News & Views March 17 2022

March 17, 2022

What shall I return to the Lord for all his goodness to me?
I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord.
I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people.
Psalm 116:12-14

Life Lesson Classes for Adults
8:30 - PSALM 119 video series with Matt Chandler - Ron & Judy Brown leading - Room 111
8:45 - WELCOME Class: James - Leroy Bumbaca teaching - Rooms 114-115

 Connecting Point
9:30 A.M. - Dining Room
Save waste and water by bringing your own coffee cup/travel mug to church!

Worship and New Member Testimonies
10:00 A.M. -  Family Center Gym/Online
John Warkentin to share about his upcoming mission trip to Uganda.
Testimonies from: Beth Applegate, Grace Castillo, Mary Fenske, and Steve & Anatalia Sandoval.

Testimonies from Lily Alvarado, Monica Garcia (baptism), Eric Parra (baptism), Veronica Silva Stalis, James Velandria, and Brian Willems (baptism)

NLC Kids
10:00 A.M. - Rooms 101,103

Ministry Faire was a Success!

At least 135 people including children attended worship and the ministry faire last Sunday! The weather was perfect for the BBQ potluck lunch on the patio, too. It was exciting to see so many people engaging with each other about stepping it up in ministry. Whenever someone signed up they received a ticket for a prize drawing. What fun!

With 25 children attending NLC Kids on Sunday and more families with children arriving each week it was especially encouraging to see people engaging with the kids at the faire. NLC Kids ministry leader, Jessica Aquino, is focusing on our upcoming Easter week VBS, IGNITE THE FLAME!, April 14-17. If you'd like to serve, please contact her at We need more people willing to love and lead our little ones to Jesus! Please find a way to help.

Members of Broken Chains motorcycle ministry got a lot of attention at their table, too, right alongside our new Celebrate Recovery ministry rolling out soon. Pray for Broken Chains as they minister this weekend in southern California. They'll be back on the 27th when several will be joining NLC and being baptized.

Laurie tells me that more than a dozen people signed up for a new Sunday morning Pray & Go class starting on April 3rd. Nori Naylor and Laurie will teach about prayer and the class will actually go out on Sunday mornings to prayerwalk the neighborhoods of Dinuba as part of our broader Pray & Go ministry. Our goal as NLC is to pray over every home in Dinuba, no matter how long it takes!

In an ironic twist, no display table was set up for our Homeless ministry! Whether it was our oversight or God's way of bringing this need to our special attention, Mike Naylor represented our ministry to the homeless by walking around the Dining Room and Gym engaging people in conversation about ways to pray for and meet the needs of people in Dinuba who do not have housing. Way to go, Mike! The Dinuba Community Task Force is meeting March 17th at 638 W Kern St in Dinuba to walk through a property the County is planning to purchase to help meet the need of those in Dinuba without housing. We'll be there! If you'd like to be part of the team that takes meals to local homeless people on our Grab & Go Sundays, please call Mike.

Many of the ministries are starting up in April, including new Sunday morning and evening classes and weeknight Life Groups. Several people signed up to join the new Life Groups that are forming. If you missed the sign-up table, please contact Pastor Mark at or call the church office. We'll be forming groups over the next couple of weeks and can add you in! Life Groups meet in homes every other week to learn to know each other and grow in faith together. If you've been in a Life Group before, now's the time to get in on the new groups forming.

Cece Olea deserves a big THANK YOU! for organizing the event and, together with Joe Ehoff, for getting it set up for all the ministry leaders to display their materials and sign-up sheets.  Also, a big THANK YOU! to the men who prepped the meat on Saturday and grilled on Sunday! The Dining Room still has the scent of that amazing BBQ smoke that drifted in! And of course, thank you to all the ministry leaders who set up their displays and encouraged us to step it up, and to all of you who brought side dishes and desserts to the potluck. Thank you all!

BIG Events Coming to NLC!

  • Bobby & Suzy Stucky were in a single-vehicle motorcycle accident this week. She is healing from a knee injury and Bobby from some scrapes. He is also experiencing some effects of a concussion. Please pray for their full recovery.
  • Remember Jackie Elkins whose father, Charlie, passed away in Missouri. Pray for others who have recently experienced loss: Cece Olea and family, Dennis Enns and family, and most recently Pete Dougherty and family.
  • Pray for Joyce Braun as she heals from a hairline fracture on a leg bone.
  • Continue to lift those with ongoing health issues to the Lord: Glen & Peggy Zimmerman, Carol Enns, Ruth Serrato, Kathy Dougherty, JR Southard, Lois Brittel, Brian Smith, Galen Wiest, Al Salazar, and two family members–Ron Brown’s sister Bonnie and Kelly Friesen’s sister-in-law, Dana.
  • Pray for those currently under healthcare: Olga Brandt, Chris Holmen, Annie Enns, Vicky Barkman, Marilyn Chappell, Rosella Isaak, and Luella Unruh and Alice White.
  • Remember Chinoh Aquino in USAF training in Texas, and wife Jessica and the family here. 
  • Johnny & Denise Esposito have plans to be back in the States from their time in Southeast Asia. Continue to pray for their ministry to pastors, church leaders, and believers there.
  • Pray for John Warkentin, Tom Regier, and Pastor Mark & Laurie heading to Africa for work, ministry, and Gospel perspective. John will be sharing about his upcoming trip on Sunday, March 20th, and Tom will be sharing about his upcoming trip on April 10th.
  • Continue to pray for peace in Ukraine.
  • Several people at NLC are looking for work. Pray they can get interviews and be hired.
  • A woman and her children came by the church this week asking for help with housing. They are not alone. Another young mother told Pastor Mark this week that she may be on the streets soon with her children and is looking for housing. Please pray for these families and for the Lord to guide our city in providing more affordable housing. Praise the Lord for Open Gate's transitional housing shelter!
  • Pray for our new members as they share their testimonies and some are baptized over the next two weeks. 
  • Pray for more adult team members to serve the children in NLC Kids. Ask God how he might want to use you.

Our Giving

Received Last Week (3/13):...........$6,639
Received this year to date: .….$229,608
Budget to Date: …………...…......$238,543
Budget Goal: …………..…............$443,008
Needed Weekly: ……….…..…......…$8,892

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