News & Views July 29

"The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble.
He cares for those who trust in him."
Nahum 1:7

Connecting Point - 9:30 A.M. - Dining Hall
Worship  - 10:00 A.M. -  Family Center Gym and Online
Uriah Donaldson preaching
NLC Kids  - 10:00 A.M. - Rooms 101,103
Uriah and Shelby (Kruger) Donaldson grew up at New Life Community/Dinuba MB Church. Uriah served as our youth pastor and served in church leadership. He studied at Dallas Theological Seminary and describes himself as a "Jesus lover, pastor, businessman".
He works for Resource Compliance, and he and Shelby make their home in Reedley.


This past week Leo and I lost our good friend and mentor, Joe De Luna. I remember Eddie Valero, Tulare County’s Supervisor referring to him as “La Voz De Valle” (voice of the valley).  

If you knew Joe, you knew he was just that, “The Voice of the Valley.” He would set up his and Sandra’s “Hometown” booth at different events and swap meets throughout California. They would sell their clothing items and use their business as a tool to spread the gospel and reach others. Their annual event, “Blessing of the Bikes & Lowriders,” would bring in hundreds of Bikers from all over the state.  

I remember watching Joe at these events. He had this gift, an ability to connect with people on a deeper level. He met people where they were at. The love and grace of Christ radiated through him, and he had a way of making people feel comfortable. So many people gave their life to Jesus as a result of his ministry.  

Many of us have had examples of people in our lives like Joe. I think of Agatha Enns, our beloved prayer warrior, who I personally called on more than one occasion to intercede in prayer with me. If I am being honest, I ask myself, how can I measure up to people like Joe and Agatha and the legacy that they have left behind?  

Truth be known, I do not have to measure up. If there was one mantle that we all have as believers, it is that we have been put on Christ Jesus. We have been enveloped with his righteousness, free from condemnation, shame, and guilt. We are many members of one body. Each filled with unique gifts and talents that God has chosen just for us.  

So, how can I honor Joe’s legacy? I can learn from the example that he set by treating others with kindness, being there for the orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt me (James 1:27, NLT). I can live each day to the fullest proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to others. Will you join me in this?

In your service, Cece Olea

  • Pray for the family and friends of Gary Schnitzler, who passed away last week. Al Salazar worked with Gary and especially feels his loss.
  • Continue to lift Sandra De Luna to the Lord in prayer, along with her family and so many friends. Her husband, Joe, passed away last week. A celebration service is planned at CWC for Tuesday, August 3rd, 11 a.m. NLC is hosting the reception after the service and burial.
  • Frederick, Joyce Penner's son, is on hospice in San Francisco. 
  • Edith Thiessen's brother, Roger Jost, remains in serious condition in Texas.
  • Continue to lift people with ongoing health issues before the Lord: Mae Ewert, Mike Naylor, Marilyn Chappell, JR Southard, Bob Heinrichs, and Brian Smith.
  • Several families connected to NLC have contracted COVID-19. Some of these cases are quite serious. Pray for healing.
  • Praise the Lord for 40 children attending church on Sunday! Many children came with their families for Kids' Sunday and stayed for lunch afterward. They also received backpacks with school supplies. 
  • Over 240 people were served during last Sunday's Grab & Go Meal, including many who stayed to eat together in the Dining Hall. People who drive-thru to pick up meals are very open to prayer.
  • Join the Elders in prayer as we search for staff for youth, connections, and worship. 
  • The Pray 'n Go ministry has reached nearly 400 homes in Dinuba. Pray that God directs these prayer walks and that people will be receptive to prayer and to the Gospel.
  • Rejoice with Pastor Mark & Laurie who celebrated the arrival of a grandson this week, Shiloh Isaac Jantz, born to their daughter Allison and husband Daniel in Kansas.

Giving Update

Received Last Week (7/25):…..............................................................................$7,585
Received this year to date:.............................................................................$405,985
Expenses to Fiscal Year End (Aug. 30th):.....................................………..…..$459,312
(includes anticipated expenses for August*)
Offerings Needed to Cover Expenses by Fiscal Year End (by Aug. 30):.…$53,327

*There may be an adjustment to this number once actual expenses are known
following the close of the fiscal year on August 30th.

Note from the Trustees
NLC Trustees thank those who have made donations to purchase the necessary equipment to enable us to launch and operate our web streaming service. Our priority is now to cover all our expenses through August. However, if you feel so led, we still need to raise another $25,000 for creating our new Welcome Office space--an office located directly off the church patio that will be visible and accessible to those who come onto our campus. We invite you to be a part of that effort.

For more information please contact Chuck Boldwyn.


