southard, Marilyn Chappell, Bob Heinrichs, Brian Smith (Bruce's brother) and Norma Froese. Mike Naylor is scheduled for shoulder surgery on June 21st.
  • Ask the Lord for his favor as NLC has a presence at Dinuba's Summer Night Lights farmers' market. Pray that people would be open to receiving prayer and new life through Jesus.
  • Rejoice and give thanks for 12 new members joining NLC this Sunday. Ask God to give them courage and clarity as they share their faith publicly, and to give them joy in serving Him through the ministries of our church.
  • The church staff continue to pour themselves out in ministry, prayer, planning, administration, and service. Ask God to strengthen them, guide them, bless, and protect them. Cece, Elaine, Erica & Johnny, Jessica, Joe, Kelly, and Mark. Praise the Lord for Maria Mejia-Ng who is volunteering weekly in the office to help newcomers connect.
  • Pray for Ron & Norma Froese as they launch a new community class for Faith & Finances on June 16th. Pray for the Spirit's prompting to draw people to the class and to lives of hope and freedom in Jesus!

Our Giving

Received Last Week (6/6):....... $10,796
Received this year to date: ...$362,953
Budget to Date: ………..…....... $401,224
Budget Goal: ……….........……...$521,591
Needed Weekly: ……........………$13,220
Reminder about COVID-19 accommodations: Though capacity limits have been eliminated for indoor worship, mask mandates remain in effect in the state of California.  Many in our congregation have already received their vaccinations and we anticipate that the state will eliminate most mandates on June 15th. In the meantime, please continue to wear a mask for your safety and that of others.
Exceptions have been granted in some situations by request of NLC Trustees.

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