NLC News October 6 2022


NLC Celebrate Recovery's German Sausage booth at Reedley Fiesta - Pioneer Park, Reedley

  • NEW Video series on "ROMANS" in Room 111
9:30 a.m. CONNECTING POINT (Dining Room) and Connecting Point for Kids (Rm 101)
10 a.m.  WORSHIP - NLC Kids & The Crew (Jr/Sr High)
  • Pastor Mark preaching - You Belong Here! series on Ephesians - (Ephesians 2:1-10)
5:30 p.m.  LIFELINE Young Adult Growth Group

6:00 a.m. MEN'S BIBLE STUDY - 10 Commandments - Dining Room

2:10 p.m. GOOD NEWS CLUB - Jefferson Elementary
6:30 p.m. PRAYER GATHERING - Room 113

After school GOOD NEWS CLUB - Monson-Sultana School
5:30 p.m. CELEBRATE RECOVERY - Join us for DINNER - Dining room
6:30 p.m. CELEBRATE RECOVERY - Worship / Teaching / Small Groups

  • Video series on "ROMANS" in Room 111
9:30 a.m. CONNECTING POINT (Dining Room) and Connecting Point for Kids (Rm 101)
10 a.m.  WORSHIP - NLC Kids & The Crew (Jr/Sr High)
  • Pastor Mark preaching - You Belong Here! series on Ephesians - (Ephesians 2:11-22)
5:30 p.m.  LIFELINE Young Adult Growth Group

Stay after church this Sunday and help plan this year's
Family Fun Night!

Take the lead on a selfie booth, the welcome tent, or games.
Help out by hosting a trunk, serving food, or making cotton candy.
Come early to set up, or stay late to clean up.
There's lots to plan and lots to do!

NLC's new budget is  approved

Received Last Week (10/02).......$5,976
Benevolence Fund.............................$70
Received to Date........................$43,447
Budget to Date…....................... $40,534
Budget Goal .............................$421,553
Needed Weekly...…......................$8,107
  • Pray for Ron Thiessen. His wife, Edith, a long-time member of NLC, passed away Tuesday night after years with cancer. Edith recently retired from Fresno Pacific University where she blessed so many faculty, staff, and students in the School of Education.
  • Mary Fenske's nephew, who she helped raise, passed away recently from a heart attack.
  • Mike Naylor received a positive diagnosis for prostate cancer last week. Pray for his healing.
  • Continue to pray that the paralysis in Eugene Enns' face will soon be healed and gone.
  • Marjorie Elrich was not able to leave skilled nursing two weeks ago and needs prayer as she continues to recover and gain strength after surgery and a long hospitalization.
  • Remember others who need healing and strength: Glen & Peggy Zimmerman, JR Southard, Marilyn Chappell, Chris Holmen, and Kathy Dougherty. 
  • Praise the Lord for his miraculous healing in Ruth Serrato's lungs! They are normal again.
  • Keep praying for the children who have accepted Jesus through our ministries here at church and at Good News Club at Jefferson Elementary. The club at Monson-Sultana started this week. Several older children at NLC are interested in following the Lord in baptism!
  • Pray for people's relationships and marriages.
  • Thank the Lord for our NLC Deacons who serve so faithfully: Stan & Ann Isaac, Nelly Lopez, Don & Janet Warkentin, and Ken & Martha Sawatzky. 
  • Pablo & Maricela Chavez and their boys, Isaac, Joshua, and Samuel are leaving for Peru with Multiply on November 7th. We'll have another opportunity to pray over them on Oct. 16th.
  • John & Geri continue travelling to supporting churches as they near retirement from Multiply. Before they speak at NLC on November 20th they will be in Germany where they first started as missionaries in 1974, and then in Turkey for a meeting of missionaries.

Swing by and get some
German sausage sandwiches!

Get your tickets to Open Gate's 48th Anniversary Dinner & Auction

Come to a night of worship
for the whole family

Celebrate Gleanings for the Hungry's
40th Anniversary Festival

Seat-switching Sunday

Next Sunday, October 16th, I will be preaching from Ephesians 2:11-22. It's one of the clearest passages on God's heart for bringing all people together into one family in Christ. Historically the church in America has not followed God's heart in this way. Sunday morning worship services in our nation are still more segregated by ethnicity, politics, and social/economic differences than at any other time of the week.

Not so at New Life Community! We have envisioned ourselves as a diverse family of faith that is continuously transformed by Jesus Christ in order to authentically love God, each other, and our community. It's not easy, but like me, you're probably discovering just how wonderful it is!

Still, it goes against our human nature to connect with people who are different from us. The old saying, "Birds of a feather flock together" is so ingrained in us that a person might think that's the way God meant relationships to be. But we'd be so wrong to think so! Jesus left heaven to live with us, love us, die for us, and rise to give us the hope of eternal life. Jesus called together 12 disciples who, though they were all Jews, were very different from each other in their backgrounds, education, politics, and prejudices. Jesus brought men and women together as his followers, entrusting the Good News of his resurrection to women first to the rest. Jesus brought children into his adult circle of disciples, and he praised the faith of Gentiles like a Roman centurion and a Syrophoenician woman. He brought tax collectors and prostitutes together with religious leaders.

How have you grown in your own perception of and commitment to relationships with people of different backgrounds, ethnicity, education, and social/economic status? How has Jesus transformed the way you think and act toward people who are different than you? Is your love increasing and becoming more authentic? Are you recognizing word and actions that are hurtful and need to be reconciled? Are you reaching out, learning new names, and inviting others to share their life stories with you?

During worship on Sunday, October 16th, I am going to invite you (insist, really) to move from your regular seat in worship to sit with someone you don't know well or at all, particularly someone of a different ethnic background or age. It'll be a seat-switching Sunday! You'll want to pray that God will lead you to do more than sit with them on one Sunday. You'll want to pray that God will move your heart toward others in the same way his heart moved toward you. 

1 Comment

Mary Fenske - October 10th, 2022 at 10:20pm

Pastor Mark I 🙏 pray for your Aunt to be healed and may God keep his Angels over her and make her whole again in the migthy name of JESUS Amen. Hello First Lady I have a special Bithday 🎁 gift for you on 10/20/22 I love you and the Pastor very much, see you Sunday 10/16/22. May God Bless you forever keep up the good work serving the Lord everyday, you always lift my spirit when I see you two together Amen.