Cheri Witter - July 29th, 2021 at 3:01pm

Iam so very sorry, but we will not be attending .We are not members but came for quite some time and gave offering, until Mar 2020, when we could no longer meet in "The Church"., and even now we do not understand why you are still not having "REGULAR" Church... With a choir, an organ, and hymn singing included. WHY MUST THE "YOUNG PEOPLE " be the only ones provided for. I know Mark is not happy with me for writing this, but why was such a drastic change made ? It just does not seem quite like Church at all. New is not always better, and we old people would like to be included...but I guess not

- August 5th, 2021 at 11:00am

Thank you Cindy. It was great to see and hear the work of God in your son, Uriah's, life last Sunday when he preached at NLC. Praise the Lord! My kids have challenged me in my faith, too, and I'm grateful. Just when we thought God was using us to shape their faith, God uses them to transform us!

Cindy Donaldson - July 29th, 2021 at 9:28pm

Hi Cheri, I don't know if I fall under the description of "old" at 63, but older than some and younger than others :-) . My husband and I have been attending/members of DMBC/NLC for over 30 years. Our children grew up in this church but have since moved on to other churches to which they were lead a number of years ago. Music has always been a point of division in this world sadly because we allow it to be. I think of how parents felt when the style of "rock and roll" hit the radio. Many years ago when DMBC decided to go to 2 services, one being "traditional" and the other "contemporary" my then tween and teenager desired to attend the "contemporary" . We live in Reedley and our children didn't drive, but we desired for our children to "want" to attend church and if that meant going to the "contemporary" service as opposed to the "traditional" which had the choir, organ etc than that is what we decided as parents to do. The music that speaks to me personally are the hymns especially when the congregation sings acapella and I hear the harmony of what then to my ears sounds like "one voice" lifted in praise and worship and most of the time will move me to tears. My children and I still don't agree on style of music that moves our spirits, but I am blessed that both of my children and their spouses have grown in their maturity and faith and actively serve in the "body" of believers where they attend. I understand completely and "hear" your desire to return to what gives you comfort, I would be dishonest if I didn't say I would want the same, change has not been easy. I have desired for many years to see a "blend", to stand alongside my fellow believers respecting each other in what moves them to worship and praise through different styles of music. For myself I realize that to embrace the new reality of which I am apart in this very very crazy world is I personally need to listen to the small still voice and to be obedient in how God leads me. Church isn't about "me" but about the "whole" body of which I am just a "part". I wish I could "fix" all the hurts people have been feeling, I have wept many times over losing so many friends my husband and I have served alongside for many years but who have felt God leading them elsewhere. And I also trust those God has put in leadership at NLC and the "call" on their lives to follow HIs lead. Have they done it perfectly? Have they fallen short at times? My answer would be "yes" because perfection isn't in our human nature and we are "messy" and we mess up, at least I do. The disciples were taken way out of their comfort zone, and had to come along side of one another even though they disagreed and argued at times and obviously didn't always see eye to eye and get along. They certainly questioned Jesus as to why they were going certain places, I know I would have been. It is scary, it is uncomfortable. As a fellow believer I hope you will not just "see" what you personally desire and what you feel you "lost", but will "see" the good things and where God is moving this particular "body" of believers, through the grab and go meals, faith and finance, life skills class etc. I don't disagree with your desire to return to what I too enjoy "hearing/singing" as a style of music but I also know one day we ALL will be singing a "NEW" song in Heaven. What I know has to be truth is we will being singing together with ONE voice praising and worshiping the KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS and not having division over the style in which we sing it.

- August 5th, 2021 at 11:00am

Thank you Cindy. It was great to see and hear the work of God in your son, Uriah's, life last Sunday when he preached at NLC. Praise the Lord! My kids have challenged me in my faith, too, and I'm grateful. Just when we thought God was using us to shape their faith, God uses them to transform us!

- August 5th, 2021 at 11:08am

Thank you for your prayers, Ina. I recall the supportive word you gave me earlier this summer after church on Sunday, and I have no doubt you love the body of Christ in whatever form and wherever it gathers to praise his name. I'm sad that you and Roger are not going to be part of the regular life of NLC going forward, but I know you'll be serving the Lord where you, as you've done with MDS. I would enjoy talking with you sometime if you'd like.

- August 5th, 2021 at 11:00am

Thank you Cindy. It was great to see and hear the work of God in your son, Uriah's, life last Sunday when he preached at NLC. Praise the Lord! My kids have challenged me in my faith, too, and I'm grateful. Just when we thought God was using us to shape their faith, God uses them to transform us!

