News & Views February 24 2022

February 24, 2022
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him,
rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as  you were taught,
and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:6-7
Life Lesson Classes for Adults
8:30 - PSALM 119 video series with Matt Chandler - Ron & Judy Brown leading - Room 111
8:30 - Clase de Estudio Bíblico en Español - Docente: Ruth Serrato - Room 113
8:45 - WELCOME Class: James - Leroy Bumbaca & Laurie Isaac teaching - Rooms 114-115
Connecting Point
9:30 A.M. - Dining Room
10:00 A.M. -  Family Center Gym/Online - Pastor Mark preaching
Step it Up! - 5- Moses - Read ahead: Exodus 3-4
NLC Kids
10:00 A.M. - Rooms 101,103

Grab & Go Meal
Serving from 11:00 a.m. (or enjoy it in the Dining Room after church)

NLC Voted Dinuba's Non-Profit of the Year!

Top photo: A group from New Life Community was present at the Dinuba Chamber of Commerce’s awards banquet to receive NLC’s award. Left to right (front row): Heathe Jones (also President of Dinuba Chamber of Commerce), Nori Naylor, Ann Isaac, Margaret Penner, Mae Ewert; (second row): Joe & Sonya Morgan, Cece & Leo Olea, Norma & Ron Froese, Steve Bryan, Brian Willems, Jean & Chuck Boldwyn; (back row): Bruce & Laurel Smith, Mike Naylor, Mark & Laurie Isaac, Stan Isaac
Bottom photo: Pastor Mark and Cece Olea hold two of the five awards and proclamations received from the Dinuba Chamber of Commerce, City of Dinuba, Tulare County, and the State of California Assembly (Devon Mathis' office) and Senate (Melissa Hurtado's office).

Sabbatical Plans

One of the tools New Life Community has for pastoral renewal toward longevity and vitality in ministry is a sabbatical. Our church’s policy is to grant the lead pastor either one, two, or three months of sabbatical after either three, four, or five years in ministry, respectively. At the end of June this year, Pastor Mark will have served as our Lead Pastor for four years. He submitted a proposal to the Trustees for a two-month sabbatical to be taken this summer. That proposal was evaluated by the Trustees with input from the Stewardship Team and the Elders, and was approved last month by the Trustees.

Pastor Mark’s purpose for the sabbatical is to prepare for increased Gospel witness and impact in leading New Life Community to completion of its vision plan in 2024. His goals include seeking spiritual refreshment, engaging in personal evangelism, and gaining fresh biblical insight and global perspective. He’ll be spending time on the mission field with missionaries, on location in places in the New Testament, learning from church planters, studying and journaling, praying, worshiping, and resting as a couple and also on his own with the Lord. As part of the agreement, Pastor Mark intends to return to NLC to guide the church to the completion of its vision plan over the next 2-3 years and to increase the spread of the Gospel in Dinuba and the surrounding area.

So what are Mark and Laurie’s plans? They leave July 1st for a 10-day tour of Turkey and the Greek island of Patmos where the apostle John wrote the book of Revelation. During their time in Turkey they will visit the seven churches addressed in Revelation 2-3 as part of a Christian university class. Included in the tour are the cities of Ephesus and Colossae, linked to the Bible books of Ephesians and Colossians.

On July 10th they will fly to Tanzania to join Mark’s cousin who has been a missionary to Muslims there for over 30 years. They’ll visit the remote villages where the ministry is happening and learn to know the collaborative ministry partners in Kilwa Masoka. They may also go on a safari and visit the resort island of Zanzibar, also known for its role in the trafficking of enslaved people over the centuries. During the month of August, Pastor Mark has plans to visit some significant Mennonite Brethren church plants in California, Arizona, and Utah, to hike, rest, read, and journal in preparation for returning to ministry on September 1st.

What will happen at NLC during Mark’s absence? The staff will continue to carry out their important roles in Sunday morning leadership, worship, children and youth ministry, VBS, and community ministries. Arrangements are being made for a part-time pastor to support the care ministries of the church, conduct funerals if needed, and support the staff. Guest preachers will focus on equipping the church for the very work Pastor Mark is returning to lead. 

This sabbatical is not meant to be a pause to our church’s vision and ministry, but a welcome deep breath to restore from a time of intense challenges and to renew for our next steps forward in ministry. Pastor Mark is covering all costs as part of his sabbatical expenses while the church will continue to cover his salary and any stipends for pastor(s) who fill in during his absence. Want to know more? Feel free to ask Pastor Mark or any of the Trustees or Elders. 
  • Praise the Lord for Steve Sandoval joining the NLC staff as Youth Ministry Leader this week! Pray for him as meets with Jr. High and High School students, and pulls a team together at NLC. Beth Applegate is already gathering middle school students on Sunday mornings.
  • James Velandria and Monica Garcia were recovered enough from their car accident to be in church last Sunday. They even went prayerwalking! Continue to pray for their full recovery.
  • Continue to lift those with ongoing health issues to the Lord: Glen & Peggy Zimmerman, Carol Enns, Ruth Serrato, Kathy Dougherty, JR Southard, Lois Brittel, Brian Smith, Galen Wiest, and two family members–Ron Brown’s sister Bonnie and Kelly Friesen’s sister-in-law, Dana.
  • Dennis & Carol Enns’ brother-in-law, Erwin Bartel passed away last week. Pray for wife, Winnie.
  • Jackie Elkin's father suffered a massive stroke in Arkansas this week. He is unresponsive. Please pray for him, Jackie and the family. He is raising two grandchildren, ages 10 and 12.
  • Pete Dougherty’s father, Don, passed away this week. Pray for him and Kathy, their girls who have also suffered loss recently, and their entire family.
  • Pray for those currently in skilled nursing: Olga Brandt, Chris Holmen (on hospice), Annie Enns, Vicky Barkman, and Rosella Isaak. Marilyn Chappell is facing some very serious medical issues. Pray for her and husband Terry.
  • Remember Chinoh Aquino in USAF training in Texas, and wife Jessica and the family here. 
  • Several people from NLC are planning trips to Africa this spring and summer. Pray for their plans, preparations, and safety in accomplishing God’s purposes there:
    • Tom Regier is preparing to go to Uganda to repair a badly damaged plane for Missionary Aviation Fellowship. Pray that the many details come together and that God provides all that is needed to accomplish this daunting challenge.
    • John Ervin will be in Uganda to record video for our mission agency, Multiply.
    • Pastor Mark & Laurie will be in Tanzania in July, visiting a missionary family who is reaching Muslims through African Inland Missions. They will also be in Turkey touring the seven churches of Revelation and Patmos island where Apostle John wrote Revelation.
  • 39 children were at Jefferson’s Good News Clubs this week. Pray for a more consistent space to use in the school.
  • Nelly Lopez led two members of her extended family to Christ last week on the phone! Pray they will grow in their new faith.
  • Russia has invaded Ukraine. Pray for peace there, the end to such aggression, and the protection of people and families. Pray that Vladimir Putin will yield himself to Jesus Christ. Pray for our sister Mennonite Brethren churches and missionaries there.
  • Our Celebrate Recovery leadership team visits another church’s ministry this week (24th). Pray they are encouraged and come away with new insights to offer others when we begin in Dinuba.
Pastor Steve and Anatalia "Nat" Sandoval
Steve is NLC's new Youth Ministries Leader

Our Giving

Received Last Week (2/20):...........$4,970
Received this year to date:..….$209,657
Budget to Date: …………...…......$212,985
Budget Goal: …………..…............$443,008
Needed Weekly: ……….…..…......…$8,643

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