NLC News June 22 2022

  • Video: “The Real Heaven” - Room 111 - Ron/Judy Brown, Chris Reimche teaching
9:30 a.m. CONNECTING POINT (Dining Room) and Connecting Point for Kids (Rm 101)
10 a.m.  WORSHIP; NLC Kids & The Crew (Jr/Sr High)
  • Celebrate Recovery worship service with NLC Celebrate Recovery Ministry Leader, Brian Willems, presenting the Recovery Lesson: “Denial”
11:00 a.m. GRAB & GO MEALS
5:30 p.m. - LIFELINE Young Adult Growth Group
  • GRIEFSHARE - NLC Community Room
  • FAITH & FINANCES - NLC Room 114-115
6:00 a.m. Men's Bible study - Dining Room
6:00 p.m. - Worship Team rehearsal - Gym
6:30 p.m. - Prayer Gathering - Room 113
5:30 p.m. CELEBRATE RECOVERY - Dining Room, Gym, classrooms
Pastor Mark and Laurie leave for Turkey and the beginning of his sabbatical
Communion Service with District Minister Jordan Ringhofer leading
Guest Speaker: Carlos Huerta from FPU’s Center for Community Transformation

Come on out!

Get the kids signed up...and help out!

Pray continually

  • We praise the Lord along with the Sorbers that the young woman, Emily, received a liver! Pray she accepts it well.
  • COVID, flu, and allergies have hit NLC people and families recently. Thank the Lord for his healing!
  • Continue praying for those with cancer and other long-term illnesses: Glen & Peggy Zimmerman, JR Southard, Brian Smith, Galen Wiest, Kelly’s sister in law Dana, and Ron’s sister in law Bonnie. Bonnie was hit with hard news about upcoming rounds of chemotherapy.
  • Continue to pray for those receiving nursing or memory care: Olga Brandt, Chris Holmen, Vicky Barkman, Marilyn Chappell, Bob Martin, Rosella Isaak, and Alice White. Doris Siebert will be moving into assisted living at Sierra View this coming week. Thank the Lord for this provision.
  • Pray for Mike Naylor and others delivering Grab & Go meals this Sunday to people in Dinuba who are currently without housing. Give thanks for our local shelter and partner, Open Gate Ministries.
  • NLC’s Celebrate Recovery is hosting its grand opening Thursday. Pray for the team as they meet new people and walk alongside those who are recovering from hurts, habits, and hangups.
  • Pray for the Healing Rooms of Dinuba, a ministry led by Nori Naylor. Ask God to direct people who are hurting to receive this special ministry of prayer, healing, and encouragement.
  • Pray for peace in Ukraine, and in other places of conflict around the world. 
  • Pray for John & Jenn Johnstone, Multiply workers in Canada. Pray for their ministry to build bridges between First Nations people and the Church, and for healing in light of the discovery of unmarked graves on residential school land.
  • Pray for the NLC staff (click for page of photos)

Give as God has given to you

Received Last Week (6/19) ….......$5,492
Received this year to date: .….$309,072
Budget to Date: …………...….....$357,814
Budget Goal: …………..…...........$.443,008
Needed Weekly: ……….….........…$13,394
From Pastor Mark:
The Tuesday (early) morning men's Bible study started a new series featuring Francis Chan. It's called "Jesus' Farewell Message" and taken from John chapters 13-17. I've been preaching from those chapters lately and found there was far more than I could have ever shared in a Sunday morning message. I'm grateful the men are taking the extra time to dive into those words of Jesus for more of what he has for us.
The first session of the series was profound. It dealt with Jesus washing the disciples' feet--even Judas' feet. The love of God present through Jesus was far greater than any treachery Judas was cooking up in his heart. And as Jesus gave the bread and juice to his disciples as a symbol of his body and blood, they could hardly understand the significance of what it would mean for them. Jesus "loved them to the end". And he loves you like that, too.
My heart also felt some of the sense of "farewell" in Jesus' message, not because I'm leaving for heaven, but because I'm won't be with you as the NLC family for the next two months. The reality of Jesus' presence with you and me is greatly encouraging to me. He will continue to give you his love and lead you in his love to others while I'm gone. And we'll rejoin each other in his same love and service when I return. I trust God with you because of Jesus.
Please take some time to watch the session below. The men were encouraged last Tuesday morning. I know you will be, too.


Don & Joyce Braun - June 22nd, 2022 at 10:19pm

We will miss your weekly Newsletter and thought provoking comments, but understand why. We pray that the Lord will give you and Laurie a much-needed renewal in Spirit, mind and body. We will pray for you daily.

Ron Froese - June 22nd, 2022 at 11:53pm

Amen, Don!

Mark Isaac - June 23rd, 2022 at 11:46pm

Thank you both so much!

Ron Froese - June 22nd, 2022 at 11:53pm

Amen, Don!