Cindy Donaldson - July 29th, 2021 at 9:28pm

Hi Cheri, I don't know if I fall under the description of "old" at 63, but older than some and younger than others :-) . My husband and I have been attending/members of DMBC/NLC for over 30 years. Our children grew up in this church but have since moved on to other churches to which they were lead a number of years ago. Music has always been a point of division in this world sadly because we allow it to be. I think of how parents felt when the style of "rock and roll" hit the radio. Many years ago when DMBC decided to go to 2 services, one being "traditional" and the other "contemporary" my then tween and teenager desired to attend the "contemporary" . We live in Reedley and our children didn't drive, but we desired for our children to "want" to attend church and if that meant going to the "contemporary" service as opposed to the "traditional" which had the choir, organ etc than that is what we decided as parents to do. The music that speaks to me personally are the hymns especially when the congregation sings acapella and I hear the harmony of what then to my ears sounds like "one voice" lifted in praise and worship and most of the time will move me to tears. My children and I still don't agree on style of music that moves our spirits, but I am blessed that both of my children and their spouses have grown in their maturity and faith and actively serve in the "body" of believers where they attend. I understand completely and "hear" your desire to return to what gives you comfort, I would be dishonest if I didn't say I would want the same, change has not been easy. I have desired for many years to see a "blend", to stand alongside my fellow believers respecting each other in what moves them to worship and praise through different styles of music. For myself I realize that to embrace the new reality of which I am apart in this very very crazy world is I personally need to listen to the small still voice and to be obedient in how God leads me. Church isn't about "me" but about the "whole" body of which I am just a "part". I wish I could "fix" all the hurts people have been feeling, I have wept many times over losing so many friends my husband and I have served alongside for many years but who have felt God leading them elsewhere. And I also trust those God has put in leadership at NLC and the "call" on their lives to follow HIs lead. Have they done it perfectly? Have they fallen short at times? My answer would be "yes" because perfection isn't in our human nature and we are "messy" and we mess up, at least I do. The disciples were taken way out of their comfort zone, and had to come along side of one another even though they disagreed and argued at times and obviously didn't always see eye to eye and get along. They certainly questioned Jesus as to why they were going certain places, I know I would have been. It is scary, it is uncomfortable. As a fellow believer I hope you will not just "see" what you personally desire and what you feel you "lost", but will "see" the good things and where God is moving this particular "body" of believers, through the grab and go meals, faith and finance, life skills class etc. I don't disagree with your desire to return to what I too enjoy "hearing/singing" as a style of music but I also know one day we ALL will be singing a "NEW" song in Heaven. What I know has to be truth is we will being singing together with ONE voice praising and worshiping the KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS and not having division over the style in which we sing it.

- August 5th, 2021 at 11:00am

Thank you Cindy. It was great to see and hear the work of God in your son, Uriah's, life last Sunday when he preached at NLC. Praise the Lord! My kids have challenged me in my faith, too, and I'm grateful. Just when we thought God was using us to shape their faith, God uses them to transform us!

Ina Heinrichs - July 31st, 2021 at 2:30pm

We also are not attending NLC since everything has changed from the DMBC that I have personally loved for almost 75 years. My family came in the 1930s, and though we haven't been there the whole time, my parents, brother and sisters and I have always considered DMBC our home church. Music has been a huge part of the tradition of the church. I sang in children's choir, youth choir, and was so excited when I was a junior in high school and was allowed to sing in the adult choir. So the music that is now the focus of the NLC worship service is very upsetting to me. However, if it was only the music we may have stuck it out. The focus of the church has changed so much that we no longer feel that it meets our needs. So much has been made of the "rich white church on the corner." What this implies is that all the people were rich, and white who attended this church. My father was a tractor driver, my mother worked in the packing shed and cannery to help make ends meet. We were not rich, but those who knew and loved our family knew that if something needed to be done or if a sacrifice could be made to give more than our tithes to help out our church and its people, the Bergens were the first on whom to call. Those rich white people have supported, built, nourished and loved our wonderful people and facilities and met the needs of thousands of people over the years. They were the friendliest, most loving, supportive people I have ever had the privilege to know. They were above all God-fearing people who gave and gave and gave some more. The new NLC is choosing to meet the needs of the community, and that is what we are supposed to do, but it has forgotten or doesn't care to meet the needs of those who have faithfully served for so many years. We have cried, prayed, petitioned and sought counsel on how we can continue to serve and worship at NLC. In each instance we have come away with the peace that it is time for us to leave the fellowship that we loved for so long. We realize that no church is perfect, and we are not looking for that church. Our desire is to serve as God calls us or prompts us, and we feel that is no longer possible at NLC. We are not taking the easy way out, this decision is one of the hardest we've ever made. I am not angry about the direction the church is going, but I am very disheartened and disappointed that more compromise has not been sought to meet the needs of those who have been there for so long and are now leaving. We pray that NLC will prosper; too much sweat, tears, giving and love has gone into building this fellowship of believers for it to close its doors now. God bless you all!

- August 5th, 2021 at 11:00am

Thank you Cindy. It was great to see and hear the work of God in your son, Uriah's, life last Sunday when he preached at NLC. Praise the Lord! My kids have challenged me in my faith, too, and I'm grateful. Just when we thought God was using us to shape their faith, God uses them to transform us!

Cindy Donaldson - July 29th, 2021 at 9:28pm

Hi Cheri, I don't know if I fall under the description of "old" at 63, but older than some and younger than others :-) . My husband and I have been attending/members of DMBC/NLC for over 30 years. Our children grew up in this church but have since moved on to other churches to which they were lead a number of years ago. Music has always been a point of division in this world sadly because we allow it to be. I think of how parents felt when the style of "rock and roll" hit the radio. Many years ago when DMBC decided to go to 2 services, one being "traditional" and the other "contemporary" my then tween and teenager desired to attend the "contemporary" . We live in Reedley and our children didn't drive, but we desired for our children to "want" to attend church and if that meant going to the "contemporary" service as opposed to the "traditional" which had the choir, organ etc than that is what we decided as parents to do. The music that speaks to me personally are the hymns especially when the congregation sings acapella and I hear the harmony of what then to my ears sounds like "one voice" lifted in praise and worship and most of the time will move me to tears. My children and I still don't agree on style of music that moves our spirits, but I am blessed that both of my children and their spouses have grown in their maturity and faith and actively serve in the "body" of believers where they attend. I understand completely and "hear" your desire to return to what gives you comfort, I would be dishonest if I didn't say I would want the same, change has not been easy. I have desired for many years to see a "blend", to stand alongside my fellow believers respecting each other in what moves them to worship and praise through different styles of music. For myself I realize that to embrace the new reality of which I am apart in this very very crazy world is I personally need to listen to the small still voice and to be obedient in how God leads me. Church isn't about "me" but about the "whole" body of which I am just a "part". I wish I could "fix" all the hurts people have been feeling, I have wept many times over losing so many friends my husband and I have served alongside for many years but who have felt God leading them elsewhere. And I also trust those God has put in leadership at NLC and the "call" on their lives to follow HIs lead. Have they done it perfectly? Have they fallen short at times? My answer would be "yes" because perfection isn't in our human nature and we are "messy" and we mess up, at least I do. The disciples were taken way out of their comfort zone, and had to come along side of one another even though they disagreed and argued at times and obviously didn't always see eye to eye and get along. They certainly questioned Jesus as to why they were going certain places, I know I would have been. It is scary, it is uncomfortable. As a fellow believer I hope you will not just "see" what you personally desire and what you feel you "lost", but will "see" the good things and where God is moving this particular "body" of believers, through the grab and go meals, faith and finance, life skills class etc. I don't disagree with your desire to return to what I too enjoy "hearing/singing" as a style of music but I also know one day we ALL will be singing a "NEW" song in Heaven. What I know has to be truth is we will being singing together with ONE voice praising and worshiping the KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS and not having division over the style in which we sing it.

- August 5th, 2021 at 11:00am

Thank you Cindy. It was great to see and hear the work of God in your son, Uriah's, life last Sunday when he preached at NLC. Praise the Lord! My kids have challenged me in my faith, too, and I'm grateful. Just when we thought God was using us to shape their faith, God uses them to transform us!

- August 5th, 2021 at 11:08am

Thank you for your prayers, Ina. I recall the supportive word you gave me earlier this summer after church on Sunday, and I have no doubt you love the body of Christ in whatever form and wherever it gathers to praise his name. I'm sad that you and Roger are not going to be part of the regular life of NLC going forward, but I know you'll be serving the Lord where you, as you've done with MDS. I would enjoy talking with you sometime if you'd like.

- August 5th, 2021 at 11:00am

Thank you Cindy. It was great to see and hear the work of God in your son, Uriah's, life last Sunday when he preached at NLC. Praise the Lord! My kids have challenged me in my faith, too, and I'm grateful. Just when we thought God was using us to shape their faith, God uses them to transform us!

Cindy Donaldson - July 29th, 2021 at 9:28pm

Hi Cheri, I don't know if I fall under the description of "old" at 63, but older than some and younger than others :-) . My husband and I have been attending/members of DMBC/NLC for over 30 years. Our children grew up in this church but have since moved on to other churches to which they were lead a number of years ago. Music has always been a point of division in this world sadly because we allow it to be. I think of how parents felt when the style of "rock and roll" hit the radio. Many years ago when DMBC decided to go to 2 services, one being "traditional" and the other "contemporary" my then tween and teenager desired to attend the "contemporary" . We live in Reedley and our children didn't drive, but we desired for our children to "want" to attend church and if that meant going to the "contemporary" service as opposed to the "traditional" which had the choir, organ etc than that is what we decided as parents to do. The music that speaks to me personally are the hymns especially when the congregation sings acapella and I hear the harmony of what then to my ears sounds like "one voice" lifted in praise and worship and most of the time will move me to tears. My children and I still don't agree on style of music that moves our spirits, but I am blessed that both of my children and their spouses have grown in their maturity and faith and actively serve in the "body" of believers where they attend. I understand completely and "hear" your desire to return to what gives you comfort, I would be dishonest if I didn't say I would want the same, change has not been easy. I have desired for many years to see a "blend", to stand alongside my fellow believers respecting each other in what moves them to worship and praise through different styles of music. For myself I realize that to embrace the new reality of which I am apart in this very very crazy world is I personally need to listen to the small still voice and to be obedient in how God leads me. Church isn't about "me" but about the "whole" body of which I am just a "part". I wish I could "fix" all the hurts people have been feeling, I have wept many times over losing so many friends my husband and I have served alongside for many years but who have felt God leading them elsewhere. And I also trust those God has put in leadership at NLC and the "call" on their lives to follow HIs lead. Have they done it perfectly? Have they fallen short at times? My answer would be "yes" because perfection isn't in our human nature and we are "messy" and we mess up, at least I do. The disciples were taken way out of their comfort zone, and had to come along side of one another even though they disagreed and argued at times and obviously didn't always see eye to eye and get along. They certainly questioned Jesus as to why they were going certain places, I know I would have been. It is scary, it is uncomfortable. As a fellow believer I hope you will not just "see" what you personally desire and what you feel you "lost", but will "see" the good things and where God is moving this particular "body" of believers, through the grab and go meals, faith and finance, life skills class etc. I don't disagree with your desire to return to what I too enjoy "hearing/singing" as a style of music but I also know one day we ALL will be singing a "NEW" song in Heaven. What I know has to be truth is we will being singing together with ONE voice praising and worshiping the KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS and not having division over the style in which we sing it.

- August 5th, 2021 at 11:00am

Thank you Cindy. It was great to see and hear the work of God in your son, Uriah's, life last Sunday when he preached at NLC. Praise the Lord! My kids have challenged me in my faith, too, and I'm grateful. Just when we thought God was using us to shape their faith, God uses them to transform us!

- August 5th, 2021 at 10:56am

Hi Cheri. Thanks for sharing your heart. You and I haven't talked about these things, but I am always open to listening. You ask "why" in regards to prioritizing young people. Dinuba is a young community--27 years old on average, and so we must take this mission field seriously. I'm confident that the Holy Spirit can empower those of us who have been following Jesus for decades to share his heart and join in the work of this harvest.

- August 5th, 2021 at 11:00am

Thank you Cindy. It was great to see and hear the work of God in your son, Uriah's, life last Sunday when he preached at NLC. Praise the Lord! My kids have challenged me in my faith, too, and I'm grateful. Just when we thought God was using us to shape their faith, God uses them to transform us!

Cindy Donaldson - July 29th, 2021 at 9:28pm

Hi Cheri, I don't know if I fall under the description of "old" at 63, but older than some and younger than others :-) . My husband and I have been attending/members of DMBC/NLC for over 30 years. Our children grew up in this church but have since moved on to other churches to which they were lead a number of years ago. Music has always been a point of division in this world sadly because we allow it to be. I think of how parents felt when the style of "rock and roll" hit the radio. Many years ago when DMBC decided to go to 2 services, one being "traditional" and the other "contemporary" my then tween and teenager desired to attend the "contemporary" . We live in Reedley and our children didn't drive, but we desired for our children to "want" to attend church and if that meant going to the "contemporary" service as opposed to the "traditional" which had the choir, organ etc than that is what we decided as parents to do. The music that speaks to me personally are the hymns especially when the congregation sings acapella and I hear the harmony of what then to my ears sounds like "one voice" lifted in praise and worship and most of the time will move me to tears. My children and I still don't agree on style of music that moves our spirits, but I am blessed that both of my children and their spouses have grown in their maturity and faith and actively serve in the "body" of believers where they attend. I understand completely and "hear" your desire to return to what gives you comfort, I would be dishonest if I didn't say I would want the same, change has not been easy. I have desired for many years to see a "blend", to stand alongside my fellow believers respecting each other in what moves them to worship and praise through different styles of music. For myself I realize that to embrace the new reality of which I am apart in this very very crazy world is I personally need to listen to the small still voice and to be obedient in how God leads me. Church isn't about "me" but about the "whole" body of which I am just a "part". I wish I could "fix" all the hurts people have been feeling, I have wept many times over losing so many friends my husband and I have served alongside for many years but who have felt God leading them elsewhere. And I also trust those God has put in leadership at NLC and the "call" on their lives to follow HIs lead. Have they done it perfectly? Have they fallen short at times? My answer would be "yes" because perfection isn't in our human nature and we are "messy" and we mess up, at least I do. The disciples were taken way out of their comfort zone, and had to come along side of one another even though they disagreed and argued at times and obviously didn't always see eye to eye and get along. They certainly questioned Jesus as to why they were going certain places, I know I would have been. It is scary, it is uncomfortable. As a fellow believer I hope you will not just "see" what you personally desire and what you feel you "lost", but will "see" the good things and where God is moving this particular "body" of believers, through the grab and go meals, faith and finance, life skills class etc. I don't disagree with your desire to return to what I too enjoy "hearing/singing" as a style of music but I also know one day we ALL will be singing a "NEW" song in Heaven. What I know has to be truth is we will being singing together with ONE voice praising and worshiping the KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS and not having division over the style in which we sing it.

- August 5th, 2021 at 11:00am

Thank you Cindy. It was great to see and hear the work of God in your son, Uriah's, life last Sunday when he preached at NLC. Praise the Lord! My kids have challenged me in my faith, too, and I'm grateful. Just when we thought God was using us to shape their faith, God uses them to transform us!

- August 5th, 2021 at 11:08am

Thank you for your prayers, Ina. I recall the supportive word you gave me earlier this summer after church on Sunday, and I have no doubt you love the body of Christ in whatever form and wherever it gathers to praise his name. I'm sad that you and Roger are not going to be part of the regular life of NLC going forward, but I know you'll be serving the Lord where you, as you've done with MDS. I would enjoy talking with you sometime if you'd like.

- August 5th, 2021 at 11:00am

Thank you Cindy. It was great to see and hear the work of God in your son, Uriah's, life last Sunday when he preached at NLC. Praise the Lord! My kids have challenged me in my faith, too, and I'm grateful. Just when we thought God was using us to shape their faith, God uses them to transform us!

Cindy Donaldson - July 29th, 2021 at 9:28pm

Hi Cheri, I don't know if I fall under the description of "old" at 63, but older than some and younger than others :-) . My husband and I have been attending/members of DMBC/NLC for over 30 years. Our children grew up in this church but have since moved on to other churches to which they were lead a number of years ago. Music has always been a point of division in this world sadly because we allow it to be. I think of how parents felt when the style of "rock and roll" hit the radio. Many years ago when DMBC decided to go to 2 services, one being "traditional" and the other "contemporary" my then tween and teenager desired to attend the "contemporary" . We live in Reedley and our children didn't drive, but we desired for our children to "want" to attend church and if that meant going to the "contemporary" service as opposed to the "traditional" which had the choir, organ etc than that is what we decided as parents to do. The music that speaks to me personally are the hymns especially when the congregation sings acapella and I hear the harmony of what then to my ears sounds like "one voice" lifted in praise and worship and most of the time will move me to tears. My children and I still don't agree on style of music that moves our spirits, but I am blessed that both of my children and their spouses have grown in their maturity and faith and actively serve in the "body" of believers where they attend. I understand completely and "hear" your desire to return to what gives you comfort, I would be dishonest if I didn't say I would want the same, change has not been easy. I have desired for many years to see a "blend", to stand alongside my fellow believers respecting each other in what moves them to worship and praise through different styles of music. For myself I realize that to embrace the new reality of which I am apart in this very very crazy world is I personally need to listen to the small still voice and to be obedient in how God leads me. Church isn't about "me" but about the "whole" body of which I am just a "part". I wish I could "fix" all the hurts people have been feeling, I have wept many times over losing so many friends my husband and I have served alongside for many years but who have felt God leading them elsewhere. And I also trust those God has put in leadership at NLC and the "call" on their lives to follow HIs lead. Have they done it perfectly? Have they fallen short at times? My answer would be "yes" because perfection isn't in our human nature and we are "messy" and we mess up, at least I do. The disciples were taken way out of their comfort zone, and had to come along side of one another even though they disagreed and argued at times and obviously didn't always see eye to eye and get along. They certainly questioned Jesus as to why they were going certain places, I know I would have been. It is scary, it is uncomfortable. As a fellow believer I hope you will not just "see" what you personally desire and what you feel you "lost", but will "see" the good things and where God is moving this particular "body" of believers, through the grab and go meals, faith and finance, life skills class etc. I don't disagree with your desire to return to what I too enjoy "hearing/singing" as a style of music but I also know one day we ALL will be singing a "NEW" song in Heaven. What I know has to be truth is we will being singing together with ONE voice praising and worshiping the KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS and not having division over the style in which we sing it.

- August 5th, 2021 at 11:00am

Thank you Cindy. It was great to see and hear the work of God in your son, Uriah's, life last Sunday when he preached at NLC. Praise the Lord! My kids have challenged me in my faith, too, and I'm grateful. Just when we thought God was using us to shape their faith, God uses them to transform us!

Ina Heinrichs - July 31st, 2021 at 2:30pm

We also are not attending NLC since everything has changed from the DMBC that I have personally loved for almost 75 years. My family came in the 1930s, and though we haven't been there the whole time, my parents, brother and sisters and I have always considered DMBC our home church. Music has been a huge part of the tradition of the church. I sang in children's choir, youth choir, and was so excited when I was a junior in high school and was allowed to sing in the adult choir. So the music that is now the focus of the NLC worship service is very upsetting to me. However, if it was only the music we may have stuck it out. The focus of the church has changed so much that we no longer feel that it meets our needs. So much has been made of the "rich white church on the corner." What this implies is that all the people were rich, and white who attended this church. My father was a tractor driver, my mother worked in the packing shed and cannery to help make ends meet. We were not rich, but those who knew and loved our family knew that if something needed to be done or if a sacrifice could be made to give more than our tithes to help out our church and its people, the Bergens were the first on whom to call. Those rich white people have supported, built, nourished and loved our wonderful people and facilities and met the needs of thousands of people over the years. They were the friendliest, most loving, supportive people I have ever had the privilege to know. They were above all God-fearing people who gave and gave and gave some more. The new NLC is choosing to meet the needs of the community, and that is what we are supposed to do, but it has forgotten or doesn't care to meet the needs of those who have faithfully served for so many years. We have cried, prayed, petitioned and sought counsel on how we can continue to serve and worship at NLC. In each instance we have come away with the peace that it is time for us to leave the fellowship that we loved for so long. We realize that no church is perfect, and we are not looking for that church. Our desire is to serve as God calls us or prompts us, and we feel that is no longer possible at NLC. We are not taking the easy way out, this decision is one of the hardest we've ever made. I am not angry about the direction the church is going, but I am very disheartened and disappointed that more compromise has not been sought to meet the needs of those who have been there for so long and are now leaving. We pray that NLC will prosper; too much sweat, tears, giving and love has gone into building this fellowship of believers for it to close its doors now. God bless you all!

- August 5th, 2021 at 11:00am

Thank you Cindy. It was great to see and hear the work of God in your son, Uriah's, life last Sunday when he preached at NLC. Praise the Lord! My kids have challenged me in my faith, too, and I'm grateful. Just when we thought God was using us to shape their faith, God uses them to transform us!

Cindy Donaldson - July 29th, 2021 at 9:28pm

Hi Cheri, I don't know if I fall under the description of "old" at 63, but older than some and younger than others :-) . My husband and I have been attending/members of DMBC/NLC for over 30 years. Our children grew up in this church but have since moved on to other churches to which they were lead a number of years ago. Music has always been a point of division in this world sadly because we allow it to be. I think of how parents felt when the style of "rock and roll" hit the radio. Many years ago when DMBC decided to go to 2 services, one being "traditional" and the other "contemporary" my then tween and teenager desired to attend the "contemporary" . We live in Reedley and our children didn't drive, but we desired for our children to "want" to attend church and if that meant going to the "contemporary" service as opposed to the "traditional" which had the choir, organ etc than that is what we decided as parents to do. The music that speaks to me personally are the hymns especially when the congregation sings acapella and I hear the harmony of what then to my ears sounds like "one voice" lifted in praise and worship and most of the time will move me to tears. My children and I still don't agree on style of music that moves our spirits, but I am blessed that both of my children and their spouses have grown in their maturity and faith and actively serve in the "body" of believers where they attend. I understand completely and "hear" your desire to return to what gives you comfort, I would be dishonest if I didn't say I would want the same, change has not been easy. I have desired for many years to see a "blend", to stand alongside my fellow believers respecting each other in what moves them to worship and praise through different styles of music. For myself I realize that to embrace the new reality of which I am apart in this very very crazy world is I personally need to listen to the small still voice and to be obedient in how God leads me. Church isn't about "me" but about the "whole" body of which I am just a "part". I wish I could "fix" all the hurts people have been feeling, I have wept many times over losing so many friends my husband and I have served alongside for many years but who have felt God leading them elsewhere. And I also trust those God has put in leadership at NLC and the "call" on their lives to follow HIs lead. Have they done it perfectly? Have they fallen short at times? My answer would be "yes" because perfection isn't in our human nature and we are "messy" and we mess up, at least I do. The disciples were taken way out of their comfort zone, and had to come along side of one another even though they disagreed and argued at times and obviously didn't always see eye to eye and get along. They certainly questioned Jesus as to why they were going certain places, I know I would have been. It is scary, it is uncomfortable. As a fellow believer I hope you will not just "see" what you personally desire and what you feel you "lost", but will "see" the good things and where God is moving this particular "body" of believers, through the grab and go meals, faith and finance, life skills class etc. I don't disagree with your desire to return to what I too enjoy "hearing/singing" as a style of music but I also know one day we ALL will be singing a "NEW" song in Heaven. What I know has to be truth is we will being singing together with ONE voice praising and worshiping the KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS and not having division over the style in which we sing it.

- August 5th, 2021 at 11:00am

Thank you Cindy. It was great to see and hear the work of God in your son, Uriah's, life last Sunday when he preached at NLC. Praise the Lord! My kids have challenged me in my faith, too, and I'm grateful. Just when we thought God was using us to shape their faith, God uses them to transform us!

- August 5th, 2021 at 11:08am

Thank you for your prayers, Ina. I recall the supportive word you gave me earlier this summer after church on Sunday, and I have no doubt you love the body of Christ in whatever form and wherever it gathers to praise his name. I'm sad that you and Roger are not going to be part of the regular life of NLC going forward, but I know you'll be serving the Lord where you, as you've done with MDS. I would enjoy talking with you sometime if you'd like.

- August 5th, 2021 at 11:00am

Thank you Cindy. It was great to see and hear the work of God in your son, Uriah's, life last Sunday when he preached at NLC. Praise the Lord! My kids have challenged me in my faith, too, and I'm grateful. Just when we thought God was using us to shape their faith, God uses them to transform us!

Cindy Donaldson - July 29th, 2021 at 9:28pm

Hi Cheri, I don't know if I fall under the description of "old" at 63, but older than some and younger than others :-) . My husband and I have been attending/members of DMBC/NLC for over 30 years. Our children grew up in this church but have since moved on to other churches to which they were lead a number of years ago. Music has always been a point of division in this world sadly because we allow it to be. I think of how parents felt when the style of "rock and roll" hit the radio. Many years ago when DMBC decided to go to 2 services, one being "traditional" and the other "contemporary" my then tween and teenager desired to attend the "contemporary" . We live in Reedley and our children didn't drive, but we desired for our children to "want" to attend church and if that meant going to the "contemporary" service as opposed to the "traditional" which had the choir, organ etc than that is what we decided as parents to do. The music that speaks to me personally are the hymns especially when the congregation sings acapella and I hear the harmony of what then to my ears sounds like "one voice" lifted in praise and worship and most of the time will move me to tears. My children and I still don't agree on style of music that moves our spirits, but I am blessed that both of my children and their spouses have grown in their maturity and faith and actively serve in the "body" of believers where they attend. I understand completely and "hear" your desire to return to what gives you comfort, I would be dishonest if I didn't say I would want the same, change has not been easy. I have desired for many years to see a "blend", to stand alongside my fellow believers respecting each other in what moves them to worship and praise through different styles of music. For myself I realize that to embrace the new reality of which I am apart in this very very crazy world is I personally need to listen to the small still voice and to be obedient in how God leads me. Church isn't about "me" but about the "whole" body of which I am just a "part". I wish I could "fix" all the hurts people have been feeling, I have wept many times over losing so many friends my husband and I have served alongside for many years but who have felt God leading them elsewhere. And I also trust those God has put in leadership at NLC and the "call" on their lives to follow HIs lead. Have they done it perfectly? Have they fallen short at times? My answer would be "yes" because perfection isn't in our human nature and we are "messy" and we mess up, at least I do. The disciples were taken way out of their comfort zone, and had to come along side of one another even though they disagreed and argued at times and obviously didn't always see eye to eye and get along. They certainly questioned Jesus as to why they were going certain places, I know I would have been. It is scary, it is uncomfortable. As a fellow believer I hope you will not just "see" what you personally desire and what you feel you "lost", but will "see" the good things and where God is moving this particular "body" of believers, through the grab and go meals, faith and finance, life skills class etc. I don't disagree with your desire to return to what I too enjoy "hearing/singing" as a style of music but I also know one day we ALL will be singing a "NEW" song in Heaven. What I know has to be truth is we will being singing together with ONE voice praising and worshiping the KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS and not having division over the style in which we sing it.

- August 5th, 2021 at 11:00am

Thank you Cindy. It was great to see and hear the work of God in your son, Uriah's, life last Sunday when he preached at NLC. Praise the Lord! My kids have challenged me in my faith, too, and I'm grateful. Just when we thought God was using us to shape their faith, God uses them to transform us!




